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Everything posted by HunterZ

  1. Same problem here - Offline Raid Protection has a 1.1.16 update, I'm running 1.1.15, but Update Checker says all plugins are up to date. Relevant portion of config: { "Name": "OfflineRaidProtection", "Author": "realedwin", "Plugin version": "1.1.15", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/carbon/offline-raid-protection", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, Plugin link:
  2. Okay, we ran this for the first week of January. My players enjoyed it, but we compiled this list of issues: military tunnel and east harbor look weird on the map, like the splats got pasted/duplicated multiple times the ocean X monument markers aren't aligned consistently with the structure (affects DynamicPVP zone placement) visible naked invincible NPC in shelving of Weapon Shop you can just walk into the Weapon Shop and pick up a red card every few minutes multiple train track blockages by rock formations hits sometimes don't register on road/monument scientists Trade Tower shop names don't match corresponding vanilla ones weird custom Trade Tower shop that sells 2 scrap for 6 diesel barrels weird NPC issues: hits not registering on scientists even at point-blank range, corpses not being lootable/harvestable despite appearing to have a ring road, the traveling vendor can't spawn (workaround: use AnyMapVendor plugin) sandbag barricades at Miller Town can be destroyed gaps are visible under some railroad crossings over roads no cliffs anywhere invisible water around hobo barrel at unlabeled I9/J9 crypt monument massive gap in rocks around unlabeled M10 monument Tesla Coil(s) at R14 have a high performance impact on hybrid PVE/PVP plugins (OfflineRaidProtection, TruePVE) due to generating 5 OnEntityTakeDamage hook fires per second many puzzles seem messed up / broken, with switches/timers clipping too far into walls, floating in mid-air, etc. can bypass red door in Graveyard and I9/J9 crypts due to missing walls rock formation intrudes into one corner of the graveyard missing walls in graveyard church basement
  3. FYI, I am running the free Lian Yu 3500 map from here this week on my server, and Tesla Coil(s) near grid R14 (presumably included with the map) seem to be causing ORP to spend a lot of time on OnEntityDamage hook processing. The hook seems to be firing about 5 times per second. Edit: For now I added short-circuit logic to OfflineRaidProtection and TruePVE to immediately exit if an entity tries to damage itself, and that seems to have helped a lot.
  4. Running this map on my server this wipe (Jan 2-9, 2025, Carbon [production] [production_build] on Rust 768/2573.263.1 (12/26/2024 05:27:26)). For some reason hits simply don't register on some scientists and other NPCs, even at point-blank range with melee weapons. Additionally, killed enemies are sometimes not lootable or harvestable. Nothing shows up in combatlog either. It's almost like the server is getting confused about where the entities are. I have the RustEdit extension DLL loaded. I have verified that it's up to date. Several players have reported this, and I've also replicated it myself. Quitting the game client and loading back in seems to resolve it at least temporarily, but that shouldn't be a required workaround.
  5. FYI there is an anvil rock blocking both train tracks at N15 (reported by a player on my server):
  6. I have Any Map Vendor 1.0.0 installed from here on Codefling. Update Checker 4.2.10 is configured to use the URL below. Any Map Vendor 1.0.1 was released 10 hours ago, but Update Checker says "all plugins are up to date" in RCON and Discord.
  7. HunterZ

    Raidable Bases

    RB is definitely a little confused about the new cliffs. This is raidexpert10 from the Tier 3 pack spawning near -284, 0, -711 / G13 on procedural map seed 86843248 with size 2500. Note the base clipping into the cliffs at the bottom front and right: Edit - here's what it looks like with cliff rendering turned off - you can see it's fully above the main topology:
  8. Just ran this up on my test server in advance of possibly running it on my live server next month. Very cool! Some things I noticed: Extraction Rig's map name has a typo There's a pair of towers offshore with a scientist on each - these don't show up on the map at all (it's okay if this is intentional, it's just something I noticed while surveying for possible DynamicPVP zones) Players are going to love the canyon customizations! Road Bradley doesn't seem to like this map because the roads other than the ring road are split up into little sections (would be good to have a few 120+ point roads if possible)
  9. HunterZ


    Can't post in the support thread, so I'll post here in case it helps: https://discord.com/channels/500413814244638747/758543626069737503/1304942822004097146
  10. HunterZ

    Player Ranks

    Odd, BetterChat is working fine for me. I looked at its uMod forum, and one report looks like someone is loading a bad JSON config, and the other was solved by forcing a plugin reload. Edit: In retrospect, it's possible that I hand-patched it months ago. Feel free to DM "hunterz_" on Discord and I can send you my version in case it helps.
  11. Right, would have to be super careful about exploitation. There are also sticky things like what if someone leaves their TC unlocked and someone auths. Note also that people would potentially be able to raid non-PVP bases placing a TC as close as possible and then enabling PVP. I also end up with analysis paralysis when I start thinking about teams and such. There are also a lot of extra things that would need to be implemented, like saving opt-ins to a data file so that they get remembered across server/plugin restarts.
  12. Hmm, yeah that wasn't one of the use cases I planned for during development. Can you describe in more detail how you would expect this to work?
  13. Never mind, it seems to be working better than I thought. I swear sometimes when people post links to CF pages on discord it just shows a generic site banner+summary, but when I went to look for an example I could only find things working more like I'd expect.
  14. Idea for sucking less: Improve discord embeds served by the site, so that it actually provides link-specific data instead of a generic CodeFling site description + image.
  15. HunterZ

    compatibility with events

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In from 1.3.0 to 1.6.0
  16. HunterZ

    compatibility with events

    I'm going to go ahead and close this. Feel free to open a new support request for any issues that need another look.
    I've been using this on my hybrid PVP server for about 10 months, along side Raidable Bases to provide a more pleasant raiding experience overall. It has been actively maintained over this time, and the developer has been responsive and willing to look into issues. On the admin side this plugin is highly configurable, catering to a wide variety of use cases. You can fine-tune who, what, when, why, and how bases are protected - including things like whether to protect twig construction, vehicles, specific prefabs, etc., how to handle teaming, how to notify players that a base is protected, etc. On the player side, it seems intuitive/straightforward enough that my players adjusted to it immediately.
  17. Does this support rectangular zones that are defined via x/y/z sizes (and optionally a rotation) instead of a radius?
  18. I would hope that moderators aren't prompting people other than to give them general direction to include some details about what specifically they (dis)like about something. As a prospective customer, "wow this is great A+++++" eBay-style feedback doesn't help me... I want to hear things like "this really helps make up for running small maps" or "I'm disappointed that this doesn't support tugboats" because it's going to help me judge how good a fit it might be for use cases that the author didn't think about. Consequently, I also try to think of these kinds of details when writing my reviews.
  19. HunterZ

    Vendor gets stuck at Radtown

    If the vendor tries to drive into the end of the new Radtown monument that is opposite the recycler, it just stops. Moving it with Telekinesis doesn't help either - it just stays wherever I put it, including in mid-air lol.
  20. Funny that people still try to submit substance-less reviews when there's already a feature for that: reactions.
  21. HunterZ

    Player Ranks

    You have not corrected it. Details in a support thread here: https://codefling.com/files/support/16464-player-name-and-title-swapped-in-title-lost-messages/
  22. P.S. I should note that "tooktitle" is probably fine, but I haven't verified: {"tooktitle", "{0} has taken the title {1}." },
  23. My players submitted the attached screenshots to me today: I had read other reports of this issue, which were responded with a suggestion to delete the language files. First, I have only ever run version 2.3.1. Second, I did in fact delete the language files - and it didn't help. Third, I am a fellow plugin developer, and it's obvious from looking at the default language string and the code that this is bugged: SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage(player.userID == loser ? "losttitle" : "tooktitle", this), taker.displayName, conf.CategorySettings[category].Title); {"losttitle", "You have lost the title {0} to {1}." }, It's obvious that player name is going into parameter 0, and title is going into parameter 1, which will make the message say "You have lost the title SomePlayer to SomeTitle" - i.e. backwards.


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