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About Lootable Monument Shelfs

This plugin will seamlessly allow you to setup loot able shelf's for each monument with different monument loot tables!

Supports saving Notes with text, Custom Items with DisplayNames, skins, radio's, keys that have been made for specific locks, etc


How to use
load the plugin go to a monument you want to place shelf's in / around / on "within the monument bounds"

Give your self the permission lootablemonumentshelfs.admin

1 Look at the spot u want the shelf "wall, floor, etc" in F1 type spawn visual

You can use the Telekinesis plugin (free on umod) to help place shelfs as well to make it easier to fine tune placements!

2 Then while looking at the shelf type the chat command /shelf create

3 Then put a ton of items on yourself that you want to put in the loot table for that monument area
  Type the chat command /shelf setloot

4. You can also do /shelf addloot while in that monument area to add more loot to the loot in this monument area

5. repeat steps 1 & 2 until you setup however many you wish for that area and just do /shelf reload to finish!
   successfully placed, saved, and ready for use!



lootablemonumentshelfs.admin - Required to setup plugin


Chat Commands

spawn visual - F1 Command.

/shelf create -- while looking at the shelf to add to the data file for that monument.

/shelf setloot -- sets/resets the loot table for that monument area with whatever you have in your inventory. ( On You )

/shelf addloot - if you are within the monument bounds of the monument you wish to add more loot to put more items on you & run

/shelf remove -- removes the current shelf you are looking at from the data file & world.

/shelf reload -- reloads the shelfs after making modifications to the loot or adding new shelfs to the data file.

/shelf <create|setloot|addloot|remove|reload>


Alpha Loot is not compatible with this plugin because it tries to modify the loot tables improperly.



  "Syntax": "Usage: /shelf create | setloot | addloot | remove ",
  "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to perform this action.",
  "NoValidEntity": "Make sure to be looking at a valid entity.",
  "EntityCreated": "Shelf was created at {0}.",
  "EntityRemoved": "Shelf was removed at {0}.",
  "InvalidShelfEntity": "Not a shelf entity.",
  "InvalidBounds": "You are near a monument but not within the bounds.",
  "UpdatedLootTable": "Successfully updated loot table."


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