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Everything posted by Flammable

  1. Ahh then nope... I have other Hit Marker one but thanks for reply... Btw plugin is now amazing with when CornHead bots added... Also I use your plugin for Frankenstein and it's more usefull. Not sure if have to type it here or under the Frankenstein plugin category but can Frankenstein have hostility to murderers somehow? Like Scientist do target dwellers for example. Currently in vanilla only if you select CombatMode (you attack or get attacked) pet will actually do something. I try to make it auto attack spawned murderers around the map even if you do not (attack or get attacked). Only PumpkinHead spawns this murderers on my map and people will use Franky as helper.
  2. Yeah do not worry about this with the invisible NPC's its somehow fine for now, added something other... Thanks for fixing the kits and I will edit this commend when remember what suggestion/issue I was about to ask today but forgot... Damn : ( EDIT: Not sure if was that what I was going to ask but how to display the HP bar on top of my screen with the NPC Hit points. I guess it's another plugin just randomly got caught on the screenshots you made for the preview?
  3. Is it possible to make robbery timer for each weapon configurable and will overwrite the global one? One player suggested this on my server and sounds like great idea. If you rob with revolver you wait 10minutes to end the robbery but if you rob with AK you pull the gun in front the shopkeeper and rob him for 30sec fast and easy... This will make use of the plugin more challenging and yeah (at least for me) so you won't just go with empty revos or shit guns and start robbery. If just remove them from the cfg new people won't be able to do robbery then at all. : )
  4. Also Am I stupid or plugin is broken somewhere? Just added the new 1.1.0 version and added kit for CornHead. Spawns with default kit and this error happens. EDIT: I guess this massive error is not related to plugin but just at first saw it under the message when killed one CornHead. Anyways still defaultcornhead kit comes... Same for PumokinHead (checked right now)... Have 7 kits but spawns with default one.
  5. Sounds weird probably but can the NPC model somehow become invisible either if you can add toggle option if possible or via other plugins? I use for now invisible pants and boots but because I do not know invisible full gloves it's like not so cool... Here's what I try to do for one or another crazy reason...
  6. Rly? Greaaat : ) coool : )
  7. Idk if you gonna like this suggestion. I know plugin was made to spawn PumpkinHead only when gather pumpkin, that's the original feel/vibe but while I test the plugin now and walk around the river only gathering pumpkins thought about the Corn... Why we ignore it? People won't ignore it cuz corn = free HP/food source it but it's default pickup while pumpkins trigger this cool mini event : ( So is there any chance to make spawning other NPC on corn pickup (ex named CornGhost) and have separate kits for the clothings like Ghost Costume or whatever else... I do not care for the loot, can share same backpack loot configuration with PumpkinHead, I use already AlphaLoot for this part. Also for people that do not gonna like this can be toggle option or just set spawn chance to 0?
  8. Is it possible by any chance to see preview how the game is played from the players POV and what's the indication for Red/Green light? Maybe test server or something? Also does this arena have ground made from prefabs? What do I mean? I do not have budget to run 10000 servers so I only host 1 and apart from my main map x2 survival I plan to put this arena in the sky or in the ocean and do not know if people can fall and if prefab requires the solid terrain below.
  9. I do not think I have to disable anything... This new effects are awesome : ) https://streamable.com/p4wzvr
  10. SkinBox can be found on ChaosCode, it's not from here.. use google and you will find it.
  11. I will test it later when can today or tomorrow. Not sure if my players will like the sounds but I will see... that's why asked if they can be toggleable in the config... anyways sounds good and I love the water visual effect.
  12. Great but for now I love the default murderer sound when npc die, so if you have toggle switch for your changes would be good and yeah I can't wait to see the update :)
  13. Got small suggestion. Can you add option to set in config short prefab/asset sound when NPC spawn?
  14. I mean if not authed will die from own traps, also if you do not put traps because you are safe, still you cant build/place stuff etc so what's the point to be deauthed? If people can play this way of course can abuse it as hell... Anyways I am sure he will fix it.
  15. They need auth to repair, place stuff and most important do not get shot by traps. While autoturrets are seperate auth sadly and you won't add the shotgun traps and flame turrets in your base still why you gonna do all this? As I know players can bother to lets say abuse max group and play outside of rust team while teaming but playng in your base without auth to the TC is next level and big problem and not sure who's the idiot that will do it like (looting only mode + enter in safe house) in order to to abuse this offline plugin.
  16. Thanks for replay above about the message/refund etc. Also I was scared at first to use plugins like Anti offline raid because they can see if players are actually online and abuse this in different ways but I guess this do not make any sense cuz they can do check same on BattleMetrics, etc. No let's move to the main point why quoted exactly this reply? There's a reason for this : )... I have like you small server and low pop community and it's targeted for my country mainly (apart from everyone is welcome message). People do not know each other IRL but they know each other in discord/steam very well and its like: Pro/Normal Players -> "I can spray more good than you, noob... Come UKN bla bla" Noob Players 1 -> I can't do anything... HoW tO PlaY tHe GaMe? After 30m-1h... Server: Player Disconnected Old Noob Players -> BIGGEST PROBLEM... They know how to play and game logistics but they suck and f*ck up my population legit cuz I do not have rules for raiding and I think that's rust but... My regular player base is 2-3 players 80% of the time (online at the same time) but different people join and play. The regular group of 3 where most of the time 2 of them play daily and keep server populated (different from 0/60) and they are hated by everyone in my country (PROs) cuz this 2 players only offline and live in a caves/islands and PROs make group and join to raid them from time to time each wipe and do prepare for Online raid but the Offliners can't defend anything and raid is like vs complete bots but then they just rebuild after and its again the same. It's rust I know this but offlining only almost empty server is meeeeeeh after some point. In conclusion I really look for something to at least fix situation a little bit without breaking the vanilla gameplay mechanics for raids like crazy and f*ck up the game completely. That's what stops me from buying this now and try to decide between CRaidController (to limit raids by time) or your AntiOffline. I am sure you will fix the TC auth glitch just compared to your players my will abuse this as hell if they notice it and I know this for sure. So keep the good work on the plugin and will see in future might get it... : ) (btw sorry for this novel)
  17. ok got it. @Krungh CrowYou said they are not scarecrows... I hear the sounds of killing murderer when kill a PumpkinHead bot, so? If plugin use murderers as base for the NPC and I do not use murderers anywhere on my server, I can just edit their loot table from AlphaLoot then disable backpacks drop with the custom loot in the plugin and put the custom loot inside the main body? Is this gonna work and fix the backpack dropped and the weight system this way for now?
  18. ok great, thanks also if add beancan to the hotbar they do not throw it like other scarecrows do in vanilla, ideas?
  19. Uh also can you add (if not a problem) simple weight or % system into the custom loot in the future? I want to add items that should be more rare than others. Right now everything spawns on the same chance.
  20. ok thanks for the reply, leave your signature in 2 but allow to also toggle this and use default body instead in the future would be great. about 3 (weapons) if I wanna have npc's with pitchfork and with sickle and same clothes still have to add 2 kits? as I know they can't cycle weapons from 1 kit right?
  21. I am sure that here someone uploaded plugin to ignore restriction and stack attire like crazy on you or I am wrong? I check the popular plugin sites on daily basis to see what's new and cool added. I am sure I have seen this here or somewhere else. So if you know please send me link to have a look.
  22. @Krungh Crowfound some issues... 1. I thought this spawns behind you to scare you but actually spawns in front of you on the same place where you pickup the pumpkin, so if you for example do hard auto-walk around the river and spam E (USE) on pumpkins and you hit E on the NPC the time it spawns you can see inventory of the NPC then it will wound this way. Then follows you wounded. I guess do not have to mention you can steal all premade kit. (not sure if this happen as I said if you press E on the bot or its caused from something else, just see the videos below) 2. How to disable NPC's default corpse loot? Also name of the npc corpse is my in-game name but apart from this small issue, drops regular murderer loot I guess in the main corpse. Then backpack with the custom loot is droped separately... Can somehow custom loot hop into the npc's inventory instead of secondary backpack or just toggle On/Off to disable looting of the main corpse? 3. Not an issue with the plugin but tried to stack clothes with kits and fails like fails on me (scarecrow suit+ pumpkin+ other boots...) https://streamable.com/xuteq6 https://streamable.com/vp552l Edit: If you wonder why my NPC do not have weapon, I wonder the same... probably have to include it in the kit and will do it later.
    This plugins is GREAT! UI is simple and vanilla looking, features are great, and works fantastic for any type of server PvP/PvE.
  23. Plugin looks great but is there any plan for UI about raid status and auto refund for stupid players? I do not like how with command you have to see the status of a base... Stupid players will just shoot at the base 1-2 rockets then say WTF #admin, why do not damage the building? Lost explosives and booooom admin? I hate this part. I cant put on their screen in the middle <size=40>USE /raidcheck or whatever was the command called</size> to make them understand this.
  24. Cooool... Hope this magic works also with very old kits update because I use it to upload full background (troll image with text -> no kits move your ass and farm) if someone try /kit but if this has to be on the latest version from uMod that allows to mix item wearables on NPC's will just update and change /kit to /akit command (cuz have no player kits at all) and yep.


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