About RandomTipsPlus
Send Gametip messages on a timed interval to online players, and recieve queued Gametips.
- Simple configuration.
- Sends Gametip messages on a configurable timed interval and duration (seconds).
- Can use a permission to ignore a player to get the messages.
- API support for other plugins to use its simplified queue system.
- Support for SignArtist, NTeleportation , TownTeleport
- Vanilla messages are built in
- set gametip.server_event_tips to false in your servers setup to better use the vanilla event notifications
Permissions Exclude: Global Timed Random messages
- randomtipsplus.exclude : To exclude the player from getting the Random Global Gametips sent by this plugin.
Permissions Triggers: Assign these to make the players recieve messages on each function
- randomtipsplus.hackcrate : When starting to hack a Hackable crate.
- randomtipsplus.vehiclestart : When player starts a modular car
- randomtipsplus.substart : When player starts a solo or duo submarine.
- randomtipsplus.boatstart : When player starts a motorrowboat or a rhib
- randomtipsplus.tugboatstart : When player starts a tugboat
- randomtipsplus.minihelistart : When a player starts a minicopter
- randomtipsplus.scraphelistart : When player starts a scraphelicopter
- randomtipsplus.excavator : After player fuells the Excavator
- randomtipsplus.signartist : After player uploaded a image to a sign
- randomtipsplus.toolcupboard : When player places a Toolcupboard
- randomtipsplus.recycler : When player finishes recycling
- randomtipsplus.sleepingbag : When player placed a sleepingbag/bed/towel
Permissions NTeleportation :
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationhome : On using /home commands
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpa : On using /tpa command
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpat : On using /tpat command
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpb : On using /tpb command
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpc : On using /tpc command
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationtpr : On using /tpr command
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationtown : On using /town command
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationoutpost : On using /outpost command
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationbandit : On using /bandit command
- randomtipsplus.nteleportationisland : On using /island commands
Permissions TownTeleport :
- randomtipsplus.townteleportotp : On using /otp command
- randomtipsplus.townteleportbtp : On using /btp command
- randomtipsplus.townteleportttc : On using /ttc command
Configuration Main :
- Debugg : Is disabled by default but can be activated if needed
- Show Messages is set to false by default so it will not run the standard messages on plugin install.
- If you don't want to use a prefix, then you can leave it empty.
- Global Tip Duration : Lifetime of the Global random sent messages
- Warning tips (RED) have a max lifetime of 5 seconds
- Messages : have a 2 line size , (/n) and (<color=orange>[view webpage]</color>) can be used
- Text is always sent as UPPERCASE.
Configuration Vanilla :
- Only a true or false setting.
- Save Warning : Gives a warning each time the server saves to all players
- Messages can be changed in the language file
Configuration Event :
- Various settings on certain triggers
- Includes triggers on placing Bags and Toolcupboards
Configuration Teleports :
(Important) if not using this feature then leave both Use NTeleportation triggers & Use TownTeleport triggers
false so the plugin unsubscribes the hooks used for these (performance)
{ "Use Debug": false, "Show Messages": false, "Prefix": "[YourServer]", "Interval (seconds)": 600, "Global Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [ "Join our Discord ,Click <color=orange>[view webpage]</color> button.", "We run several cool Plugins !", "Grab one of our kits using /kit .", "<color=red>Color</color> code is supported" ], "Vanilla Events": { "Save Warning": false, "Attack Helicopter": false, "Airdrop": false, "Bradley": false, "Cargoship": false, "CH47": false, "Excavator": false, "Small oilrig": false, "Large oilrig": false, "Mining Quarry": false }, "Event Settings": { "Excavator fuelling": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Hack Lock": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Recycler panel close": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Bag placement": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Toolcupboard placement": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Vehicle Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Boat Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Submarine solo Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Submarine duo Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Tug Boat Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Mini Copter Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "Scrap Heli Start": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "SignArtist Paint finished": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] } }, "Use NTeleportation triggers": false, "Use TownTeleport triggers": false, "NTeleportation (/home)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpr)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpa)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpb)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpc)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/town)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/outpost)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/bandit)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/island)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "NTeleportation (/tpat)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "TownTeleport (/otp)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "TownTeleport (/btp)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] }, "TownTeleport (/ttc)": { "Use Profile": false, "Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [] } }
Localization :
English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder.
{ "AttackHeli": "The attack heli is patrolling the sky.", "Bradley": "A Bradley started roaming the roads.", "CargoPlane": "Airdrop inbound !", "CargoShip": "The Cargoship Has Entered the Waters.", "CH47": "A ch47 started its round.", "Excavator": "The Excavator just started digging !", "OilSmall": "Small Oilrig just came online !", "OilLarge": "Large Oilrig just came online !", "ServerSave": "Saving server entity's You might experience some lag !", "Quarry": "Someone started running a quarry!", "NotActive": "N/a Tell admin to check cfg" }