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About WalkingDead

Walking Dead will resurrect a player with a "Walker" using the player's name and outfit with the option to spawn it with a Flaming entrance and several other options.

Optional dependencies :

  •  Rust Kits

Not compatible with :

  • RestoreUponDeath (if assigned to restore clothing in this case fully) !!!!

Features :

  • Walkers spawning using a players Name and clothing
  • Spawns a Walker (scientist) after a player died/suicided
  • Hostile like a real walker even goes for sleepers and scientists and animals
  • It can resurrect "From Hell" with flaming spawn true/false.
  • Configurable Spawn amount
  • Configurable Spawn delay time
  • Configurable cooldowns on walker spawning to avoid suicide spam harvesting
  • Select to show gametip or chat messaging (or neither)
  • Configurable Health/Lifetime/Roam Range
  • Can use kits (only clothing) and can use a random kit if set multiple up
  • Compatible with NPCKits (NPCKits won't override the `Walkers` outfit)
  • Despawns the Walkers on plugin unload
  • Walkers will not spawn inside bases (on foundations)
  • Walkers will not spawn when suicided (cfg option) (Added in v1.1.4)
  • Backup your configs before plugin updates!
  • Zip file contains a scarecrow and scientist version (cfg can remain outside the kits that can be switched for melee or ranged weapons)
  • Test option to block spawning in 1 zone (will be extended in near future) (Added in V1.1.4)

Permissions :

No permissions

Commands :

/wdinfo : tells version/author/and a little backend story

Logfiles :

No logging yet.

Configuration : (new spawn system since v1.0.6!!!)

  1. Spawns the zombie as the player's clone
  2. If the player had no clothes on, it would use one of the kits assigned in configuration (random)
  3. if no kits assigned or the kits are having a mismatch (typo), it will spawn the zombie using the predefined zombieoutfit (mumysuit)

Example config below :

    "Settings Plugin": {
    "Debug": false
  "Settings Player": {
    "Suicide block": false,
    "Zone block": false,
    "Zone ID": 0
  "Zombie Settings": {
    "Zombie spawn delay (seconds)": 5,
    "Zombie spawn cooldown (seconds)": 300,
    "Zombie Show cooldown chat messages": true,
    "Zombie Show cooldown gametip messages": true,
    "Zombie Prefix Title": "Walker",
    "Zombie spawn amount": 1,
    "Zombie Health": 250,
    "Zombie spawn radius": 5,
    "Zombie Max Roam Distance": 20,
    "Zombie Damage multiplier": 0.6,
    "Zombie Lifetime (minutes)": 10.0,
    "Zombie Spawns on fire": false,
    "Zombie Kit ID": [
    "Zombie Show chat messages": true,
    "Zombie Show gametip messages": true
  "Zombie Targeting": {
    "Zombie Can target other npc": false,
    "Zombie Can target animals": false

Localization :

English language file included using a different language make a new file in the language folder.

  "Zombie_Spawn": "You died and resurrected a Walker!",
  "Prefix": "<color=green>Walking Dead : </color>",
  "info": "\nThe [Walking Dead] will resurrect players as Walkers\nThese are aggressive and attack anything on sight !!\nUsing their melee weapons they can and will go after you !!",
  "Cooldown": "You have a cooldown and didnt ressurect a walker!!"

Credits :

Chat icon design: @Horus for making me this

Coding assistance: @Steenamaroo thx bud

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