About GatherBonus
When gathering ore nodes ,picking up resource deposits ,cutting down trees or harvesting animal corpses u Can be rewarded with a random item.
Features :
Supports : Ore nodes/Trees/Driftwood/Cactus/Roadsigns/Animal corpses/Farming crops/Resource pickups
(incl the halloween lootpiles) - Chance for a rewarded item is random through cfg for each type
- Single item handout through lootprofile lists (item shortnames are used)
- No double handouts when collecting seeds or bonus hits on trees/nodes
- Option to disable the chat messages (this could get spammy)
- Easy setup and ideal for seasonal events like Halloween !
Permissions :
- gatherbonus.bonus : Ore Nodes
- gatherbonus.harvest : Crop harvesting
- gatherbonus.corpse : Animal corpses
- gatherbonus.pickup : Resource pickup
- gatherbonus.chat : To use the chat command
Commands :
- /gatherbonus : Displays plugin info and whatever is set through language file (info)
Configuration :
{ "Main config": { "Debug": false, "Use Chat messages": true, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=orange>Halloween</color>] : " }, "GatherBonus Profile": true, "Pickup Profile": true, "Harvest Profile": true, "Drop Chance on GatherBonus (0.0-1.0)": { "Cactus": 0.5, "Driftwood": 0.5, "Roadsigns": 0.5, "Tree": 0.8, "Metal Node": 0.5, "Stone Node": 0.5, "Sulfur Node": 0.5 }, "Drop Chance on Pickup (0.0-1.0)": { "Hemp": 0.05, "Wood": 0.05, "Stone": 0.05, "Sulfur": 0.05, "metal": 0.05, "Mushroom": 0.05, "Bones": 0.05, "Corn": 0.05, "Pumpkin": 0.05, "Potato": 0.05, "Berries": 0.05 }, "Drop Chance on Crops Harvest (0.0-1.0)": { "Hemp": 0.5, "Corn": 0.5, "Pumpkin": 0.5, "Potato": 0.5, "Berries": 0.5 }, "Drop Chance on Animal Corpse Harvest (0.0-1.0)": { "Bear": 0.5, "Boar": 0.5, "Chicken": 0.5, "Horse": 0.5, "Shark": 0.5, "Stag": 0.5, "Wolf": 0.5 }, "Reward Item setup": { "Items From Gathering (shortname)": [ "radiationresisttea", "healingtea", "maxhealthtea", "oretea", "scraptea", "woodtea", "halloween.mummysuit", "skull_fire_pit", "halloween.lootbag.small", "halloween.lootbag.medium", "halloween.lootbag.large", "halloween.surgeonsuit", "scarecrowhead", "spookyspeaker", "wall.graveyard.fence", "knife.butcher", "skullspikes.pumpkin", "coffin.storage", "pitchfork", "spiderweb", "gravestone", "cursedcauldron", "ghostsheet" ], "Items From Pickup (shortname)": [ "radiationresisttea", "healingtea", "maxhealthtea", "oretea", "scraptea", "woodtea", "halloween.mummysuit", "skull_fire_pit", "halloween.lootbag.small", "halloween.surgeonsuit", "spookyspeaker", "wall.graveyard.fence", "scarecrowhead", "knife.butcher", "skullspikes.pumpkin", "coffin.storage", "pitchfork", "spiderweb", "gravestone", "cursedcauldron", "ghostsheet" ], "Items From Harvesting Crops (shortname)": [ "radiationresisttea", "healingtea", "maxhealthtea", "oretea", "scraptea", "woodtea", "halloween.mummysuit", "skull_fire_pit", "halloween.lootbag.small", "halloween.lootbag.medium", "halloween.surgeonsuit", "spookyspeaker", "scarecrowhead", "wall.graveyard.fence", "knife.butcher", "skullspikes.pumpkin", "coffin.storage", "pitchfork", "spiderweb", "gravestone", "cursedcauldron", "ghostsheet" ], "Items From Harvesting Animal Corpses (shortname)": [ "radiationresisttea", "healingtea", "maxhealthtea", "oretea", "scraptea", "woodtea", "halloween.mummysuit", "skull_fire_pit", "halloween.lootbag.small", "halloween.lootbag.medium", "halloween.lootbag.large", "halloween.surgeonsuit", "spookyspeaker", "wall.graveyard.fence", "scarecrowhead", "knife.butcher", "skullspikes.pumpkin", "coffin.storage", "pitchfork", "spiderweb", "gravestone", "cursedcauldron", "ghostsheet" ] } }
Localisation :
English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder.
{ "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/gatherbonus info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use that command!", "ItemReward": "You found a <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> around a {1}", "ItemRewardPickup": "You picked up <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> and found a <color=#4A95CC>{1}</color>", "ItemRewardHarvest": "<color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> harvested and found a <color=#4A95CC>{1}</color>", "Version": "Version : V" }