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Everything posted by Flammable

  1. I do try with kits but when add in datafile items and redeem the kit later I get the not werable pieces in my inventory instead in the clothes slots. I hope npc do not do same sh*t and wear everything stacked. I can find the mod I am referring to, I think also it was from here just its OP and broken for players to use it also I do not see point to pay money if wanna stack 1 pumpkin and 1 scarecrow suit only and never use it again... Sadly will have to remove pumpkin or idk I will see what can be done... Btw plugin looks great!
  2. @Krungh CrowWant to know before buy is there any chance by modifying the kit data in the json file to stack the impossible. Ex. Pumpkin and mummy suit or pumpkin and scarecrow suit+ wrap or whatever. I do not want to buy as I remember there was plugin to remove restriction for clothings but need to only stack the pumpkin head clothes so?
  3. yeah, thanks for reply I had same so no need to have the plugin... layer told me he did cargo after restart when this happened...
  4. I hope this great plugin will fix the issue but wanna know actually why this problem happens? Never had it and now one player said... RHIB from Cargo Ship do not have fuel container or storage box. Tf? Any ideas how to see what's going on or just have to keep this plugin installed forever?
  5. Flammable

    Images not loading

    I am sure its from me and only for me but still... Have image library up to date installed, have waited but still a lot of stuff is black rust logo. I need better internet or whatever? Will after first loading of the images store them somewhere for next time? What I can do... I know how to read and know item names but its not comfortable to setup items by name while can see the icon too...
  6. Flammable

    Coin Flipping

    I do not think that's possible for now but would be great if added or at least show the winner coin (for sure when game ends, not before that while flipping) instead of coin you have chosen.
  7. OK thanks for this information, will know in future.
  8. Thanks for the help but will skip it for now. Loaded map in RustEdit, then loaded it into the server. Worked but map was fucked up as hell. I gave up cuz do not have time to waste for it. Will find other one I guess but because look for tournament one that has to be free or cheap cuz can pay 10$ but not 20$-30$ for one time use only, also have launch and be small without weird islands and sh*t but at all its not easy task... If do not find anything might try this prefab replacer and play with RustEdit to fix the map, btw downloaded it from here so might type under the Map discussion topic for the author to fix it in the future ; )
  9. Wow this thread helped me a lot I guess... Type this before trying the solutions steps but all I have is this --image removed-- So I hope opening in RustEdit and re-saving fix issue. I try to load Wanger map from Codefling : )
  10. OK I will message you on discord in around 20-30mins and would like to test the version then probably buy it : )
  11. Please release something... In the other discussion probably still dev works on the drugs plugin but looks busy. I would like to see your version and probably support it if sold here.
  12. Flammable


    I want to ask the following questions before buy this plugin: "graves.canfind : To be able to trigger the event" - As I know this is not like event you trigger with command? So? This permission just allows the selected player to have grave spawned when die. Ex if give it to default group everyone will participate in the plugin and have chance to get grave spawn when die? Also 1 (question/suggestion) Can somehow non terrain ground to be excluded in future (if there's nothing like this now) and spawning graves only on grass, cliffs, rocks etc... Not fan to see on oilrig, building in monuments, cargo : ( etc? And last question... Are graves customizable? Can you specify in config what graves to spawn and only use collectable ones? A lot of died players during the wipe will be not good. If graves can be collectable and you can just pick them up for resources instead the 2 item gravestone would be ok
  13. ok but what's the proper alarm sound because I try to use this cargoship/oilrig one but fails for some reasons.
  14. Better than the beep default sound but still its player scream is not what I want to do... If you find proper or working audio alarm like cargo/oil let me know... for now will try this : )... Thanks for reply and help. Also what do you mean stay in the player FX range? I can't use other sounds than /fx/player/? Btw does everyone around hear the sound or its for the player started the robbery?
  15. For now everything with the plugins is 10/10 only can't figure out why asset for alarm sound is not working. If you can give me the proper sound fx or check what I do wrong would be great and 11/10. Just wanna make players feel more in the action with the cargoship/oilrig alarm : )
  16. Also one more issue... Am I dumb or custom audio sound do not works... Use stuff from this link -> https://github.com/OrangeWulf/Rust-Docs/tree/master/Extended tried assets, prefabs, effects like Audio alarm, oilrig alarm/ cargoship alarm but cant make it to work. If anyone knows the right loud oilrig locked crate hack alarm or cargo ship radiation one please let me know. I add exactly this assets/content/vehicles/boats/cargoship/sound/radiation_alarm.asset but nope.
  17. Great update again, only have 3 questions/suggestions... 1. Can shooting (spraying the NPC with bullets like crazy) cause lag when enable shoot to rob? Or this chat spam is only visual stuff and do not clog the server in background, only make chat poop and dirty for the player shooting like crazy. 2. Read early today in chat that one player said to another come hide, NPC's are shooting the shop keeper in the gas station, so is it possible to make npc's ignore the Clerk this way might improve their overall agro status vs the player because right now they are either stupid as hell or try to target the clerk. 3. Can NPC's despawn ex. 2-5 mins (configurable) after robbery had ended and either player died or whatever? I do not like npc's to stay 24/7 if they manage to survive alive after robbery until someone eventually kill them.
  18. Great update, only wonder why NPC's are stupid sometimes or their brain is like thinking/crashed and that's seen in their movement, not moving at all. I hope you know what I mean. Also one more question... Do you how can change Alarm sound prefab fx? Probably from the plugin? Just wanna use oilrig siren alarm sound instad of the blip blip sound.
  19. Yeah I did changed it but looks shit PRESS E TO ROB... that's why suggested if hitting the npc also starts robbery.
  20. Yeah I know this is also an option to edit in .cs but will wait for the update instead. Also any suggestions how to tell players they can rob the npc? For now have to rename Store Clerk to "PRESS E KEY" uuuh... Possible way to make robbery triggered also form shooting in next updates? Then pro players will choose if they wanna either press E for stealth robbery or shoot the NPC in the head/body to trigger it. But players without rust experience how plugins/game works and what can NPC's do/respond to at least will have a chance to start it by luck when trying to kill/punch the bot. Today 2 players used to hit npc's with axe, shoot it with EOKA while I set DB and Revos for whitelisted too and one of them had Revolver but they though its decorative bot and skipped it : D
  21. There's no language file or I am blind? Wanna change some of the text...
  22. Great suggestion. That's what I mean above so in server with max 2-5 players you can still do fight while no players around to counter PvP with you.
  23. Yes but oilrig have npc's when you hack the crate alongside with the regular PvP... So is it possible for you to add NPCs or is there any plugin that can add them but NOT botspawn doing them 24/7, only triggered when robbery has ended... Just for low pop/dead server PvP is not common thing. I added NPC's when heli is down (pilot eject) and etc, so people can do shoot something at this events at all.
  24. Great plugin idea and I like it despite the fact that do not run Roleplay server, I can get plugin for my x2 server. It's great event/minigame just what's the point? Players can break barrels and loot boxes for free items instead of waiting 10s to get items from store guy... so do you plan to add something like guards? I will definitely buy this plugin if see feature added so NPC's spawn with (configurable weapons) after you start robbery guards will come inside the supermarket/gas station and players have to kill them too. You have to fight something instead of loot and run. For low pop server would be cool.
  25. Not sure if that's possible... Before years there were like this in the main game but facepunch removed the fog of war and unlocked the map completely... Probably with plugin and diferrent tricks can be achieved again...


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