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Everything posted by Evil_Orko

  1. No problem - I can totally understand that. It works now with the new version that just came out. I had the most recent one previously, yes. I use update checker to keep all my plugins up to date. And there was no errors at all in the console - just wouldn't allow me to drag any custom items into the mixing table at all. Seems fixed now though - thanks for great plugins!
  2. Hi, I think Saturday's wipe broke my Custom Mixing Table. I can no longer drag custom items into the ingredients area. I can drag gunpowder though, which is odd. Am I doing something wrong maybe? Thank you! CustomMixing.json
  3. Evil_Orko

    Virtual Furnace

    noticed that Saturday's forced update broke upgrading - I'm guessing it has something to do with not seeing the economy balance, like all the other plugins that got broke at the same time. Thanks!
  4. Deployable Nature broke on Saturday's forced update (like everything, i understand!) it doesn't see our economy balance and says we don't have enough to purchase. Our Christmas in July map is looking forward to this when you get around to it, thanks!
  5. Evil_Orko

    Crafting Panel

    Thank you for the fix - i just noticed another issue with nested items only crafting the first item you make and it's not always the one you chose.
  6. Evil_Orko

    Vehicle Buy

    this morning's update broke this (including your new version). It won't sell anything using economy, and when i set it to scrap it allows me to purchase it but when I tried to place a recycler on the top floor, it placed it on the foundation directly below and won't allow me open it to use it or remove it with /pickup or /remove or even entkill
  7. Evil_Orko

    Crafting Panel

    plugin went down with this morning's forced update. No craft/purchase/give buttons are visible.
  8. FYI this 'oopsie fixed' update is downloading KitController
  9. Evil_Orko

    Server Hud

    same here
  10. Evil_Orko


    I tried today's updated Terminal but doesn't seem to be working with today's wipe. I'm getting this fail to compile error. Error while compiling Terminal: 'Terminal.TerminalEntity.PostLoadExtra(Stream, BinaryReader)': no suitable method found to override | Line: 606, Pos: 34
  11. Thanks for checking for me! I am using RustEdit 1.2.3 and Lapland 1.2.4. I just redid everything from scratch and can see Military Tunnels on the map in RustEdit where I can't on my edited one. I must have broken it on accident, maybe with the box drawing to remove the items around the tree? I'm sorry for the false alarm, your maps are great - I purchased this and the Halloween one so far. Thanks again for the support.
  12. I did use RustEdit and added a heli tower and cleared the area around the tree so we could all build around it. I also think I had this problem back in December, now that you mention it. I think I'm going to have to get another Christmas map real quick tonight to get prepared for tomorrow
  13. Have been setting up the map for Christmas in July on my server but I'm noticing a spot with holes through the map near R16/17
  14. Hi, I bought this tonight for our 'Christmas in July' map next month. Seems to work great except that when I set presents to have differing amounts, it only respects the top line. Here I get 3 of each present instead of 3 large and 10 small/med. Any ideas? Thanks! { "Enable plugin?": true, "Need permission to use plugin for player?": false, "Include the accessories when the Christmas tree is created?": false, "Only 1 Christmas tree presents / player?": false, "Large present spawn count/time": 3, "Medium present spawn count/time": 10, "Small present spawn count/time": 10, "VIP multiplier": 2, "Spawn presents time (seconds)": 90.0, "Spawn FIREWORK?": true, "Send chat message to player after gifts spawned? (only if '1 Christmas tree presents / player? == true')": true, "Enable Christmas Tree UI? (for owners)": true, "Christmas Tree Image": "https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/thumbnails/011/288/221/small/christmas-garland-wreath-png.png" }
  15. Seriously, thanks for the step by step instructions - these turned out great the first try! Let this image show everyone else that it works perfectly with free software and is not that hard to do at all.
  16. Thanks for the suggestion - it loads up but i can't seem to paste my logo onto the 'paste logo here' layer. No matter what I try it's always on another layer, then when i merge down it disappears on me.
  17. I purchased this today hoping it would be a nicer coin for my server but I can''t use Gimp and have to use Photoshop because of the smart layers
  18. Can I move the permissions section to the right of the system buttons instead of the left? Default amount of buttons per page is 6 but I can't see any way to change it in the config because it gets overridden by each player's data folder. Is there a solution?
  19. Evil_Orko


    can you name the boxes so you know what you are looking at when cycling through with the arrows?
  20. any way we can get raid bases added to this? I'd love to have this setup with rewards for most easy bases, medium, etc. Looks like they are already being tracked with /rb ladder and /rb lifetime. At least the overall amount is...
  21. I'd like to request the server feedback portion of this integrated into WelcomeController additions. Would fit perfectly in there with your Q&A section
  22. looking forward to it thanks!
  23. I bought this but I'm not sure I can use it as of now. I need separate prices for buying and selling to be used on this server. I like the way it looks and also the integration with WelcomeController looks nice
  24. i weould like to see the feedback from Ultimate RCON+ added into this. Liking the WelcomeController so far.


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