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About Lang API

Automatically translates rust item display names & descriptions to use in you're plugins.

Most Recent Update for Repo is  12-16-2021 at 1pm ( Pacific Standard Time )


  • No config needed! 
  • Automatic language generations!
  • Supports All 30 Rust Native Translations! 
  • Works With latest GUIShop beta branch, StackModifier, and EasyResearch!
  • GitHub repository is updated when Facepunch updates which in return means as soon as your server is rebooted or you reload this plugin it will take affect! 😀

API Hooks

// OnLangAPIFinished is called when LangAPI is finished processing
private bool _isLangAPIReady;
private void OnLangAPIFinished()
  _isLangAPIReady = true;

// Added IsReady bool which will return true/false when your plugin is loaded to know if it's ready
// Example usage below.
private void OnServerInitialized()
  if (LangAPI != null && LangAPI.IsLoaded)
    _isLangAPIReady = LangAPI.Call<bool>("IsReady");

//How to properly check valid displaynames when using custom item displaynames in plugins.
//Example first hook call usage method expects item.DisplayName.english ( returns true or false )
//Example second hook call usage method expects item.shortname, item.DisplayName.english, player.UserIDString
string GetItemDisplayName(string shorname, string displayName, string userID)
  if (LangAPI != null && LangAPI.Call<bool>("IsDefaultDisplayName", displayName))
    return LangAPI.Call<string>("GetItemDisplayName", shorname, displayName, userID) ?? displayName;
  return displayName;

//Example expects the item.shortname, item.displayName.english, player.UserIDString
//Return type is string
LangAPI.Call<string>("GetItemDisplayName", "rifle.ak", "Assault Rilfe", player.UserIDString)

//Example expects the item.shortname, item.displayDescription.english, player.UserIDString
//Return type is string
LangAPI.Call<string>("GetItemDescription", "rifle.ak", "High damage machine rilfe", player.UserIDString)
//Added a new API bool check to detect valid item displaynames.
//Retrun type is bool
LangAPI.Call<bool>("IsDefaultDisplayName", "Assault Rifle")

// IsReady bool will return true/false when your plugin is loaded to know if it's ready


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