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Everything posted by Laminin

  1. Laminin

    Shop UI

    HumanNPC shops require a permission to be granted when "» Require permission to open Shop": true, is set to true, but there's no where to put a permission in their config. I've tried adding their items as a category and then grant the permission for that category but it's still the same thing.
  2. Laminin

    Skill Tree

    It should look something like this, where the console command is the left option and the right option is a chat message: "List of rewards the player receives based on level": { "1": { "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": { "o.grant user {id} permission": "You've gained a permission!", "o.grant user {id} permission2": null }, "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [ "o.revoke user {id} permission", "o.revoke user {id} permission2" ] }, "5": { "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": { "o.grant user {id} cooking.level5": null, "deposit {id} 100": "You have received $100 and free boxes for leveling! Use /box to open them!", "givecase {id} 1 1": null }, "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [ "o.revoke user {id} cooking.level5" ] } } The number represents the level.
  3. Yeah, that made the map usable while a notification is active. Thanks again.
  4. Will do when I'm home from work, thank you very much! Yup worked perfect. Thank you for this plugin, honestly made my notifications so much cleaner.
  5. Not sure if you're aware of this or not, but while a notification is active in the top right the map becomes unusable. You can zoom in and out but are unable to actually move it no matter where you're clicking and dragging. Sucks when you're using the notification system for something like skill tree and you're getting a ton of crafting refunds as the stream of notifications is pretty constant.
  6. Laminin

    Power Modifier

    I wanted to tie each electrical item to a separate skill, ie skill for med battery, separate skill for large, another skill for windmill etc. Can't do that unless the permissions overwrite with the highest value or the items are separated into their own permission.
  7. Laminin

    Power Modifier

    Ah okay, that won't work with my plan to integrate it into skill tree then. Thank you for clarifying.
  8. Laminin

    Trading Platform

    Safe to assume this doesn't work with custom items based on others comments? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. Laminin

    Skill Tree

    Only thing that would effect it is Epic Loot or Gather Manager from umod. I'll poke around and to see what's actually happening. Thank you though! Edit: you're correct it's working properly.
  10. Laminin

    Power Modifier

    Quick question before purchase, would player permissions take the highest value if a player were to have multiple permissions? Example: "Player Permissions": { "powermodifier.large1": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 250, "Overrides target speed for Wind Mills (Default is 0)": 0.0, "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Solar Panels (Default is 20)": 20, "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Test Gens (Default is 8)": 8, "Large Battery Settings": { "MaxOutput": 110, "Efficiency": 0.8, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 1440000 }, "Medium Battery Settings": { "MaxOutput": 50, "Efficiency": 0.8, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 540000 }, "Small Battery Settings": { "MaxOutput": 10, "Efficiency": 0.8, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 9000 }, "Fuel Generator Settings": { "StackSize": 1000, "OutputEnergy": 35, "FuelPerSec": 1.0 }, "Tesla Coil Trap Settings": { "SetHealth": 250.0, "PowerToDamageRatio": 2.0, "DischargeTickRate": 0.25, "MaxDischargeSelfDamageSeconds": 120.0, "MaxDamageOutput": 35.0, "PowerForHeavyShorting": 10 }, "Electrical Heater Settings": { "FadeDuration": 1.0, "HeatAmount": 5.0 } } }, "Player Permissions": { "powermodifier.med1": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 250, "Overrides target speed for Wind Mills (Default is 0)": 0.0, "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Solar Panels (Default is 20)": 20, "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Test Gens (Default is 8)": 8, "Large Battery Settings": { "MaxOutput": 100, "Efficiency": 0.8, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 1440000 }, "Medium Battery Settings": { "MaxOutput": 60, "Efficiency": 0.8, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 540000 }, "Small Battery Settings": { "MaxOutput": 10, "Efficiency": 0.8, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 9000 }, "Fuel Generator Settings": { "StackSize": 1000, "OutputEnergy": 35, "FuelPerSec": 1.0 }, "Tesla Coil Trap Settings": { "SetHealth": 250.0, "PowerToDamageRatio": 2.0, "DischargeTickRate": 0.25, "MaxDischargeSelfDamageSeconds": 120.0, "MaxDamageOutput": 35.0, "PowerForHeavyShorting": 10 }, "Electrical Heater Settings": { "FadeDuration": 1.0, "HeatAmount": 5.0 } } } Would a player with both powermodifier.med1 and powermodifier.large1 gain the the large battery output of 110 and medium battery output of 60?
  11. Laminin

    Skill Tree

    Hey I know you're busy but players reporting that the instant gathering for mining and skinning aren't working properly. The node will instantly get mined/skinned but they won't receive the full resources for what's left of the node. Also any way to add a daily limit to the amount of XP gained from building? Kind of like how the rested XP works but resets at a set interval before being able to gain building XP again. Enabling building XP isn't recommended in it's current form as it's abusable with stability enabled.
  12. Laminin

    Boss Monster

    Any chance of adding team cooldowns after killing a boss to prevent the team from killing every boss in quick succession? I thought PVE Mode would handle that but I was mistaken apparently.
  13. Laminin

    Ultimate RCON

    This, and the option to disable the steam/BM links on global chat messages relayed to discord. If it had these it'd completely replace RustCord but as it is now I'm just using both... lol
  14. Laminin


    Just future feature suggestions for your consideration: The ability to mix and match base set stats, I believe this was suggested before and you mentioned it'd require a plugin rewrite. If possible maybe just add each base stat as it's own set bonus? Not sure if possible. Increased HP set bonus, again not sure if possible Increased XP for skill tree set bonus would be nice Increased explosive damage set bonus for raidable bases Scavenger's Luck, much like miner/woodcutter/fishing but on loot/barrel kill Small Bug with raidable bases happens when it tries to add epicloot items into boxes, sometimes it'll spawn some of them, other times it errors immediately and doesn't spawn any for that base. Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.EpicLoot+<OnRaidableBaseStarted>c__AnonStorey14.<>m__0 () [0x000fb] in <7ac54d2a7f2249cf9272057aa63e4a02>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0
  15. Laminin

    Npc Random Raids

    I understand this already, betternpc's are just heavy scientists skinned. I've created a monument tier system in which some monuments npcs are easier than others, but they're all essentially heavy scientists. My problem is if I set heavys to only spawn easy and medium raids then theres really no way to trigger a hard+ raid. And if I set heavies to spawn any raid then you get some dude with a bow defending against a nightmare raid. If each raid tier had a permission then I could assign it to the player upon level up with skill tree.
  16. Laminin

    Npc Random Raids

    This really needs permissions for each raid type. Having a new player in a 2x2 with no turrets set up get hit with a hard raid is pretty disheartening for the player.
  17. Laminin

    Better Npc

    Any chance of getting per npc skill tree xp much like economics? At the moment skill tree has all npcs give the same amount of XP, but I think on a per npc basis would be more beneficial.
  18. Laminin


    Ah okay, I'm pretty sure it's when the medic's set user heals themselves with bandage/syringe and it tries to apply the heal to other team mates around them. As using the set/healing while solo in medics set doesn't create the error. Not sure if that helps but it's what I've figured out so far. Thanks for this plugin, once it's fully configured players really love min/maxing this stuff.
  19. Been using the umod plugin since November and the error started happening only this wipe. Tried asking what players were putting into the recycler but it was just normal things. I know a new team on my server has been cycling players so it might be caused by team members changing?
  20. Laminin


    The following gets spammed in console and lags the server when someone's using medic's set in a team: Failed to call hook 'OnPlayerHealthChange' on plugin 'EpicLoot v1.1.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.EpicLoot.OnPlayerHealthChange (BasePlayer player, System.Single oldValue, System.Single newValue) [0x000df] in <4a3562c584134af88f771b7cf3e843e7>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.EpicLoot.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x02ad0] in <4a3562c584134af88f771b7cf3e843e7>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <09575a60985045248bcb43b20faeeb99>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0
  21. Started getting this in console today, no clue what it is: Failed to call hook 'CanLootEntity' on plugin 'PersonalRecycler v1.0.5' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.PersonalRecycler.CanLootEntity (BasePlayer player, StorageContainer container) [0x000c6] in <ec243bcf31544757a36b5dd10aba0d61>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PersonalRecycler.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x003eb] in <ec243bcf31544757a36b5dd10aba0d61>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <09575a60985045248bcb43b20faeeb99>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0 I am using loot protection from umod which also uses this hook a lot, not sure if they'd conflict or not.
  22. Huh, yeah that did it. Strange as I used those same coords on the last like 3 wipes and never noticed they didn't respawn lol. To test, I just turned on random position spawning and set the respawn timer to 60 seconds to see if they'd respawn, and sure enough they did. Went ahead and removed the default coordinates, then set custom coordinates for each NPC without putting any on the moving parts of the excavator and now they respawn correctly. Thank you for looking into this for me, was really scratching my head on this one!
  23. NPC's on Giant Excavator Pit won't respawn if their AI is active. Not sure if it's the map I'm using or what but when it hits the timer for their respawn, console just throws "NullReferenceException" and nothing else. If I vanish and their AI isn't active because no player is around, they'll respawn normally with no error. I thought at first it was a position/navmesh issue, but I swapped in the default configuration for this monument and it still throws the same error with their AI active. This only happens on Giant Excavator, all other monuments, including custom ones, respawn normally with no error.
  24. Laminin

    Better Npc

    Thank you for the update, works perfect now. Much love. If anyone else is using Npc Random Raids with BetterNpc you have to add "RandomRaiders" to BetterNpc's config file.
  25. Laminin

    Better Npc

    Any chance of adding Npc Random Raids support? Currently, BetterNpc deletes Random Raid's npcs immediately after they're spawned. Unloading BetterNpc allows them to spawn correctly. It also seems quite random on where it will delete the npc's, This base will get the npc's deleted, but this one right next to it, in a river, works just fine. Tried it further/closer to monuments, next to cliffs/mountains, just seems random when they get deleted to be honest. And to be clear, they ARE spawning. BetterNpc is just deleting them immediately afterwards.


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