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Everything posted by paxx

  1. paxx

    Death Modifier

    Love the plugin - couple suggestions: Cost increments should be static - if I leave and rejoin I reset. Option for daily reset would be nice - example: every day at 00:00 Corpse and empty bag removal once loot is transferred over- config option Blacklist items should be short names only or shortname + skin ids. Name became problematic for me, I use a backpack plugin that has a name (0/16) slots and that changes as loot is put into the backpack (0/16 becomes 1/16). This causes duplication Option for 1st X amount of revives free, then begin to increment
  2. paxx

    Quest System

    Great plug in - is it possible to place multiple quest giver NPCs? Same quest pool just different locations to obtain the quests. One is Outpost and one in bandit as an example. Thanks!
  3. paxx


    This is a good and professional mod. If you're into data and wrapping your arms around the different metrics of your server, this is for you. I've listed some pro's and con's so you can make an educated purchase. Pro's I've only had my hands on this thing for a handful of hours and I can already tell there are a ton of bells and whistles Reports on....everything as far as I can tell. if you can harvest, destroy, kill, create, or build - it's reportable SQL Support No issues with MariaDB and setup was a breeze Auto creates tables and handles the backend "stuff" DB data in written as an json string and that trims down the table size. Easy to intergrade into a website or a custom API Responsive dev Had a quick question that was promptly answered - THANK YOU! Price - premium plug in here and it shows. You get what you paid for. Cons: You can get lost in the weeds. As I stated above, everything is configurable. I used the default config while I mulled over what i want to display. CUI adjustments are via offsets in the config.json I'm good with the backend stuff but not the front end stuff and that means I need to adjust numbers, reload the plugin and see the results in game Language files needs as much TLC as the config.json Don't forget this file to customize your headers. Price - it's expensive and I chewed on making the purchases for a number of days. All in all I am happy with the purchase thus far! Awesome plugin!
  4. paxx

    Better Npc

    This was my sentiments as well, I don't need a tier 0 - 1 monument NPC at Oxum’s or random roamer dropping tier 3 monument loot. Why bother to farm Oil when I can just farm at the abandoned supermarket? i solved the issue by parsing out the json from Alpha loot and selecting option 1 only to realize the loot is not random. it picks a random number between 0 and 100 for loot chance, randomly between min and max, and then loops through the list until the number between min and max loot items is achieved. That means your loot list needs to be incredibly long with a large diversity of chance % or the loot becomes predictable. I solved by creating a round robin system where anything that is within the chance is randomly picked within the list up to the max number. It works well but now I need to manage the alpha loot json file and then manually copy and paste it into multiple monument configs. That's fine as a one time exercise but I like to tweak the loot tables adding season stuff and what not. Ultimately I decided on assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/tunneldweller/npc_tunneldweller.prefab for most of the low tier monuments for now. BetterNPC is a great plugin that handles the NPC's amazingly well. The loot portion is a shortcoming however.
  5. paxx

    Better Npc

    I've been trying to find the best solution for custom loot within BetterNPC as I think it's superior outside of loot control. It's tough. Alphaloot provides a powerful solution with the ability to control everything but the integration within BetterNPC seems to be lacking. I personally resorted to using the JSON extract out of Alphaloot, parsing the extract in a custom script, and then pasting json into the specific monument within the config. It works but the randomize/round robin loot when defining your own loot is really lacking within BetterNPC (it's not random). I had to rewrite the loot system when defining your own to get better results. That said, changing the prefab in the NpcSpawn dependency didn't even occur to me. I assume a change in NpcSpawn is universal and will impact all plugins depending on NpcSpawn?
  6. paxx

    Player Ranks

    Didn't read all the pages so not sure if this was discussed but as an FYI for those looking for DB support, this only works with MySQL or version 10.9 or less of MariaDB. For many MySQL and MariaDB are interchangeable with preference of MariaDB for performance. Newer version of MariaDB no longer support MySqlClient but rather MySqlConnector. - a DBNull error is thrown upon connection try. Unsure of how to import the proper DLL into rust/oxide currently (still learning the ropes of oxide/unity) MySQL docker-compose: version: "3" services: mysql: image: mysql container_name: mysql .... MariaDB: version: "3" services: mariadb: # image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb:latest #doens't work with MySQLClient, error of DBNull upon connect image: mariadb:10.9.8 #downgrade if you want to use mariaDB container_name: mariadb ....
  7. paxx

    Ultimate RCON+

    For you docker people.. 1.) mkdir rcon_discord_bot && cd rcon_discord_bot 2.) unzip file downloaded from here to your folder leaving the file structure in place (how it unzips should remain intact) 3.) edit the config files to your liking 4.) Create a Dockerfile and copy the below/save. nano Dockerfile ## START COPY #image w/ node FROM node:18.17-alpine #some needed files - may be able to trim this list RUN apk update && apk add --update --no-cache \ make \ g++ \ jpeg-dev \ cairo-dev \ giflib-dev \ pango-dev \ libtool \ autoconf \ automake \ py3-pip \ bash #working dir for app WORKDIR /app # Copy package.json and package-lock.json to the /app directory COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ # Install dependencies RUN npm install # Copy the rest of project files into this image COPY . . # start it CMD npm start ## END COPY 5.) docker build -t rcon_discord_bot . 6.) docker run -d rcon_discord_bot Test on two separate systems (one in the homelab and one on a VPS) , works well on both and should for you due to the nature of docker.
  8. paxx

    Bot Purge Event

    yeah it works with better NPC, i use both w/o issue
  9. paxx


    really interesting plugin! I like it! Couple suggestions: Return to hub should raise the drone to a high enough altitude prior to pathing. Drone seems to get stuck and fail if you're standing next to something like a wall or large cliff. If it climbs first to an appropriate altitude and then starts to path to the hub, it would have a better chance of finding its way back vs getting stuck on something Speed back to hub should be increased (1x - 3x) it takes forever for the drone to make it back to the hub on a large map. If you play on a large map you find yourself waiting/checking the map wondering if it will arrive safely The same return logic should be applied when calling the drone from the hub I'm not always going to leave my base with my drone but may decide i want it later. Speed should be increased until it his the max player distance threshold found in the config. The length of time it takes for the drone to arrive on a large map is very long. I resolved this somewhat by tweaking the distance/speed threshold in the config but still seems a but gimmicky possible bug: I'm finding the drone seems to just disappear sometimes when it I call it from the hub from a very long distance. The icon on the map shows it close to me but nowhere to be found. Reduce drone noise you may not be able to do anything about this but the standard drone noise is very loud, so loud that is drowns out all other game noises. I helped this by raising the height above player to 25 and expanding the turret attack range but feels like a Band-Aid fix. Vendor Not sure why by my vendor was replaced with a pookie and doesn't appear to work. For my use case it's not a big deal and I put the drones in the /shop but would be nice for the vendor options to be working. Overall a really neat and exciting plugin. Really looking forward to future updates and your continued development!
  10. Considering buying this as the built in bag functions will obviously be limited but want to ensure the continued develop after the fact. This will be supported going forward even with the addition of the official backpacks, correct? thanks!!
    Amazing plugin, your server needs this! Nothing is more tedious than upgrading a base manually (especially those giant PvE bases!) and this plugin alleviates that pain point. Clean interface, big large pictures that are easy to understand, and most importantly, time upgrades. Allows your server to breath and process the upgrades at a server admin defined pace (x seconds). . May not be important on a 2x2 but on a massive structure with a lot of people upgrading, spreading out the load is very helpful!
  11. paxx

    Daily Rewards

    Really well done plugin! Stuff like this are a dime a doze, daily rewards is certainly not a new concept. However, the details matter and in this plugin you get the details. The presentation is flawless. It looks clean, feels clean, and is clean. Very intuitive and customizable. I have purchased two or three of the devs plugins now and have yet to be disappointed. Worth the money to give your server something else!
  12. paxx

    Better Npc

    I wrote a simple python script to convert Alphaloot extracts to BetterNPC "own loot table" compatible json format and it seems to work well but the loot list is quite long. Can you confirm lengthy custom "own loot" json within the configs will not have a server impact? I don't think it will but want to confirm.
  13. paxx

    Better Npc

    Thanks, do all monuments/custom use the same prefab? How I can make loot better worse based on say a roamer vs something that would be considered harder at an actual monument? What about the actual heavy scientist that may spawn? Since we're editing the prefab, wont spawns outside of Better NPC be effected? Thanks again!
  14. paxx

    Better Npc

    can you please elaborate as to how to use Alphaloot? The instructions are unclear.
  15. paxx

    Better Backpacks

    I find this to be a very interesting approach to backpacks and I like the idea of wearing one or at least having one in your inventory to use it. The other run-of-the-mill backpacks work but lack this key feature and this adds a bit more - a bit more realism perhaps. The resource specific backpacks are really nice, letting you segregate stuff like medical, ammo, guns, or other stuff you need at the ready to only to your main inventory window while allowing the other loot to fall into the component/resource only inventory (backpack). A big QoL upgrade, IMO. Lastly, I had a minor issue with the configuration post wipe and the developer was responsive and assisted me almost immediately. Premium plugin, yes, but worth the money.
  16. There appears to be a conflict between Loottables and Vehicle Airdrop causing two supply drops to be queued vs one. https://lone.design/product/vehicle-airdrops/ a fix is around line 1,212 where you handle supply signals to return if the plugin exists but unsure of the wider impact of this.


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