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Everything posted by ShannonDoah

  1. Before I buy this is there a way for me to make it so players who log out lose their lease and the base becomes available again after a time.
    Love this plugin. Easy to use and covers a wide range of messages. Beee is great with customer service as well! The new UI is great. I love that you can preview the message with a click of a button. Well thought out!
    Awesome plugin. Spawns brad to custom location or any default road. I use it in ShopUI so players can buy their own brad. ThePitereq helped with an issue I had. He is great with customer service. So many unique options and customizations. Highly recommend!
  2. ShannonDoah

    Cars not locking

    Here is the config I'm using now but it also didn't work with the default config. I did fix this temporarily with a separate plugin but would prefer to just use this one. Thanks! { "Commands": [ "rent" ], "Permission (example: carsharing.use)": "", "Work with Notify?": true, "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "ServerRewards", "Balance add hook": "AddPoints", "Balance remove hook": "TakePoints", "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints", "ShortName": "scrap", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, "Vehicle call item settings": { "Display Name": "Rented {carname}", "ShortName": "box.wooden.large", "Skin": 2591806406 }, "Cars": [ { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.silverado", "Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c6mczmee590odkp8y8by5/silverado.png?rlkey=4gs6jcvdy4ao79juxha910683&st=3set99hc&dl=1", "Name": "Silverado", "Cost per minute": 25.0, "Car class": "Pickup", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.flatbed" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.tank", "Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/utt1ft8ij9tpn55hxuoh2/tank.png?rlkey=3bmavczvyypke1l08myp2e9ba&st=a8sku0k4&dl=1", "Name": "Tank", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Assault", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.speedster", "Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n2qg9qbzomib8d7r41j90/speedster.png?rlkey=vbs3p1uvh0obolfr6l0t0f243&st=mj8o8zp8&dl=1", "Name": "Speedster", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Speed", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.with.engine", "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.engine" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.winnebago", "Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/iek0dz86kmbf1zmxcw0x0/winnebago.png?rlkey=umsz2jruzowyh991k1vo2jhzr&st=pvgk64w1&dl=1", "Name": "Winnebago", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Battle Bus", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored", "vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.bfc", "Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6luap9s8v7czw372024cw/BFC.png?rlkey=vi1rtiq89s00uf869a9vsy279&st=pj5xyg7e&dl=1", "Name": "BFC", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Assault", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored", "vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.hellcat", "Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lnwi2sutwasvwvlq9fv89/Hellcat-2.png?rlkey=q51ioetved27d5fumpr05b6o2&st=6xv6d6ug&dl=1", "Name": "Hellcat", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Speed", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example: carsharing.vip)": "", "Command to give": "share.taxi", "Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1xvoil4cw2srrhmsdkt9f/Taxi.png?rlkey=nilajuwqysi156lepsoqkvak2&st=zp5feldb&dl=1", "Name": "Taxi", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Transport", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.taxi" ] } } ], "Bots": { "5154454": { "Car Classes (* - all)": [ "Transport", "Speed" ] }, "1317845641": { "Car Classes (* - all)": [ "Transport", "Speed" ] } } }
  3. ShannonDoah

    Cars not locking

    Hey, cars are not spawning with codelock despite codelock set to true. I uninstalled all plugins and used default CarSharing config, still no luck.
    Super cool plugin. Easy to edit and modify. Works with serverrewards. Having a ton of fun renting customized cars with custom images in the UI. Mevent is great with customer support and is quick to answer any questions.
    Epic plugin! Lots of fun and tons of modifications in config.
    This is such a fun event. It adds an extra challenge to military tunnels and a puzzle that everyone gets excited to complete. Cahnu is amazing with customer support and quickly fixed an issue I had with an update. Definitely recommend!
    Awesome junkyard! Small enough for my small maps and a lot of fun. RobJ is awesome with customer support and addressed my issue quickly with an update. Definitely recommend!
    This plugin is great. Very easy to use. Compatible with ServerRewards for RP and you can disable bot flips. Mevent is wonderful with customer support and answered both of my questions quickly. Definitely recommend.


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