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Everything posted by Flammable

  1. Flammable

    Send Video

    I am buying this for sure. Any performance issues that can expect, or it's all good... I still can't imagine that we can have videos in-game. Maybe in the future, we will have more cool stuff related to video playing.
  2. Flammable

    Send Video

    Can I see a video to better understand how the plugins work? I am willing to buy but want to get a preview. If understood right the concept - play video files in-game. This is 10/10 and Facepunch should have this released as a Multimedia DLC after the Voice Props one where you can put TVs and shit and enter video from a link like the radio stations.
  3. Flammable

    Range Finder

    Also, it's inaccurate; you may need to re-center your dot detection. When test with default dot it shows a little difference.
  4. Flammable


    Sorry for the late reply. I didn't see any notifications about this thread. You need to install ExtraGatherBonuses from uMod and when you add it with my configuration that's included in the download, you will be able to get those ingrediends.
  5. Flammable

    Range Finder

    Can I disable your added dot? I see two dots. Facepunch added a dot for the binoculars in-game or idk. I do not have other dot plugins but I see this.
  6. This is also spammed in the console logs NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.CRaidController.SendToAllPlayerControllers (System.String key, System.Int32 style, System.Object[] args) [0x00029] in <cae8beb341604872be1f33074c28adf7>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CRaidController+MainController.NotifyPlayers () [0x00278] in <cae8beb341604872be1f33074c28adf7>:0 at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x00109] in <bf0cc173224042aaa31284ce8366e3b0>:0 at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <bf0cc173224042aaa31284ce8366e3b0>:0 Ideas?
  7. When it's not a raid time I do not see the UI. When reload the plugin UI appears and then disappears instantly. Any Ideas?
  8. Hello, Can someone make a couple of changes in one basic plugin? Please reply if you can, I can tip of course
  9. Flammable

    Heli Signals

    My version is 1.1.1 Looks like the glitch with the chrome version happened for me. I will see if I can download the last version from another browser. Then I will see if issie is fixed or nope.
  10. Flammable

    Heli Signals

    HUGE ISSUE! @ZEODE My players reported that there were stacked 4 helies that do not despawn (still try to figure iut how this happened and if it's related with Heli Signals) When you destroy a vanilla called heli (spawned from the game or via command - heli.call, heli.calltome, etc) the heli crates are not lootable (can't open them) Supply heli crates can be opened. I unloaded helisignals and can loot the vanilla heli crates after that.
  11. How to make the Locker stay after server/map wipe? Am I stupid or this is not a thing. Tried the option in the config and my locker was wiped every time I do reconnect to the server. But I want to keep it forever (unless deleted manyally in oxide/data) Possible?
  12. Flammable

    Team Marker

    We need a hotfix for the latest update. 93 TeamMarker - Failed to compile: TeamMarker.cs(114,17): error CS0117: `ProtoBuf.MapNote' does not contain a definition for `duration'
  13. Flammable

    Hit Damage

    This plugin looks great. I am willing to purchase it for my server but I need to know first if the damage numbers can be disabled by typing a command (ex. /damage or /hit or etc.) Not every player on my server like this and my old current hit marker plugin can be toggled per user.
  14. Flammable


    Thanks for the reply. I hate to do this (asking stuff for others) but sometimes I have to type "support tickets/questions" for not owned plugins because the Person who bought it does not understand English well in this case or they are lazy to ask whatever I tell them to type. In the end, I am the guy who edits the config, so... : ( I will try to move the value for the sleepers merged with the Online/Slots panel and free this problematic panel only for the currency value...
  15. Flammable


    The currency panel overlays with the sleepers. Can you fix this so both can be used at the same time? Right now, only one can be toggled ON if you want to have it properly working and be readable.
  16. Found this one that works good but it might need to request extra few websites added.
  17. Hello, Is there any way to keep track of plugin updates more easily (RCON tool or a server oxide plugin) that does not involve installing 10 separate plugins or subscriptions like RustAdminOnline's impressive feature, which small servers without profit can't afford to pay monthly? Not sure if anything changed and if there's a universal plugin but before there were plugins for each website. uMod plugin checker, chaos... plugin checker, codefling plugin checker, rust**** space another one and you install 5 plugins to follow updates from each website. (sorry if mentioned a lot exact websites will censor them if needed)
  18. Wow, I didn't know this existed. I will try this convar. Looks dope and, at the same time vanilla way to do it. I like it if works.
  19. I would like to know if a small and simple plugin can be made to allow players to wear Frankenstein parts as NPCs from assigned kits can have. Also as a bonus, wear bone armor with shoes and gloves and all other impossible things.
  20. Yeah, that's an excellent addition for v4. Still, if you know what you are doing, Items.json would be easy to edit. The problem is that it doesn't matter if it's in the JSON or a visual panel when you have to edit with personalized sell and buy prices for 200/300/500 items, it's time-consuming. But for sure, it will be way easier to navigate in the web editor.
  21. Flammable

    Skin Button

    There are three buttons for Skin and Save. Tested each of them, but it's like one skin set per locker. Can this be made to have three skin sets separately?
  22. How to hide the sickle on the back of Frankenstein? I want to get rid of this sickle staying on the back when another weapon is equipped. I already found how to edit the plugin and add/replace other melee weapons and add baseball bat mace skin or combatknife, etc.
  23. Maybe this is not intended to be added but please consider furnace-type Electric. I want to allow my players to use it because does not consume wood. Possible?


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