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About Discord Wipe Embed

Using Discords Webhooks it sends an embed to discord notifying users of server wipes.

* Different message support between FacePunch Forced wipes & Manually wiped

* Includes Automation

* Includes test console command

* Includes Embed Setting Options

* Coded for optimal performance


Now requires RustMaps.com API key!

Because they re-wrote the website forcing all users to sign in & make one, the day before wipe this month, lol.


* When you see " [Discord Wipe Embed] Waiting on rustmaps retrying in 60seconds." It means exactly what it says...

* It means it's waiting on the rust-maps website to generate the Image & will re-try posting the discord embed in 60 sec.



  "Sets Console Command": "sendwipe",
  "Disable Auto Send (Requires you to manually use console command to send embed message)": false,
  "ConnectionInfo": {
    "DiscordWebhookURL": "",
    "ServerName": "[US] -10X No BPs  [KITS/TP/PVP]",
    "RustServerIp": "",
    "DonationURL": "https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/darkcrow2nd",
    "EnableStaging": false,
    "EnableBarren": false,
    "RustMapsApiKey": ""
  "ForceWipe": {
    "AtEveryone": false,
    "AtRoleID": "",
    "EmbedHexColour": "#ffc348",
    "This will replace the Map Image if used": "",
    "This will generate the Custom Map Image if enabled": true
  "Manually": {
    "AtEveryone": false,
    "AtRoleID": "",
    "EmbedHexColour": "#ffc348",
    "This will replace the Map Image if used": "",
    "This will generate the Custom Map Image if enabled": true
  "Sets Server Commands to run after wipe": [ "o.reload GUIShop", ],
  "Do not touch.": {
    "WipedTime": "Monday, 27 February 2023 16:42",
    "LastWipe": "Monday, 27 February 2023 16:42"


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