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Everything posted by jaybee3
Have an issue with the Raiding tree: All fine until you take the ultimate skill But when you log back in, two skills disappear - Skill points are still unavailable, but the respec cost has been adjusted. The skills don't reappear once you've respec'd either - until you log off and log back in. The tree is default with no perms associated with it. The only thing i can think of is these two skills in the config are underneath (in order) the ultimate? "Raiding": { "enabled": true, "Minimum level to unlock": 0, "Minimum points to unlock": 0, "Points required to unlock tier 2 nodes": 5, "Points required to unlock tier 3 nodes": 10, "Points required to unlock the ultimate": 25, "nodes": { "Trap Evader": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 1, "value_per_buff": 0.1, "buff_info": { "Key": "Trap_Damage_Reduction", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/lr88azap541gn7s/Trappingly%20Challenged.v1.png?dl=1", "skin": 2928072989, "permissions": null }, "Mine Sweeper": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 1, "value_per_buff": 0.1, "buff_info": { "Key": "Trap_Damage_Increase", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/j35nvrjiyg7wadl/Trap_Damage_Increase.v1.png?dl=1", "skin": 2928093322, "permissions": null }, "Blast Suit": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 2, "value_per_buff": 0.2, "buff_info": { "Key": "Personal_Explosive_Reduction", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/szg0pp5ow0fi11r/Personal_Explosive_Reduction.v1.png?dl=1", "skin": 2928111784, "permissions": null }, "Demolition": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.02, "buff_info": { "Key": "Double_Explosion_Chance", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/wk8xom6d7ab09jw/Double_Explosion_chance.v1.png?dl=1", "skin": 2928137975, "permissions": null }, "Pressed Explosive": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.1, "buff_info": { "Key": "Explosion_Radius", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/nk89h8chtl4svx1/Explosion_Radius.v1.png?dl=1", "skin": 2928169093, "permissions": null }, "Master Thief": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.02, "buff_info": { "Key": "Lock_Picker", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcuy6jo1q567p9b/Lock_Picker.png?dl=1", "skin": 2928793256, "permissions": null }, "Rain hellfire": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 1, "tier": 4, "value_per_buff": 1.0, "buff_info": { "Key": "Raiding_Ultimate", "Value": "IO" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/tfn326c3pnhyri4/Raiding_Ultimate.v1.png?dl=1", "skin": 2929679053, "permissions": null }, "Reliable Explosive": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 2, "value_per_buff": 0.2, "buff_info": { "Key": "Dudless_Explosive", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/rrxxt78hu2r0vb4/Dudless_Explosive.png?dl=1", "skin": 2930484526, "permissions": null }, "Perceptive": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.2, "buff_info": { "Key": "Trap_Spotter", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/as74z7rjlfiwy98/Druideskill_27_nobg.v1.png?dl=1", "skin": 3012262421, "permissions": null } } }
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- #monuments lock
- #lock monument
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Helicopter associated with Sputnik seems unkillable since May update (both versions) - you can kill both rotors but she still flies. When you reduce the HP of the body to 0, she enters her death animation, but immediately resurrects with full hp and starts flying close to or underground. Video of what happens here: Normal helicopters behave ok still. PVE Mode settings are false Heli config: ... "Helicopters are constantly in aggressive mode": false ... "Heli presets": [ { "Name": "heli_1", "HP": 20000.0, "HP of the main rotor": 1200.0, "HP of tail rotor": 750.0, "Numbers of crates": 3, "Flying height": 50.0, "Bullet speed": 200.0, "Bullet Damage": 12.0, "The distance to which the helicopter can move away from the sputnik": 100.0 } ],
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- #leveling
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Having a bit of trouble right now with a few of your plugins (EL, DN and STI. ST itself is fine). The times on them are increasing over time and seemingly causing rubberbanding on our server, which goes away when unloaded. When reloading the plugins this drops back down to nominal times, and the rubberbanding does go away, but within 15 mins they are at 30+ seconds again and it's back. While running previous versions (albeit STI has always been v1), we hadn't seen this, nor on previous wipes. Wondering if there's anything you know of that can help? As a workaround, we've added a timed event to reload the plugins once an hour (at 25, 26 and 27 past the hour), but the numbers quickly stack up. 08:01 08:15 08:25 - EL had been reloaded 10:20
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- #enhanced
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Awesome sauce! Does that wipe for player(s) via wipe/command? Also had the below when trying to implement the permissions on the ultimate skills. Had to shutdown and restart the server. Config of that node: , "Specialisations": { "enabled": true, "max_level": 1, "tier": 4, "value_per_buff": 1, "buff_info": { "Key": 69, "Value": 5 }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/kkge1vpuptc37z4/Stone_Sense.png?dl=1", "skin": 0, "permissions": { "description": "Unlock Specialisation Skill Trees", "perms": { "1": { "perms_list": { "skillTree.Mining2": "Skill Tree Unlocked: Mining Specialisation" } } } } }
- #leveling
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Hey, Any possiiblity of adding a new hook? Currently we're using this for a number of other plugins to reward players based on their participation. void OnJunkyardEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event Would it be possible to also have one that returns ALL the players and not just the winner, so we can reward or proportionally reward partcipants? Something like this? Interface.Oxide.CallHook("OnJunkyardEventParticipants", _playerBalances); void onJunkyardEventParticipants Dictionary<ulong, double> participants - called at the end of the event. where the participants is a dictionary of all the players Id's and their participation/econ rewards. We'd then be able to pull out the rate of participation in the event as a function of total econ/event rewards and reward other things accordingly? Could be used across multiple Event plugins.
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- #cargoplane
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Exactly this, we use the multipliers way way down some of the skill trees (in prestige trees that are unlocked base on level and/or max level in another tree). For most of our end game players, it's the first thing they spec to with every respec so they can reduce their costs for the rest of the wipe and, frankly they abuse it, by switching in and out of trees. So a progressively increasing cost would have them think a little more about it. If not Prestige or seperate currency, what about trees that have variable costs? So either use global, or you can setup individual node/tree costs? So you buy your way into another tree with skill points or it's unlocked when you get Achievement x via perm, but the costs of the items there are lets say 5 SP, instead of 1 that's used everywhere else. But they give bigger buffs/more game breaking functionality via perms? Let's say a skill with +50% NPC damage. I could achieve this with a new node with 5 levels and +10% per level. Equally, If I wanted to lock a perm behind it, I could just put the perm behind the 5th level of the node and have everything else give nothing. It's more for players to save up for a few levels/event rewards and invest in something big and have that degree of specialisation locked into their teams.
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Looks good, it actually seems to have resolved the bugs we were having with monuments not being locked/found. Just a couple of exceptions,. but these are groundbreaking for functionality: One thing we did notice was: The "This monument is already locked by xxx" message, would actually display the name of the player and not the one who had locked it. I think you'll need to read from your data file for who locked it and not the player who activated the hook. Similarly when a player unlocks a monument, it would display their grid ref and not the ref of the monument (think that needs to look up the data file too), and not the player position.
- #monuments lock
- #lock monument
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hey @imanewguy - it's been a while since my last bunch of suggestions and as our players now approach lvl 100 (on the ultra grindy settings) of the skill tree I was wondering if the following would be possible: A Prestige Skill Point (or separate "currency") that could be spent on a meta/overarching skill tree. e.g. Like roguelike games have progression within in the run, but they also have that long term progression on the side. Can multiple buffs be added per node? e.g. would be great on said tree to be able to have one node encompass a few harvesting skills, another to have a few combat based ones? The Kruptaj/Adem Event plugins (e.g. Junkyard Event), is there any chance the XP reward could be split by participant (as the plugins themselves do) rather than it going to the winner only? Skill tree loadouts - so that players can quickly respec into a saved spec, without having to go through the tree Increasing respec costs, rather than flat and with perm based discounts, have the cost gradually increase per use. e.g. first respec free, next 10, next 100...etc Then the counter resets with say wipe or a command.
- #leveling
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- #monuments lock
- #lock monument
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- #bradley
- #bradleyapc
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- #bradleyapc
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@ThePitereqAny chance we could get +% xp for Skill Tree or +% to drop Epic Loot from @imthenewguy's Skill Trees and Epic Loot integrated as available or guaranteed modifiers? It would certainly incentivise my players to risk it. The following may be a bit of a braindump, but you were asking about what other modifiers there could be: Was also thinking of more devilish modifiers like not just no wounded, but no bag on death. So they risk it all for enhanced loot gain. Could metabolism be worked in too? So it's not just +rads they'd need to deal with but also increased thirst/hunger Also is it possible to increase wild life spawn rate? Flat HP modifiers for enemies/wildlife/players? Rather than just damage resistance/bonuses? Could a BradleyAPC be a modifier? Might need to work in paths at the different monuments or static placement, but it certainly ups things a degree. ...or following on from above, a heli patrol. Are the monument radii set by the plugin also no build zones or do they just build at their own risk? Also posted same on your discord.
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- #mutations
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