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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. yeah its weird it stopped on mine i might have to do some diffrent call for that to avoid it
  2. hmm the player gets killed by a turret ? ill have a look thx for the report
  3. no i didnt add the loottables on the corpses on purpose so players cannot abuse duping
  4. Fixed in v1.0.3 @Alter Egoand added your requests
  5. tested it just now spammed 20 bags (added the screenshot to the documentation) After bags are removed it has to look them up again ,they listed seperatly updating the count should not take long. Each bag has their own listed id (Thx steen for the tips) so serverload should be allot less stressfull. And yes i will add your requests to the cfg in next patch. Found a bugg with messaging
  6. using the permissions ? And noted on the prefixes and avatar ^^ ill check for the messaging worked fine on testphase
  7. BetterBeds has been added here on codefling. Enjoy
  8. Version 1.0.10


    Features : Set a maximum sleepingbag/bed limit per player with permissions Debug mode available through cfg settings Player commands for info/limitations Notifies the player he has reached the limit Support for sleepingbags/beachtowels (combined) Support for beds Settings for respawn cooldown Admin perm for bypass limits and cooldown ignore Set a Welcome message on sleeping bags and beds if placed Set Max rename to 1x and block others from renaming a sleepingbag/bed Sleepingbag + Beachtowel share settings (subject to change) Beds have their own settings Various messaging on placement (restricted/info/remaining or when reached the limit) Can refund true/false if reached the limit Commands : /bag info : Shows Plugin info + commands list /bag mylimit : Replies with the settings for your permission and how many placements you have left /bag check {playername or id} : list amounts and bag/bed id's in a list (admin) /bag teleport {bagid} : Teleports you to the bag/bed id (admin) /bag remove {bagid} : Removes the bagi/bed with that ID (admin) /bag purge {playername or id} : Removes all bags and beds from that player (admin) Permisions : betterbeds.restrictdefault : Gives the limitations to default rank/player betterbeds.restrictvip : Gives the limitations to vip rank/player betterbeds.renameblock : Blocks renaming of bag is not yours betterbeds.chat : Grants chat command usage betterbeds.admin : Sets bypass for admins or assigned player betterbeds.nocd : Grants no cd on respawning on sleepingbags/beds betterbeds.denypickup : Blocks picking up any placed sleepingbags/beds Configuration : { "Settings Plugin": { "Debug": false, "Chat Steam64ID": 0, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=yellow>Better Beds</color>] " }, "Settings Global": { "Bag cooldown": 30.0, "Bed cooldown": 20.0, "Only 1x rename per placement": false, "NO bed/sleepingbag cooldown": false }, "Settings Bags": { "Refund Sleepingbags": true, "Max placements Default": 5, "Max placements Vip": 10 }, "Settings Beds": { "Refund Beds": true, "Max placements Default": 1, "Max placements Vip": 3 } } Language file : { "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "BagText": "Welcome to our server", "Version": "Version : V", "LimitBags": "You have been limited to {0} sleeping bag(s)", "LimitBeds": "You have been limited to {0} bed(s)", "MaxLimitDefault": "You have already placed the limit of {0} for a player", "MaxLimitVip": "You have already placed the limit of {0} for VIPs", "LimitHeader": "Your Restrictions and Placements:", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/bag info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InfoMyLimit": "\n<color=green>/bag mylimit</color> : Lists your restriction heights and placements", "InventoryFull": "<color=red>You had no inventory space; no item was refunded!</color>", "InventoryNotFull": "<color=green>Your item has been refunded!</color>", "NoPermission": "<color=red>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>", "RenameBlock": "<color=red>Renaming is blocked on this server</color>", "RenameBlock2nd": "<color=red>Max 1 rename allowed on this server</color>", "BagsUsed": "You have placed {0}", "BagsLeft": "You have {0} placement(s) left", "RestrictedLimit": "You are restricted to placing only 1 sleeping bag and 1 bed.", "TargetPlayerMaxLimit": "The player {0} has reached their maximum number of beds/bags.", "BagCheckHeader": "Bag/Bed count for player {0}:", "BagCount": "Bags: {0}", "BedCount": "Beds: {0}", "PlayerNotFound": "Player {0} not found.", "InvalidInputCommand": "Invalid input. Please use '/bag check playerName'.", "InvalidBagID": "Invalid bag ID format. Please provide a valid ID.", "BagNotFound": "Bag with ID {0} not found.", "BagRemoved": "Bag with ID {0} has been removed.", "TeleportedToBag": "You have been teleported to the bag with ID {0}.", "PurgeSuccess": "All bags and beds for player {0} have been removed.", "PurgePlayerNotFound": "Player {0} not found. No bags were purged.", "BagIds": "Bag IDs: {0}", "BedIds": "Bed IDs: {0}" }
  9. betatesting a plugin for this and will upload it here as soon i have finished testing
  10. howto fix images : 1 unload ImageLibrary 2 Unload IQCraftSystem 3 delete ImageLibrary datafolder 4 Load Imagelibrary back 5 Load IQCraftSystem back in after imagelibrary has updated its new datafile. 6 let it load in (might require u to relog to show main item images) this is required to do for each wipe
  11. awsome community feeling right there
  12. occasionaly with the images u can delete the data from image library to generate new data then reload both plugins
    Awsome work on this teleporting plugin with extended functionality available for player and admin usage
  13. isnt this a edited version of ServerRewards or used as base?
  14. just use a diffent votesite
  15. Krungh Crow


    After a wipe images will not download. It resolves itself overtime after many restarts but its not always fixing itself leaving the black error icons
  16. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.0
  17. Can there be a option added to have a delay on the buttons showing for x seconds ?
  18. Changed Status from No Response to Work in Progress
  19. started making one no eta when its finished
  20. i been checking the passthrough part and it seems to be client side some items have a power consumption factor but most dont have them open for public or not added in the basecode public float passthroughItemConditionLossPerSec = 1f; Might do the trick but i am still testing it on my testserver. Thats a nope
  21. personaly i use bradley_crate in a loot plugin but it can be done
  22. runs fine on testserver. can reload the plugin as temp fix possibly


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