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About Town Wars

This plugin adds a war for map's monuments.


Any clan can start capturing monuments, if the marker on the map is green, after the start of the capture, points are awarded for each player in the zone every 1 second, any clan can join the capture, even if it did not start, for this you just need to enter any clan member into the capture zone. After the end of the capture of the monument, the clan that scored the most points captures it and items from the config are added to the inventory (which is in the / tw menu) every N seconds.


  • You can choose the type of work

    Team (game teams), when this parameter is selected, if the team completely disintegrates, then it will lose the inventory of awards, so the advice is to wipe the inventory after the wipe for this parameter
    Solo works well for Solo servers
    Clans support for clans, suitable for the server where the clan system is installed

  • Setting up rewards for each monument
  • Support for custom rewards
  • Setting the frequency of issuing rewards
  • Duration of capture and cooldown until the next capture
  • 3D text in the game itself with all the information when entering the capture area
  • Dynamic markers on the map allow you to visually assess the state of the monument
  • Detailed setting of markers on the map
  • Interface customization
  • Plugin localization for EN and RU languages


  • / tw - allows you to open a menu to take items from the inventory and start capturing the monument




  "General settings": {
    "Plugin type of work: Team - game teams, Solo - for solo server, Clans - clan support ClanReborn(Chaos), ClansUI(RP), Clans(Umod), Clans(CF)": "Clans",
    "Frequency of distribution of awards in seconds": 1800,
    "Items from the inventory can only be taken by the head of the clan": false,
    "Only the leader of a clan or group can start a capture": false,
    "Whether to delete inventory of items after wipe": true,
    "Waiting until the next capture in seconds": 14400,
    "How many seconds does the capture take": 1800,
    "Whether to add visible spheres to indicate the capture boundaries": true,
    "Minimum players on the server to start capturing (0 - off)": 0
  "Marker settings": {
    "Marker radius": 0.5,
    "Marker transparency": 0.4,
    "Marker color when monument can be captured": "#10c916",
    "Marker color when monument is captured": "#ed0707",
    "Marker color when monument cannot be captured": "#ffb700",
    "Added marker to the map with the name of who last captured monument": true
  "Monuments settings": {
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/trainyard_1.prefab": {
      "Monument name": "Train Yard",
      "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 85,
      "Rewards": [
          "Item shortname": "stones",
          "Item amount": 10000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "sulfur",
          "Item amount": 5000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": null
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "techparts",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "lmg.m249",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.8x.scope",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/airfield_1.prefab": {
      "Monument name": "Airfield",
      "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 55,
      "Rewards": [
          "Item shortname": "stones",
          "Item amount": 10000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "sulfur",
          "Item amount": 5000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab": {
      "Monument name": "Launch Site",
      "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 100,
      "Rewards": [
          "Item shortname": "stones",
          "Item amount": 10000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "sulfur",
          "Item amount": 5000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/military_tunnel_1.prefab": {
      "Monument name": "Military Tunnel",
      "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 50,
      "Rewards": [
          "Item shortname": "stones",
          "Item amount": 10000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "sulfur",
          "Item amount": 5000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/powerplant_1.prefab": {
      "Monument name": "Power Plant",
      "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 85,
      "Rewards": [
          "Item shortname": "stones",
          "Item amount": 10000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "sulfur",
          "Item amount": 5000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab": {
      "Monument name": "Water Treatment Plant",
      "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 85,
      "Rewards": [
          "Item shortname": "stones",
          "Item amount": 10000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "sulfur",
          "Item amount": 5000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/sphere_tank.prefab": {
      "Monument name": "Sphere Tank",
      "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 40,
      "Rewards": [
          "Item shortname": "stones",
          "Item amount": 10000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "sulfur",
          "Item amount": 5000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/satellite_dish.prefab": {
      "Monument name": "Satellite Dish",
      "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 40,
      "Rewards": [
          "Item shortname": "stones",
          "Item amount": 10000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "sulfur",
          "Item amount": 5000,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
          "Item shortname": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Link to picture (if custom)": "https://i.imgur.com/jBaVKHu.png",
          "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": ""
  "UI settings": {
    "Background color": "0 0 0 0.3",
    "Outline color": "0.75 0.60 0.20 1.00",
    "'Start Capture' button color": "0.00 0.17 0.33 1",
    "'Inventory' button color": "0.00 0.17 0.33 1"
  "Config version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 3




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