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About Death Modifier

For a price $ players can auto revive right where they left off inventory an all! Included with unlimited permissions, blacklist system, container limits, currency support & more!


NOTE: This plugin as of 1.2.0 now supports carbon.

NOTE: Does not work while in vanish.

NOTE: Toggling god mode on while at death screen will break the plugin for you.



 * Black List & Black list chat command for ban / unban of items.
 * Permission support ( requires a perm to use ).
 * Specified Containers via perms.
 * Charge Economics & Economics debt or Server-Rewards RP.
 * Respawns player at same location they died at.
 * If you don't have a permission it doesn't apply to you.
 * Currency response msg to player if it fails.
 * Help/info command.
 * If multiple permissions assigned it will default to first one in the config list they have.
 * You can create as many permissions as you want simply copy / paste the examples in the config to make more & edit.
 * Toggle on/off modes for players.
 * Capable of saving everything, including backpacks etc.


Note: Running these commands bans & unbans everything in your whole inventory ( wear, belt, main )
/bl ban perm perm2 etc  ( Specify which perms are allowed to bypass the item ban ) Admin Perm Needed. ( deathmodifier.admin )
/bl unban               ( Removes all banned items in your inventory )             Admin Perm Needed. ( deathmodifier.admin )
/di  ( Shows the players what their current permission settings are in chat )

/dt  ( allows players to toggle off or on the auto revive system )
Note: This will reset to being on when you re-connect back to the server or reload the plugin or do a reboot.



  "Sets black-list command": ["dmbl", "bl"],
  "Sets help-info command": ["deathinfo", "di"],
  "Sets toggle command": ["deathtoggle", "dt"],
  "Permissions": {
    "vip": {
      "Resets Cost Increment after x seconds, 0 = disabled": 1800,
      "Sets Increment penalty for quick repeated use, 0 = disabled": 5.0,
      "Sets price, 0 = disabled": 15.0,
      "Sets default currency, 0 = disabled, 1 = Economics, 2 = ServerRewards": 1,
      "Seconds for how long after respawn until you can take damage, 0 = disabled": 0,
      "Sets allowed containers, Belt = 0 | Main = 1 | Wear = 2 | All = 3": [
    "basic": {
      "Resets Cost Increment after x seconds, 0 = disabled": 1800,
      "Sets Increment penalty for quick repeated use, 0 = disabled": 5.0,
      "Sets price, 0 = disabled": 15.0,
      "Sets default currency, 0 = disabled, 1 = Economics, 2 = ServerRewards": 0,
      "Seconds for how long after respawn until you can take damage, 0 = disabled": 0,
      "Sets allowed containers, Belt = 0 | Main = 1 | Wear = 2 | All = 3": [
  "Black Listed Items, use Commands to setup & update": {}

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