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Everything posted by HunterZ

  1. HunterZ

    Update Checker

    I like the new Discord format! The config files checker feels like an unrelated feature, but it's appreciated anyway - helped me find some old stuff to clean out.
  2. HunterZ

    Update Checker

    Update: Turns out that game4freak.io doesn't provide a proper API for services to check for updates, and it would be rude and fragile to scrape the site. An API is in the works - follow here: https://game4freak.io/threads/providing-an-api-for-third-party-integration.135/
  3. Version 2.3.0


    Provides timed/manual/disabled unlocking of workbenches. Introduction This plugin will allows the server owner to lock out any or all workbenches from being crafted until specified amounts of time have elapsed since start of wipe, or indefinitely / until manually unlocked. Also optionally supports blocking research of locked workbenches so that players can't then replicate them via industrial crafters. Supports the following notification method(s) on craft/research failure: Chat (up to once every 5 seconds), sound, toast. Tutorial Island players are exempted from lockouts, as completing that requires crafting a Level 1 Workbench. Important This plugin is based on "Timed Workbench" by DizzasTeR, but is a significant overhaul. The two plugins cannot coexist in a single server installation. The plugin will detect map wipes and will automatically refresh the workbench locks. To facilitate other forms of wiping, the server owner/maintainer may manually invoke the `twwipe` command. Permissions * `timedworkbenchunlock.skiplock` — Allows crafting workbenches regardless of lock status * `timedworkbenchunlock.admin` — Gives access to **all** commands below * `timedworkbenchunlock.broadcast` — Gives access to the `twbroadcast` command * `timedworkbenchunlock.info` — Gives access to the `twinfo` command * `timedworkbenchunlock.modify` — Gives access to the `twmodify` command * `timedworkbenchunlock.reload` — Gives access to `twreload` command * `timedworkbenchunlock.reset` — Gives access to `twreset` command * `timedworkbenchunlock.wipe` — Gives access to `twwipe` command Note: No permissions are granted automatically. Commands * `twbroadcast <value>` — Configure global status broadcast period to the specified number of seconds, or specify a non-positive number to disable * `twinfo` — Prints elapsed time since wipe, and unlock status and times for each workbench tier * `twmodify <tier> <value>` — Configure lockout for the given workbench tier, where a negative value is indefinite lockout, zero is unlocked, and a positive value is the number of seconds to unlock after start of wipe * `twreload` — Reload the config file to pick up manual changes while the server is running * `twreset` — Resets config to the default settings (**be careful with this!**) * `twwipe` — Resets the last wipe timestamp to the current time, effectively restarting the lockout timers Configuration Example config file: { "Block crafting of locked workbench(es)": true, "Block researching of locked workbench(es)": true, "Report craft failure as chat message": false, "Report craft failure as sound effect": true, "Report craft failure as toast message": true, "Global status broadcast interval in seconds (0 to disable)": 300, "Time that current wipe started (UTC)": "2024-12-10T01:05:57Z", "Workbench unlock times (seconds from start of wipe, or 0 for unlocked, or -1 for permanently locked)": [ 86400, 172800, 259200 ] } Except for detailed tweaks to wipe time, all of the config settings are modifiable via ingame comands. Credits * DizzasTeR for the original "Timed Workbench" plugin on which this is based * Umod.org documentation/forums/discord * Other plugins as examples of best practices and Oxide API usage * MrBlue for being patient with me lol * misticos for detailed feedback
  4. HunterZ

    Super PVx Info

    No, you need to find the existing SuperPVxInfo.json in your carbon/configs or oxide/config directory, and change the default PVP Zone Names list: "PVP Zone Names (case insensitive substrings / none to disable)": [ "PVP" ], ...to something more like: "PVP Zone Names (case insensitive substrings / none to disable)": [ "PVP", "Lighthouse #1", "Lighthouse #2", "Mining Outpost #1" ],
  5. HunterZ

    Super PVx Info

    @ShadoW6 As expected, Zone Manager Auto Zones has a number of shortcomings that make SuperPVxInfo integration more challenging: It calls TruePVE/NextGenPVE directly instead of using a general hook call, so SuperPVxInfo can't intercept its mappings as a means of learning about PvP zones. It does not include "PVP" in the names of the created zones, so SuperPVxInfo can't determine their nature from zone names either (note that this also breaks compatibility with Zone PVx Info). If you are not willing to ditch ZoneManagerAutoZones in favor of DynamicPVP, then your only option is as follows: Open `data/ZoneManager/zone_data.json` under your oxide or carbon directory, and note down the "Name" value for every PVP zone created by Zone Manager Auto Zones. Open `SuperPVxInfo.json` in your plugin configs directory, and add each of the zone names to the PVP Zone Names list. Reload SuperPVxInfo or restart the server.
  6. HunterZ

    Super PVx Info

    I'll try to take a look. I would strongly recommend replacing Zone Manager Auto Zones with Dynamic PVP: https://umod.org/plugins/dynamic-pvp Zone Manager Auto Zones is not currently being maintained, and Dynamic PVP is a higher quality implementation of the same features.
  7. HunterZ

    compatibility with events

    Added support for Ferry Terminal Event by KpucTaJl in SuperPVxInfo 1.5.0. Haven't seen any updates from Adem yet.
  8. HunterZ

    game4freak.io support

    In-work apparently: https://game4freak.io/threads/providing-an-api-for-third-party-integration.135/ I just put in a nudge on behalf of Update Checker. It looks like the site uses a very regular format, though, so worst case it wouldn't be super difficult to scrape https://game4freak.io/plugins/ or individual plugin pages for version numbers.
  9. HunterZ

    game4freak.io support

    It's more of a forum than a proper plugin site. The stuff it shows for updates has more to do with the threads than the actual plugins.
  10. HunterZ

    Update Checker

    Lots of people are asking for this, but the author is shutting down / ignoring all requests. The reason seems to be that Update Checker depends on ServerArmour's website under the hood, and SA doesn't support Game4Freak. I bet if someone were to get SA to add LD support, UpdateChecker would follow suit.
  11. HunterZ

    game4freak.io support

    What are you taking about? Stuff has been updated this month: https://game4freak.io/plugins/better-dropped-item-stacker.60/history
  12. HunterZ

    game4freak.io support

    Please reconsider adding support for game4freak.io. It has been featured in multiple videos by srtbull, so there is now lots of interest.
  13. HunterZ

    Super PVx Info

    Update: I revisited the Zone Manager Auto Zones documentation, and it claims to register TruePVE "exclude" mappings for its zones. Super PVx Info listens for these mappings as one of multiple ways to learn about PvP zones, so it should "just work".
  14. HunterZ

    Super PVx Info

    I originally started creating this because Zone Manager Auto Zones didn't work with Zone PVx Info - but then I switched to Dynamic PVP which is a much better implemented plugin. It should be possible to support Zone Manager Auto Zones, however: If it creates TruePVE "exclude" mappings or includes "PVP" in its zone names then it should "just work". Otherwise, you may need to add part or all of its zone names to the matcher list in Super PVx Info's configuration.
  15. HunterZ

    Super PVx Info

    It says right there in the message that you've enabled Popup Notifications support, but have not installed Popup Notifications. Check the "works with" list in this plugin's description - or disable Popup Notifications support. Edit: I should probably disable Popup Notifications support by default, since I only provide it for feature parity with Zone Manager. I don't understand the question. What PVE/PVP plugins are you running?
  16. HunterZ

    compatibility with events

    Right, it doesn't know what TruePVE is doing, which is why you also have to align the height limits in Super PVx Info's config file with what you have in TruePVE's config file. My plugin is limited to what TruePVE's public API allows, or else there's no chance of also supporting other PVE plugins like NextGenPVE, SimplePVE, etc.
  17. HunterZ

    Raidable Bases

    It sounds like you'd also need to enable "Use Grid Locations In Allowed Zone Manager Zones Only".
  18. HunterZ

    Raidable Bases

    Thanks! I can confirm this is fixed: I added "DynamicPVP" to the allowed zones list and gained an additional number of potential spawn locations on my server's current map.
  19. HunterZ

    compatibility with events

    Super PVx Info already supports TruePVE. Set the default PVx type in the config file to PVE if you run TruePVE, or to PVP if you don't. Super PVx Info does its best to determine which kind of area you're in, then falls back to the default if it can't get an explicit state.
  20. HunterZ

    Add game4freak.io

    Um, it's popular now that srtbull has been flogging it. Please add support
  21. HunterZ

    Update Checker

    Where did you get that weird URL? The plugin appears to live at https://codefling.com/plugins/wipeblock
  22. HunterZ

    Road Bradley

    ThePitereq's Carbon Aliases plugin is required when running Road Bradley under Oxide.
  23. HunterZ

    compatibility with events

    Support for KpucTaJl's event plugins has been added in version 1.3.0, but I can't test them. Let me know if you get a chance to verify.
  24. HunterZ

    compatibility with events

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.3.0
  25. HunterZ

    compatibility with events

    Also got a response from Adem. Sounds like he/she is willing to add enter/exit hooks. This approach would be easy for me to integrate with, as I already support it for a few other plugins


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