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Fusion 3.64

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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64

  1. Unless I'm doing something wrong, static lifts do not work. I understand the options. I want players to use the lift. Players use static lifts on my server. It does not recognize them. I'm only running 4 plugins while I test this so I doubt it's a conflict. 01 "Chat Clear" (2.0.0) by Wulf (0.00s) - ChatClear.cs 02 "CarTuning" (1.0.6) by AhigaO#4485 (0.04s) - CarTuning.cs 03 "Image Library" (2.0.60) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.05s) - ImageLibrary.cs 04 "Entity Owner" (3.4.1) by Calytic (0.01s) - EntityOwner.cs
  2. Fusion 3.64

    Vanishing items

    If you leave the result of a previous mixing in the slots and process another group of items, the item left in the slots will vanish and you won't get a finished item either.
  3. As the title says. Also a request. Possibly add a button to the native edit vehicle UI and a toggle to make it so players can only edit while the car is in edit mode? If this can be done please either make it so the button doesn't overlap with https://umod.org/plugins/car-lock-ui or give the option to reposition the button.
  4. Fusion 3.64

    Power tool modifiers

    Understood and thank you. I've used many (almost all) plugins in the past and if you go beyond .0 the plugin would just default or stop working. Figured I should ask. I was totally overlooking the buff aspect as well. Thank you for pointing that out. As always I say too much for a simple question. I have to work on that Now time to math.
  5. Fusion 3.64

    Car Vendor

    ownerID. That's the term I was trying to remember. Also thank you for the response.
  6. Fusion 3.64

    Power tool modifiers

    So I'm wondering about the settings. Can they only be off/half/on since they'll go fractional in some cases? I don't know of that will bork the plugin or not. Or are we able to go deeper than tenths? Honestly I'd rather it be off. But I also understand not getting any points when their main tools of choice are jacks and chains. If it were possible to give them 1 point per hit or even half points and not break the plugin would be ideal. Though I'm probably going about this improperly. I should count the average number of hits required per stone tool and the power tools and get the average from that I suppose and see what the per hit point should be. This is me with lazy thinking and then looping back to it later
  7. Fusion 3.64

    Car Vendor

    Does ownership apply to the vehicle on spawning or will we need to use https://umod.org/plugins/claim-vehicle-ownership or something similar? Also if the spawn points are set at a monument is it able to carry through map changes or do they need to be set each time?
  8. It's possible I'm overlooking something in the config. But if not, would you be able to add an option or just make it so, that if a monument isn't on the map and you have bosses set to only spawn at said monuments to not spawn? If the monument isn't on the map, the bosses will all spawn at 0,0. Meaning that if there's more than one missing monument, the bosses will stack in that location. And if a player happens to build at that location when there isn't an active boss, they will have a boss door camping them until they decide to move lol. I mean sure, it can always be dealt with by going into the configuration and shutting them off when you catch it or a player points it out. But it would be much simpler to have something in place to catch this ahead of time.
  9. Fusion 3.64


    I'm late on the response. But all is good. Both the test and main booted without the spam. Well there was spam but not from this
  10. Thank you for the consideration. This is going to be the long lost replacement for zlvlvs. I mean it's a great plugin and has been run on my server for years. But I need to give them something different with more flair that's simple enough to use. I've looked into other leveling plugins and they all have their high points. But some just don't have enough perks, or are more like a D&D character sheet. And not everyone wants to mess with that.
  11. Fusion 3.64

    Disable middle click

    Thank you. Just saw the update. Going to work with it now.
  12. Fusion 3.64


    Will do. My next restart is at 2pm EST. Hopefully I don't derp out and forget to check. This is just a patch right? I don't have to change/wipe anything?
  13. Just picked this up and have been messing with it on my test. Got to say this will be a fun one. Only suggestion I have (unless I totally overlooked it which is very possible) is a smelting/cooking speed perk. I'm not sure where it would fit in. Maybe move Blast Furnace to the cooking section and add something like food won't burn to fill it out a bit? So Food won't burn Blast Furnace Smelting/cooking speed?
  14. Fusion 3.64

    [Kits not being given]

    Okay. I get it now. I missed the line in the WPKits config that has the line for the kits plugin command. It's just puts things in a loop if players are used to using /kit to open kits. So one would assume to use "kit" in the command entry line of WelcomePanel. And the default entry in WPKits is "kit". But by leaving it "kit" it will just loop back to opening WPKits. You might want to change "Kit Claim Command (from Kits config)": "kit", to "Kit Claim Command (from Kits config)": "change command in Kits if using command kit in WelcomePanel", Since most people are going to use /kit and make it idiot proof for people like me.
  15. Fusion 3.64

    Disable middle click

    I like how simple it is to use and it's getting the job done. I'm going to use it to replace a more involved plugin that does more or less the same thing, but hasn't seen an update in well over a year. It has the option to use images, and it's got problems with loading them. While it's "prettier" than this one is. I'm preferring this one over the current as it just works and the customization is far greater than the old plugin. So far i think the only suggestion I have is possibly a color change for activated homes. I would say adding the ability to name them, but that would break the simplicity of the plugin. Unless you were to add in a line for "Is this button a home". Then clicking that button would execute a popup for the name entry. And if that's possible the buttons would also accept manual entries through chat and each would change names (from home 1, home 2 etc) based on if it's activated or not. But out of all that, I think color change would be the simplest approach. Though naming would make the plugin more appealing overall for future buyers. I'm assuming you would have to add support to nteleportation or whatever plugins you choose and a player data file as well.
  16. Fusion 3.64

    Disable middle click

    Thank you. I didn't check the updated description. Sorry about that.
  17. Fusion 3.64

    Disable middle click

    How do you disable the open with middle click? When splitting stacks in half the UI will pop up covering everything after you release. I'm still setting this up on the test server, but I can see the players getting annoyed with this fast.
  18. Fusion 3.64

    [Kits not being given]

    Changing the command for the Kits plugin did nothing. I'm still having the same issue. The problem wasn't the commands. Using the same command in WelcomePanel will just override Kits. As long as everything is set up properly in the config it will open WelcomePanel. You WILL open the Kits plugin if you reload it and DON'T reload WelcomePanel afterwards. All I was explaining is that if you aren't running WPKits or WelcomePanel and just using Kits, that you WILL get the kits. So my problem is I'm not getting the kits while using WelcomePanel and WPKits.
  19. Fusion 3.64

    [Kits not being given]

    I'm having the same issue currently. I'm running [Info("WPKits", "David", "1.1.4")], [Info("WelcomePanel", "David", "3.0.8")] and [Info("Kits", "k1lly0u", "4.0.15"). I've wiped my config and imported all kits back in. Clicking on the claim or buy button will cause the UI to temporarily blink out and then nothing. It comes back. Nothing is given out. Typing /kit will bring you directly to the WelcomePanel kit tab. So that part is working fine. Removing the settings from WelcomePanel or unloading WelcomePanel and reloading Kits will allow the default plugin to operate normally. Kits are given and sold without issue. So that part is working correctly. I had this working in the past. So something went wrong along the way
  20. I can't believe it's been this long. I remember when steen was just talking about the possibility of a new site. I wanted you guys to call yourselves "plughub" with the obvious logo.
  21. Thank you. I was contacted by another dev who was already working on a loot plugin. Totally spaced and forgot to close the thread. But having two options is good. I'll gladly go with both to see which works best for me since this is a major aspect to the server.
  22. LootTablePlus (Or something. Whatever you want to call it.) 3 groups. Most likely individual data files Container Harvest Pickup Can add and remove items from: NPC corpses Containers Give items while mining/woodcutting Not sure if possible. But can roll for Min/Max on pickups Maybe add weights to the min and max values so it stays closer to the mid and lower end if the user wishes. Pickups will not be affected unless prefab is activated. Items added to the config will use: Shortname Display name (Blank “” or null for default) Skin (default 0) Min/Max drop Blueprint (true/false) Drop rate (0.00) Corpses/containers/ores/trees,logs,driftwood will use the item prefab Examples assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_patrol.prefab assets/prefabs/misc/supply drop/supply_drop.prefab assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/v3_arid_forest/palm_tree_med_a_entity.prefab Included below are shitty config concepts. Containers/NPCs: "Prefab": [ "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_heavy.prefab" ], "Remove items from loot table": [ "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "grenade.smoke" ], "Add items to loot table": [ { "Shortname": "grenade.beancan", "Custom name": "Molotov Cocktail", "Skin": 1972822423, "Min amount": 3, "Max amount": 7, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 5.00 Addition containers/NPCs will be added to the config/data file by making an addition group. You can use multiple prefabs in the prefab entry field to cover multiple prefabs that will all do the same thing. So let's say you want logs to drop grubs, you would add all log types or all arid/temperate (makes more sense I suppose) to the section and then add the grub shortname to the add section Harvest: "Prefab": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/logs_dry/dead_log_a.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/logs_dry/dead_log_b.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/logs_dry/dead_log_c.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/logs_wet/dead_log_a.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/logs_wet/dead_log_b.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/logs_wet/dead_log_c.prefab" ], "Add items to harvest/mine": [ { "Shortname": "grub ", "Custom name": "", "Skin": 0, "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 5.00 I guess the blueprint option would be kinda silly to have in here. Especially when it comes to players using the jackhammer and chainsaw. But I'm not one to judge how one runs their server. Also probably makes it easier to code if you can just cut and paste vs having to make another item configuration. Pickups: "Prefab": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-wood-collectable.prefab ", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/wood/wood-collectable.prefab " ], "Pickup rates": [ { "Min amount": 25, "Max amount": 75 Not sure really how the weights would be laid out if that can even be a thing. Obviously willing to pay as long as it's within reason. Doesn't have to remain private, you're more than welcome to resell on codefling if you wish to do so. Any additions to the plugin you think may be beneficial I may be missing by all means include if you're intentending to resell. I won't complain This is just the barebones of what I need/want. Pickups are hit or miss. They don't have to be a things but would be nice.
  23. I'm going to post in my server info plugin how to toggle it on and off. But not everyone like to read. This would be a good option to have. If I see someone bitch in the chat history I can just turn it off on them. Done. Problem solved. Main offender seems to be when encountering a "zombie horde".
  24. Fusion 3.64

    Shop UI

    Thank you. I'll be bugging you soon for the version that works with WelcomePanel and possibly the conversion of my config from mevents shop Getting this now.
  25. Fusion 3.64

    Shop UI

    Is it possible to set a category/tab that only lets the player sell items by default? Or do they have to switch between buying and selling?


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