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Version 0.1.13
Plugin for Real PvE servers, featuring damage prevention, anti-griefing measures, customizable PvP zones, an automatic loot queue in radtowns and raid zones, and much more. P.S. Since the previous implementation with DynamicPVP was not correct and had some issues, I have added universal hooks(Developer API section) for general access from all PvP plugins, which are currently missing in DynamicPVP. I have requested the author to add them(3 lines), but for now, you will need to use the modified version of DynamicPVP.cs The ability to set "server.pve" to "true", which allows the server to have a "PvE" flag; Damage from NPC's are enabled when server.pve is true; The ability to inflict damage to one's own structures with "server.pve true"; The ability to destroy(including external walls) or rotate one's structures without any time constraints; The ability to force the decay of building blocks with Twigs grade, even if there is wood in the Tool Cupboard; The ability to toggle the gather resource restriction in someone else's Building Privileges; No one, except the owner or their friends, will be able to open their loot containers (chests, storages, bodies, etc.); Administrators can bypass loot restrictions; The ability to schedule the killing of players if they disconnect within someone else's Building Privilege; Disabling backpack and active item drop upon death, even if backpack is full; The ability to disable 'Give' messages; The ability to modify the items given at spawn on the beach; The ability to create an unlimited number of custom permissions; The ability to allow players to bypass the queue; The ability to set limits on sleeping bags, shelters and auto turrets for each permission; The ability to set a multiplier for the prices of monuments and events for each permission; The ability to customize the price and amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; The ability to assign vehicles to each player; The ability to customize the assigned price and available amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege; The ability to loot monuments through a queue system; The ability to configure monuments, setting their looting price and time, and adjusting status bars for each monument; The ability to acquire the privilege to loot events (helicopters, bradleys, and raidable bases) through a purchase; The ability to customize the price of each event types and loot attempts (lives); NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases; Only players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases can inflict damage to NPCs; RaidableBases are protected from griefing(no damage, no loot and etc). Only the owner can interact with the raid; Neutral RaidableBases can be purchased; Prices for purchasing neutral raids are configurable for each difficulty level; Configurable raid limits (currently available) along with discount multipliers for purchases, for each permission. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\PermissionConfig.json Default: All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section. You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly. It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "". NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions. { "List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [ { "Permission Name": "realpve.default", "Bypass Queue": false, "Limit of beds": 15, "Limit of shelters": 1, "Limit of auto turrets": 12, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate. Range from 0 to 900": 0.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 1.0, "Events price multiplier": 1.0, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 10.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 5.0 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 20.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 25.0 }, ... } }, { "Permission Name": "", "Bypass Queue": true, "Limit of beds": 20, "Limit of shelters": 2, "Limit of auto turrets": 15, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate. Range from 0 to 900": 450.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 0.9, "Events price multiplier": 0.9, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 9.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 4.5 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 18.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 22.5 }, ... } } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions. For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100. { "Chat admin command": "adminpve", "Chat command": "realpve", "Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server?": true, "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing resource gathering in someone else's building privilege area?": false, "Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone?": false, "Is it worth assigning portals(Halloween and Christmas) to the first player?": true, "Is it worth preventing players from handcuffing others?": true, "Is it worth preventing a backpack from dropping upon player death?": true, "Is it worth preventing damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate?": true, "Is it worth removing the penalties for recyclers in safe zones?": true, "Which currency symbol and format will be utilized?": "${0}", "Vehicles - Time(in seconds) to display the marker when searching for a vehicle. A value of 0 disables the marker": 15.0, "Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Monument Crash. If set to true, the helicopter will attempt to crash into the monument": false, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Use Danger Zones. If set to false, the helicopter will function as it did before the April update": false, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Flee Damage Percentage. A value of 1 or above will make the helicopter behave as it did before the April update": 1.0, "Is Npc Random Raids enabled?": true, "PvP - Is friendly fire enabled by default when creating a team?": false, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for PvP zones?": true, "PvP - Name of the map maker": "PvP Zone!", "PvP - Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 9, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 0.7", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_PvP", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 1", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "PvP - Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FF6347", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 13 } } ENG: RUS: Main commands(/realpve ) : autobuy - Toggle autobuy for monuments, vanilla events and raid bases with a final price greater than 0; pickup - Toggle access for picking up your items from the ground for everyone; share - Manage permissions for others to loot your entities(outside of the team): status *entityID*(optional) - Display information about the settings of the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; add *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Add the specified player to the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; remove *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Remove the specified player from the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; toggle *entityID*(optional) - Toggle the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; delete *entityID*(optional) - Delete the settings for the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; clear - Delete the settings for all your entities. team - Manage team: ff - Toggle the ability to damage your teammates. vehicle - Manage vehicles: list - List of your vehicle IDs; find *vehicleID* - Help find your vehicle; unlink *vehicleID* - Unlink the vehicle registration; clear - Unlink registration from all your vehicles. Admin commands(/adminpve). Permission "realpve.admin" required: autobuy - Settings for autobuying monuments, vanilla events and raid bases with a price greater than 0: *nameOrId* - Toggle autobuy for the specified player; force monument/event/rb - Toggle forced autobuy. If enabled, player settings will be ignored; clear - Disable autobuy for everyone. config - Manage values in the configuration file: dsfsdf - sdfsdf; sdfsdf - sdfsdf. loot - Setup unrestricted access: *nameOrId* - Toggle unrestricted access for the specified player; self - Toggle unrestricted access for yourself; clear - Revoke unrestricted access for all players. monument - Monuments settings: list - List of available monuments; *monumentID*/this - Instead of the monumentID, you can use the word "this", but you must be inside the monument: suffix - Toggle the suffix display in the monument's name; broadcast - Toggle notifications about monument occupancy/release; time *intValue* - Set the looting time limit for the monument in seconds; price *floatValue* - Set the cost for looting rights. A value of 0 makes the monument free; offer *floatValue* - Set the offer duration for purchasing the monument in seconds; map_mode *intValue* - Set the marker display mode on the map. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - enabled during PvP mode; map_circle - Toggle the display of the monument's circle marker on the map; pvp - Toggle PvP mode for the monument; pvp_delay *floatValue* - Set the PvP mode duration in seconds for players after leaving the PvP monument; bar_progress - Toggle between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter bars for the monument. perm - Permissions settings: add *permName* - Adds a new permission to the list by copying values from the first(default) permission in the list. If the permission name starts with 'realpve', it will also register a new permission; add *permName* *sourcePermName* - Adds a new permission to the list by copying values from an existing permission in the list; remove *permName* - Removes an existing permission from the list; edit *permName* - Edits a permission: queue - Toggle the permission to bypass the server queue; beds *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available beds; shelters *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available shelters; turrets *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available turrets; hackable *floatValue* - Number of seconds(0-900) to skip when opening a hackable crate; monuments *floatValue* - Price multiplier for monuments; events *floatValue* - Price multiplier for vanilla events; rb_limit *intValue* - Restriction on the number of raid bases available simultaneously; rb_mult *floatValue* - Price multiplier for raid bases; vehicles *vehType* - Vehicles settings: limit *intValue* - Limit on the number of available vehicles by type; price *floatValue* - Price for registering a vehicle by type. clear - Removes all permissions from the list except the first one. pickup - Settings for access to picking up player items from the ground: *nameOrId* - Toggle access to picking up a specific player's items from the ground; clear - Revoke access for all players to pick up items from the ground. share - Settings for looting entities by other players: sdfsdf - sdfsdsdf; sdfasdfas - asdfsadfasdf. vehicle - Monuments settings: types - List of available vehicle types. Example: /realpve pickup /realpve vehicle find *netID* /realpve team ff /adminpve perm add realpve.vip2 /adminpve perm add realpve.vip2 /adminpve perm edit realpve.vip2 queue true /adminpve perm edit realpve.vip2 vehicles horse limit 5 /adminpve monument list /adminpve monument *monumentID* pvp /adminpve monument *monumentID* price 7.5 /adminpve loot iiiaka /adminpve pickup iiiaka /adminpve vehicle types This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players. In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences. An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentConfig.json Default: This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments. You can customize the price and time for looting for each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities. Additionally, NPCs and animals within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them. If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing. Example of monument configuration: "ferry_terminal_1": { "Type(This parameter is just a hint. Changes won’t have any effect)": "RadTown", "Time in seconds(1-15) given to respond for purchasing monument looting": 5.0, "ShowSuffix": true, "Broadcast": true, "PvP - Is PvP enabled at this monument? If so, players will be able to kill each other, and loot will be publicly accessible": false, "PvP - Sets the delay in seconds that a player remains in PvP mode after leaving a PvP monument. 0 disables the delay": 10.0, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for monuments if they are PvP zones?": true, "LootingTime": 900, "Price": 15.0, "Is it worth using a progress bar for bars with a counter?": true, "Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFBF99", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_ferry_terminal_1", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFDCB6", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FFBF99", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" } } Type - This field serves only as an indicator for you. The changes won't have any impact; ShowSuffix - Suffix display. Some monuments (for example Warehouses) have suffixes in the name, like "Warehouse #12"; Broadcast - Enabling or disabling broadcasts when a monument is occupied or vacated; LootingTime - Time allocated for looting the monument; Price - The price for which you can start looting the monument. 0 means looting is free; BarSettings - Settings for the Advanced Status Bar. You can also choose the types of monuments by specifying them under the "List of tracked types of monuments" section. A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section. "List of tracked types of monuments": [ "RadTown", "RadTownWater", "RadTownSmall", "TunnelStation", "Custom" ] Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events. All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section. You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities. Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players. If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event. Example of event configuration: { "Settings for the PatrolHelicopter events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to capture the event. 0 means the event is free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public": 5 }, "Settings for the BradleyAPC events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to capture the event. 0 means the event is free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public": 5 }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } } Price - The price to claim the event. 0 means looting is free; DeathLimit - Limit of deaths after which the event becomes free. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json Default: An example of an item list given for the main inventory: "List of items for the main inventory": [ { "ShortName": "note", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "MsgNoteText" } ] P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\RaidableBasesConfig.json Default: Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players. In raid bases, NPCs and other entities can only receive damage from the raid owner or their friends; Turrets and traps do not aggress against outsiders; You can customize the price of claiming to each difficulty and set individual discounts for each permission. You can still purchase raid bases using the /buyraid command. Raid bases without owners(buyable, maintained, manual and scheduled) can be bought for a price set in the configuration file or assigned to the first player who enters its radius, if the final price(price * discount) less or equals to 0. Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them. [PluginReference] private Plugin RealPVE; There are 6 universal hooks that the plugin is subscribed to, the use of which allows interaction with PVP in various PVE plugins: OnPlayerEnterPVP OnPlayerExitPVP OnEntityEnterPVP OnEntityExitPVP CreatePVPMapMarker DeletePVPMapMarker OnPlayerEnterPVP: Used to add a player to PVP mode/zone. To call the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BasePlayer>player - The player to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. This parameter is very important because a player can be in multiple PVP zones at the same time and passing the zoneID in this case allows for correct processing of the player's location within them. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerEnterPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnPlayerExitPVP: Used to remove a player from PVP mode/zone. Calling this hook guarantees the player’s removal from the specified PVP zone, but does not guarantee the removal from PVP mode, as there may be other zones in addition to yours. Also, when a player dies, they are automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnPlayerExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BasePlayer>player - The player to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the player exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the player still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerExitPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnPlayerExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the player no longer has any active PVP zones. OnEntityEnterPVP: Used to add an entity to PVP mode/zone. In the case of RealPVE, this hook is only necessary to add entities with an owner(player) to a PVP, allowing other players to interact with them, such as a player's corpse after death(PlayerCorpse) or a backpack after the corpse disappears(DroppedItemContainer). To call the OnEntityEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityEnterPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnEntityEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnEntityExitPVP: Used to remove an entity from PVP mode/zone. When an entity dies, it is automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnEntityExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the entity exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the entity still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityExitPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnEntityExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the entity no longer has any active PVP zones. CreatePVPMapMarker: Used to create a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the CreatePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass 5 parameters, 2 of which is optional: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <Vector3>pos - The position of your PVP zone; <float>radius - The radius of the circle for your PVP zone; <string>displayName - Optional. The display name for the map marker; <BaseEntity>entity - Optional. The entity to which the map marker should be attached. Interface.CallHook("CreatePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*", pos, 25f, "ATTENTION! This is a PVP zone!");//Calling the CreatePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to create a map marker for the specified zone, at the specified position with the given radius, but without specifying a parent entity. DeletePVPMapMarker: Used to delete a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the DeletePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass only 1 parameter: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("DeletePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the DeletePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to delete a map marker for the specified zone. There are 5 hooks that the plugin calls: OnPlayerPVPDelay OnPlayerPVPDelayed OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved OnZoneStatusText CanRedeemKit OnPlayerPVPDelay: Called when a player exits the last active PVP zone, allowing other plugins to overwrite the value for pvpDelay. Returning a float value allows changing the pvpDelay for the player. A value less than zero disables the pvpDelay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelay hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The initial value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnPlayerPVPDelay(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"Attempting to set a PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return 15f;//Overriding the values for pvpDelay } return null;//Leave unchanged } OnPlayerPVPDelayed: Called after the PVP delay has been set for the player. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayed hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. void OnPlayerPVPDelayed(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"A PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds has been set for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); } OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved: Called when the PVP delay is removed from the player after they enter a PVP zone with an active PVP delay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player from whom the PVP delay has been removed. void OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"PVP delay has been removed for player {player.displayName} as they entered a PVP zone!"); } OnZoneStatusText: Called when the text with the nice name for the specified zone is needed, to be displayed in the status bar. When calling the OnZoneStatusText hook, 2 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player for whom the nice name for the zone is being requested; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnZoneStatusText(BasePlayer player, string zoneID) { Puts($"Text for the status bar is required for zone {zoneID}"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return lang.GetMessage("*langKey*", this, player.UserIDString);//<string>Overriding the value for the status bar text } return null;//Leave unchanged } CanRedeemKit: Called before giving the starter kit, in the OnDefaultItemsReceive hook. A non-zero value cancels this action. When calling the CanRedeemKit hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the kit is being attempted to be given. object CanRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"Attempting to give the kit to player {player.displayName}!"); if (player.IsAdmin) { return false;//Cancel the action } return null;//Leave unchanged }$39.99- 32 comments
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Version 1.0.1
ObjectLimiter is a plugin for the game Rust designed to limit the number of objects a player can build on the server. The plugin provides a convenient and intuitive interface (UI) that allows the server administrator to set individual limits for different user groups. Main features of the plugin: Limit Settings: The administrator can set the maximum number of each type of object that a player can place on the map. Limits can be configured for all players (Default group) as well as for specific groups like VIP and Admin. Flexible Privilege System: The plugin allows you to create new privilege groups and copy settings from existing groups for easier configuration. The ability to set different limits for each group enables a diverse gameplay experience for different categories of players. Object Management: The plugin's interface allows easy enabling or disabling of restrictions on specific objects. The option to quickly enable or disable all objects for a specific user group. Optimization: ObjectLimiter is highly optimized, allowing the plugin to run without significant load on the server. This ensures stable performance even on servers with a large number of players and objects. Team limits support: Plugin contains implementation for some clans plugins and rust teams Profiling: *build 51 twig foundation server fps limit = 30 PC spec: i5 11400f, 32gb ddr4 ram Commands: /ol - open main ui(requires permission objectlimiter.admin This plugin is ideal for administrators who want to control construction on their server, ensuring balance and preventing the excessive use of certain objects.$20.00- 4 comments
Version 1.0.6
Team Tracker is your is the best admin tool for monitoring player associations and enforce team size rules. Whether you need to ban an entire team or track players abusing the system, Team Tracker has you covered. It offers live logging, team queries, and auto-banning—all in one customizable and performant package. Dynamic identification of player teams Live discord logging Query a player team at any time Automatic custom ban system Battlemetrics integration High Performance clearplayerdata - deletes a players team data/history teamcheck - Sends a discord embed with a report of group data, warnings and current team players to discord. Note: All chat commands are universal meaning they can be used via the console, rcon(for import commands) and can be customized via the configuration. teamtracker.whitelist - Whitelists a player from being included in any team alerts (Admins and Developers are automatically whitelisted) teamtracker.admin - allows the use of the checkteam and whitelist commands Proximity - configurable distance between players Sleeping bag placement - bags given or placed within building Codelock authorization - authorized players on a codelock Turret authorization - authorized players on a turret Toolcupboard authorization - authorized players on a toolcupboard Healing - healing and reviving of other players Vehicle mounting - mounting of the same vehicle at the same time Team-members - history of team members Alerts: All alert types can be customized via the plugin config. Options include: Enable - this toggles any usage of the alert type to enable or disable the alert type Log to discord - Enables discord logs Warn Players - Sends an ingame warning to a player up to 30 seconds after the offense Weighting - configures how important the alert type is. This contributes to the ban by association score value. Warnings: Warnings are logged as a type of violation. This provides discord logs and the optional in game warning display to the violator. Display Warnings to Players - option to disable in game warnings Length of time to display warning - optional length of time to display warnings Warning Text - customizable warning text Bans: Team-Tracker allows for customizable automatic bans of players, who go over the group limits. Enable Bans - allows toggeling of the ban system Ban text - text to display as the reason for a player ban Log Bans to Discord - optionally log bans to discord. Logging Only Mode: Set Enable Bans & Log Bans to Discord to true and set Local Bans and Battlemetrics Bans to False Enable Ban by Max Association - enables banning a player or a team by summing all association values to create a total weighting. Example: if the team limit is 5 players and the Max Association Weighting is 10, if a player has more than 5 players with an association weighting of more than 10 this will apply a ban. Max Association Weighting - set the max association weighting per player in a group Ban Duration - length of time to ban for Ban Team - ban all team members of a banned player Ban Associations - bans all players over Max Association Weighting in relation to a banned player Local Bans - apply bans locally An API token for your battlemetrics org is required to use the battlemetrics ban features. A token can be acquired by visiting: Server ID - set the BM server ID Go to, click into the select server. Check the address bar in your browser, the address will be ending with the Server Id, for example: means 123456 is the Server Id. Org ID - set an organisation ID Go to, click into the org. Check the address bar in your browser, the address will be ending with the Organization Id, for example: means 123456 is the Organization Id. BanList ID - adds a ban to a specific ban list Go to, click "View Bans". Check the address bar in your browser, the address will be ending with the Banlist Id, for example:[banList]=abcdef-123456-example-banlist-example91011 means abcdef-123456-example-banlist-example91011 is the Banlist Id. Org Wide Ban - true if the ban should be applied to all servers in your organization Auto Add - true if the ban should automatically ban new identifiers after kicking a matching player. Native Enabled - true if native bans should be issued for this ban$24.99- 4 comments
- 3 reviews
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- #teamalerts
- #team
- (and 27 more)
Version 1.1.3
Drop Bags tracks items dropped into the rust world. When there are high-volume drops, they are combined into a single “drop bag.” This method enhances performance by streamlining the handling of item drops and reducing item physics. Stop server stalls and freezing from item spam Works on craft spam, dropped item spam, gutted shark spam and horse dung! Light weight and easy to use Easy config DropBags uses one light weight hook to track dropped items. Dependent on how many items are dropped in a given radius those items get placed into a drop bag. This stops mass item spam effecting your server performance. { "Area Size - How far away items can be moved into a container": 7, "Max drops before moving items to container": 36, "Time to wait before moving items": 5.0, "Vischeck - checks items are visable before moving to container": true, "Calculate despawntime from drop bag items": true, "Reset dropbag despawn time on loot": false, "Override drop bag despawn time (seconds), 0 = false": 0.0 }$11.99- 5 comments
- 1 review
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- #dropbags
- #drop bags
- (and 26 more)
Version 1.1.1
This plugin allows you to set how many times per day players can raid bases. It is a very straight forward plugin with lots of features to customize it for your server such as scheduled reset times, custom UI, and protection options. Features: Limit number of raids that players can perform daily Scheduled reset times, even when server is offline Option for "free" raids against your attackers when defending your base Limit sync with teams and clans Assign bonus raid points to individuals Damage thresholds for raids Configurable messages Customizable UI Works with Simple Status Works with Clans Works with protection plugins (configurable) Documentation: A full readme including permissions, command, and config options is available in this google doc link. Disclaimer: Like all of my plugins - this plugin is sold as is. I will be happy to take feature requests into consideration but make no guarantees about which ones get implemented. Please refer to the feature list before you make your purchase$19.99 -
Version 1.0.1
Are you tired of being LIMITED by the game on how much you can sell and the price in your vending machine? Vending Plus is a plugin that enhances the functionality of user-placed vending machines, allowing players to create custom sell orders with increased stack capacities. Command: /vm - While looking at a vending machine you own, or a teammates (if enabled), running this command will prompt you to hold an item and respond with the quantity that you want to sell as a stack. (ex. Holding scrap and typing '15000' will list the scrap for sell in stacks of 15000) Then you will be prompted to hold the item you want to sell it for and type the quantity. (ex. Holding gunpowder and typing '5000' would create a sell offer in the machine for 15000 scrap for 5000 gunpowder) Features: Increased Stack Capacities: Provides greater flexibility by allowing players to set higher stack quantities for items in sell orders. Team Member Integration: Optionally allows team members to add sell orders to your vending machines, making it easier to manage communal vending machines. This feature can be enabled or disabled through the plugin's configuration file.$4.99 -
Version 1.0.2
Written with the best performance in mind turret modifier brings the ability for players to have different custom sentry, auto turrets & flame turrets each with different permissions as well as a global default one. It supports tc limits, auto auths, custom toggle on/of commands and restock command of turret ammo. You can make as many perms as you wish for different turret variants. Ideal for shop plugins, vending machines and more. With more features in the works / development. Features: * Multiple Ammo Types per turret * Ability to place turrets on any building surface. * Turret Limits * Auto Authorization support for Teams & TC * Turret Customization Support * Individual trap limits * commands to toggle turrets on / off * commands to refill the turrets with ammo on the player * More to come, look at config below for full feature list F1 / Console Commands tm.flame name or steamID perm or global amount spin<optional, Example: tm.flame give khan global 3 | tm.flame give khan global 3 spin tm.turret name or steamID perm or global amount spin<optional, Example: tm.turret give khan global 3 | tm.turret give khan global 3 spin tm.sentry name or steamID perm or global amount spin<optional, Example: tm.sentry give khan global 3 | tm.sentry give khan global 3 spin tm.clear ( removes all server instances of player placed sentry turrets ) Chat Commands /toggle <on> | <off> ( toggles all auto turrets with power on or off ) NOTE: restock command requires the player to have the ammo on them to work. /restock red 500 ( restocks all turrets within that TC area with the specified ammo type & ammount per turret ) /restock <default> | <black> | <blue> | <red> | <sam> Configuration { "Enables use of permission based settings": true, "Toggle Command for Turrets: Toggles on / off (set empty string to disable)": "toggle", "ReStock Command for Turrets: Specify Ammo & ReStock Inventory (set empty string to disable)": "restock", "Give Command Flame Turret": "tm.flame", "Give Command Auto Turret": "tm.turret", "Give Command Sentry": "tm.sentry", "Clear Sentry Command": "tm.clear", "SteamIDs that are excluded from build Limits": [], "Can Be Targeted Settings": { "SteamIDs that are excluded from being targeted": [] }, "Global Auto Turret": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Bullet Speed, vanilla = 200f": 200.0, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 30.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1000.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Auto Turret", "Player Auto Turret Permissions": { "toptier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 15, "Bullet Speed, vanilla = 200f": 200.0, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 100.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1500.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 5": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Auto Turret" }, "midtier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 13, "Bullet Speed, vanilla = 200f": 200.0, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 70.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1300.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 5": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Auto Turret" }, "lowtier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Bullet Speed, vanilla = 200f": 200.0, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 50.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1150.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 5": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Auto Turret" } } }, "Global Sentry Turret": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Can take damage": true, "Give turret back on ground missing check": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Power Requirement, 0 = no power": 10, "Amount of ammo for one spray, 0 = no-ammo mode": 3, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 30.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1000.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 36": 12, "Skin": 1587601905, "Display Name": "Sentry Turret", "Set Ammo Types, Rifle = 0 | Explosive = 1 | HV = 2 | Incendiary = 3 | SAM = 4 | All = 7": [ 0 ], "Player Sentry Turret Permissions": { "toptier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Can take damage": true, "Give turret back on ground missing check": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 15, "Power Requirement, 0 = no power": 0, "Amount of ammo for one spray, 0 = no-ammo mode": 3, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 100.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1500.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 4": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 36": 12, "Skin": 1587601905, "Display Name": "Sentry Turret", "Set Ammo Types, Rifle = 0 | Explosive = 1 | HV = 2 | Incendiary = 3 | SAM = 4 | All = 7": [ 7 ] }, "midtier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Can take damage": true, "Give turret back on ground missing check": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 13, "Power Requirement, 0 = no power": 3, "Amount of ammo for one spray, 0 = no-ammo mode": 3, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 70.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1300.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 4": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 36": 12, "Skin": 1587601905, "Display Name": "Sentry Turret", "Set Ammo Types, Rifle = 0 | Explosive = 1 | HV = 2 | Incendiary = 3 | SAM = 4 | All = 7": [ 0, 3, 2, 1 ] }, "lowtier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Can take damage": true, "Give turret back on ground missing check": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Power Requirement, 0 = no power": 6, "Amount of ammo for one spray, 0 = no-ammo mode": 3, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 50.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1150.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 4": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 36": 12, "Skin": 1587601905, "Display Name": "Sentry Turret", "Set Ammo Types, Rifle = 0 | Explosive = 1 | HV = 2 | Incendiary = 3 | SAM = 4 | All = 7": [ 0, 3, 2 ] } } }, "Global Flame Turret": { "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Turret Flame Arc, vanilla = 45": 45.0, "Turret Trigger Duration, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Turret Flame Range, vanilla = 7": 7.0, "Turret Flame Radius, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Turret Fuel Per Sec, vanilla = 1": 1.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1000.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Fuel Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Flame Turret", "Player Flame Turret Permissions": { "toptier": { "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 15, "Turret Flame Arc, vanilla = 45": 45.0, "Turret Trigger Duration, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Turret Flame Range, vanilla = 7": 100.0, "Turret Flame Radius, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Turret Fuel Per Sec, vanilla = 1": 1.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1500.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Fuel Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Flame Turret" }, "midtier": { "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 13, "Turret Flame Arc, vanilla = 45": 45.0, "Turret Trigger Duration, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Turret Flame Range, vanilla = 7": 70.0, "Turret Flame Radius, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Turret Fuel Per Sec, vanilla = 1": 1.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1300.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Fuel Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Flame Turret" }, "lowtier": { "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Turret Flame Arc, vanilla = 45": 45.0, "Turret Trigger Duration, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Turret Flame Range, vanilla = 7": 50.0, "Turret Flame Radius, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Turret Fuel Per Sec, vanilla = 1": 1.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1150.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Fuel Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Flame Turret" } } } }$24.99-
- #turret
- #turretmodifier
- (and 15 more)
Version 1.0.5
Allows complete individual settings of Beds | Towels | Bags & Campers using Permissions or Global setters with radius & limits! Improves server/client performance by auto-managing players bag limits & radius! You can assign a bed to a friend on your friends list in game & when they join it will give them the invite to join your team to get the bed/bag/towel/etc! Notes: Better Vanish ( the paid version ) has known bugs with chat commands not working while in vanish. To resolve the problem leave vanish mode. Player Chat Commands /bag <Shows just the limits & how many of what you have placed.> /bag bags | towels | beds | campers <Selects & shows how many of the specific bag you have placed down.> /bag towels clear | rename | limits /bag towels clear <Clears all of the selected bag type from the player that ran the command> /bag towels rename dingus <Renames all of the selected bag type to the new name> Configuration { "# of players that can place a spawn point in a zone radius": 16, "Player Respawn Zone Radius Check": 35, "Sets Global Defaults": { "True Only Owner can set name | False Allows team members": false, "Sets Total Max Limit within a radius": 12, "Sets Limit radius": 35, "Sleeping Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Bag", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 300.0, "UnlockTime": 30.0 }, "Towel Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Towel", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 300.0, "UnlockTime": 30.0 }, "Beds": { "DefaultTextName": "Bed", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 120.0, "UnlockTime": 30.0 }, "Camper Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Camper Seat", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 120.0, "UnlockTime": 30.0 } }, "Player Permissions": { "vip1": { "True Only Owner can set name | False Allows team members": false, "Sets Total Max Limit within a radius": 12, "Sets Limit radius": 35, "Sleeping Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Bag", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 150.0, "UnlockTime": 20.0 }, "Towel Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Towel", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 150.0, "UnlockTime": 20.0 }, "Beds": { "DefaultTextName": "Bed", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 60.0, "UnlockTime": 20.0 }, "Camper Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Camper Seat", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 150.0, "UnlockTime": 20.0 } }, "vip2": { "True Only Owner can set name | False Allows team members": false, "Sets Total Max Limit within a radius": 12, "Sets Limit radius": 35, "Sleeping Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Bag", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 75.0, "UnlockTime": 15.0 }, "Towel Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Towel", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 75.0, "UnlockTime": 15.0 }, "Beds": { "DefaultTextName": "Bed", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 30.0, "UnlockTime": 15.0 }, "Camper Bags": { "DefaultTextName": "Unnamed Camper Seat", "SecondsBetweenReuses": 75.0, "UnlockTime": 15.0 } } } }$15.00