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Everything posted by Luuxen

  1. Luuxen

    Send Video

    it works fine on my servers ^^ what cant you get to work @flouONEs?
  2. Luuxen


    im pretty sure its a website issue, i also get "item on sale" notification sometimes when plugin is just updated.. so its a bug if you saw it was on sale is my guess @ZAC. And regarding the pricing on plugins, so many countless hours has been put in to this plugin and many others! 40 bucks for 1000 hours of work, sounds like a good bargan to me we talk 1000s hours of hard work debugging and coding to make a version there is clean enough for release! And with the 40 bucks you get unlimited support from one of the most friendly developers out there!? + i remember BotSpawn there was free and keept alive for a Loooong time.. It was a very good idea to turn it in to a premium plugin, i atleast wanted to support all the hard work there was regarding 80% of of the plugins code needed to be updated, because facepunch changed some back end stuff.... Appreciate you @Steenamaroo Thanks for keeping it cool! p.s and buy BotReSpawn, its the perfect NPC plugin for any server out there! endless possibilities, super easy UI, well performing and very compatible with other plugins such as bradley/helicopter tiers. Luux out
  3. Luuxen

    Quarry Levels

    Appreciate it! Looking forward to a christmas gift aKa Quarry Levels 3.0 jk i hope you have time sooner or later to give it some love, its without a doubt the players favorite quarry plugin best Luux
  4. Luuxen

    Quarry Levels

    @Death @Mals @Raul Maintained Hey could any of you let us know whats going on with this plugin? Will some of the many questions be answered? I think we are a bunch of people there still use this plugin and would like it to be updated to curent standards. - come one @Death give this plugin some love and give carbon 5 minutes rest! Since todays force wipe 7.sep QuarryLevels - Failed to compile: 'ItemContainer' does not contain a definition for 'FindItemsByItemName' and no accessible extension method 'FindItemsByItemName' accepting a first argument of type 'ItemContainer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 147, Pos: 47 best regards @Luuxen
  5. Luuxen

    Bradley Tiers

    if a bradley is spawned it rolls between the diffrent tiers. there is no commands or anything it works out-of-the-box pretty much "Works on any Bradley no exceptions" like stated in the description
  6. Thanks @Death for taking my wish seriously!! Appreciate the continued development of the website! Kudos to you! best regards
  7. yea i just fell over this old post yesterday sadness its still a plugin for those twitch nerds there dont appreciate its value anyway.. thanks for the input @The Friendly Chap im gonna put this idea to rest instead i cant remember on top of my head who created the one they used, so thats just how it is.. cheers mate keep it real !
  8. Luuxen

    Send Video

    Hey everyone anybody know what the limits is? i mean file size / lenght? best regards Luuxen
  9. Luuxen

    Bradley Tiers

    yes it does affect the random event bradleys (01:47:36) | Spawning :12Bradleys (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Easy] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Hard] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Easy] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Nightmare] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Hard] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Easy] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Medium] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Hard] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Easy] Tier (01:47:37) | [BradleyTiers] Upgraded a BradleyApc to a [Nightmare] Tier
  10. Luuxen


    you have the option: "Delete BPs from the player when creating a book?": false/true dont think it will be possible to decide which blueprints they want to add, other than the onese they have unlocked. hope it helps best Luux
  11. Luuxen


    all the blueprints you have lerned your self will be put in to the "Necronomicon" book.. so if you only unlocked 3 blue prints for example you will get 3 blueprints when you craft the book. The book is craftet at the "Research-table" you should see a button "Enroll". hope it helps Best Luux
  12. Luuxen

    Custom Loot

    They are ammo for the snow ball gun ^^ you could add your own item icon if you want another than 5.56 icon took a while for us to figure out too. Best regards Luux
  13. Luuxen


    Thank you sir! The attitude of a true entitled rust player
  14. Luuxen


    Thanks we *really* appreciate your inputs! Love how easy the plugin is to configure, no need to edit the .cs files to get it to work! But if you want to edit the files you can make a very complex plugin out of this Throwing salt in the machine just make it runs faster, so thanks for that! Thanks to @The_Kiiiing you sir are truely a champ! ! Best Luux
  15. Luuxen

    Furnace Levels

    I agree with the post above! we love the plugin as it is! the flat out put rate works perfecto on my server would still like it to work on the electric funaces but there should always something to wish for right? Take care and thanks for the update keeping this alive! Salut! Luux
  16. Luuxen


    You could make custom profile for supermarket for example, make the spawn points inside and make the roam distance very low/static? im positive they cant move on anything there dont have a valid nav_mesh, thats also why for example RaidableBases bots spawn static inside the bases and just stand still, and some spawn outside and walk around. Rust limitations.. I would also love the same that npc's can climp ladders&jump and find valid mesh on foundations/ceilings but i'am not sure it will ever be possible
  17. Luuxen


    Nope it works right out of the box Its likely you use a Custom map? those messages can be ignored. if you want to hide them i suggest to filter "assets/rust.ai/agents/" and you wont notice the spam from the RustEdit bots anymore.
  18. Luuxen


    I have the same plugins on my server, and there is no conflicts at all
  19. Navigate to the Admin group you have, and in the buttom you can choose players - just unselect the player you want to remove from that group
  20. Luuxen


    You can set the npcs to Peacekeeper
  21. Luuxen


    Still works perfect for me and i know hes working on a update for it. If you need help with cfg i can send you mine to compare with. Best Luux
  22. Luuxen

    Furnace Levels

    Possible to extend this to electric funaces too @David


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