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About Kick Player Names

Stops a player from entering your server if their name contains certain phrases.
And can log this to your Discord

Permissions :

  • kickplayernames.bypas : players with this perm bypass the filter

Configuration :
To use Discord functionallity the DiscordMessages Plugin is required to be installed.

  • Kick instantly true ( Kicks on first attempt with a English message).
  • Kick instantly : false (Kicks the player after logging ingame displaying a message in chat and gametip (with the notification in his own language).
  • Kick time after login : 30.0 ( after set time duration kicks the player  (with the notification in his own language) at the exit screen.


  "Discord Webhook": "Put your discord webhook here",
  "Discord log": true,
  "Discord Title": "Login detected with Name Phrase :",
  "Discord Embed color": 10181046,
  "Kick instantly": false,
  "Kick time after login": 30.0,
  "Blocked name Phrases": [
    "bandit camp",

Localization :

  • English , Dutch , French , German , Russian language files included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder.
  • Due to limitations in the login sequence the displayed message is always in English when using instant kicks (or to what language is used in the English language file).
  • When delayed kick is set and player has fully connected the players language is displayed (if a language file has been made) otherwise uses the English file.


  "KickMessage": "Sorry we dont allow the phrase [{0}] you are using in your name.You can rename yourself and you will be welcome to join our server again."


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