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Scrap Copter Taxi 1.3.2

$20.00 $12.99
   (1 review)

5 Screenshots

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About Scrap Copter Taxi

This plugin adds a taxi to the server.



There can be only 4 taxis in total. Their parking is located on the territory of  Peaceful or Bandit city. You can take a taxi there and fly home or to another place you need, as well as using the command /taxi to call one of them



  • Changing the name/clothing of the driver's NPC.
  • Change Peaceful or Bandit city or Custom spawns
  • Change in flight speed.
  • The number of taxis on the map (from 1 to 4)
  • The privilege to use a taxi
  • Privileges for discounts
  • Detailed setup of payment for services (Item - regular items, CustomItem - custom item, plugins: Economics,  IQEconomic and  ServerRewards)
  • Interface configuration
  • Localization


/ taxi - allows you to call a helicopter to yourself

[FOR ADMIN with custom spawn points]

/cpos info - show spawns

/cpos add - add spawn

/cpos clear - clear all spawns

/cpos spawn - respawn all copters



You can set permission in config

"Privilege to use a taxi": "coptertaxi.use"

"Privileges for discounts": {
      "coptertaxi.discount10": 10,
      "coptertaxi.discount20": 20,
      "coptertaxi.discount30": 30




  "Taxi Settings": {
    "Name for the taxi driver": "Vitalya",
    "Taxi driver's clothes": {
      "hat.cap": 2275597860,
      "tshirt": 2442749397,
      "pants": 2346785436,
      "shoes.boots": 1427198029
    "How much to create a taxi (from 1 to 4)": 4,
    "Taxi flight altitude (from 80 to 150) (change with caution!)": 80.0,
    "Taxi flight speed (change with caution!)": 2.0,
    "Taxi flight acceleration speed (change with caution!)": 0.2,
    "Taxi flight deceleration speed (change with caution!)": 0.5,
    "How long does the taxi driver wait for the player to assign a route (in seconds)": 300,
    "How often a player can call a taxi (in seconds)": 600,
    "Privilege to use a taxi": "coptertaxi.use",
    "Privileges for discounts": {
      "coptertaxi.discount10": 10,
      "coptertaxi.discount20": 20,
      "coptertaxi.discount30": 30
    "Avatar for notification in the chat (SteamID)": 76561198976168730
  "Taxi fare settings": {
    "Payment type for taxi Item, CustomItem, Economics, IQEconomic, ServerRewards": "Item",
    "The cost of 1km": 100,
    "Item ShortName (for Item, CustomItem)": "scrap",
    "Item SkinID (for CustomItem)": 0,
    "Link to the image of the item/currency (except Item)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png"
  "Configuring the UI": {
    "Background color": "0 0 0 0.3",
    "Outline color": "1.00 0.64 0.28 1.00",
    "Link to the logo": "https://i.imgur.com/tgSooQl.png",
    "Color of the 'Call' button": "1.00 0.75 0.50 0.5",
    "Color of the 'Pay' button": "0.09 0.39 0.14 0.85",
    "The color of the 'Refuse' button": "0.39 0.09 0.14 0.85"
  "Config version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 2

There may be problems on custom maps

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