using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using UnityEngine; using WebSocketSharp; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Lang API", "Khan", "1.0.5")] [Description("Automatically translates rust item display names & descriptions to use in you're plugins")] public class LangAPI : CovalencePlugin { private string _langTypes = "af,ar,ca,cs,da,de,el,en-PT,es-ES,fi,fr,he,hu,it,ja,ko,nl,no,pl,pt-PT,pt-BR,ro,ru,sr,sv-SE,tr,uk,vi,zh-CN,zh-TW,en"; private bool _working; private Coroutine _coroutine; private bool _isReady; private readonly Dictionary _corrections = new Dictionary { {"sunglasses02black", "Sunglasses Style 2"}, {"sunglasses02camo", "Sunglasses Camo"}, {"sunglasses02red", "Sunglasses Red"}, {"sunglasses03black", "Sunglasses Style 3"}, {"sunglasses03chrome", "Sunglasses Chrome"}, {"sunglasses03gold", "Sunglasses Gold"}, {"twitchsunglasses", "Twitch Sunglasses"}, }; private readonly HashSet _defaults = new HashSet(); private void OnServerInitialized() { ItemManager.Initialize(); _coroutine = ServerMgr.Instance.StartCoroutine(DoLangRoutine()); } private void Unload() { if (_coroutine != null) ServerMgr.Instance.StopCoroutine(_coroutine); _defaults.Clear(); _corrections.Clear(); } private IEnumerator DoLangRoutine() { foreach (var type in _langTypes.Split(',')) { _working = true; ProcessLang(type); yield return new WaitUntil(() => !_working); } _coroutine = null; _isReady = true; Interface.CallHook("OnLangAPIFinished"); PrintWarning("has finished processing and is now ready."); yield return null; } private void ProcessLang(string type) { webrequest.Enqueue($"{type}.json", "", (code, response) => ProcessCallback(code, response, type), this); } private void ProcessCallback(int code, string response, string type) { if (code != 200 || response.IsNullOrEmpty()) { _working = false; PrintWarning($"Failed to download {type} translation."); return; } Dictionary langItems = new Dictionary(); Dictionary tempItems = DeserializeLang(response); foreach (var itemDefinition in ItemManager.itemList) { langItems.Add(itemDefinition.shortname, CorrectName(itemDefinition.shortname, tempItems.ContainsKey(itemDefinition.displayName.token) ? tempItems[itemDefinition.displayName.token] : itemDefinition.displayName.english)); langItems.Add($"{itemDefinition.shortname}.desc", tempItems.ContainsKey($"{itemDefinition.displayName.token}.desc") ? tempItems[$"{itemDefinition.displayName.token}.desc"] : itemDefinition.displayDescription.english); _defaults.Add(itemDefinition.displayName.english); } _working = false; lang.RegisterMessages(langItems, this, type); } private Dictionary DeserializeLang(string content) { Dictionary original = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(content); Dictionary messages = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { {"burlap.gloves", "Leather Gloves"}, {"burlap.gloves.desc", "Gloves made out leather, offers a small amount of protection to the upper body."} }; foreach (var item in original) { if (!messages.ContainsKey(item.Key)) messages.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } return messages; } private string CorrectName(string shortname, string original) { if (!_corrections.ContainsKey(shortname)) return original; return _corrections[shortname]; } string GetItemDisplayName(string key, string def, string userID = null) { string message = lang.GetMessage(key, this, userID); return message == key ? def : message; } string GetItemDescription(string key, string def, string userID = null) { key = $"{key}.desc"; string message = lang.GetMessage(key, this, userID); return message == key ? def : message; } bool IsDefaultDisplayName(string key) => _defaults.Contains(key); bool IsReady() => _isReady; } }