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Papa Bear

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Everything posted by Papa Bear

  1. Yeah, we just found that too ... I had no idea that had happened. Thank you very much.
  2. I was having a compiling issue before the 3.2.3 update. I was thinking this would correct it, but it must be something else. This same error shows up in that attached Oxide Data file. Both versions show up on this same report. The lines I'm looking at for the 3.2.3 version is 205 & 206 205 "RustRewards" (3.2.3) by Steenamaroo (1.35s / 38 MB) - RustRewards.cs 206 RustRewards(1) - Failed to compile: The namespace 'Oxide.Plugins' already contains a definition for 'RustRewards' | Line: 36, Pos: 18 I am attaching my Oxide Data txt file. I have a twice (12 hours apart) daily restart. Thank you, Bear oxide_2025-03-08.txt
  3. Papa Bear

    Heavy Rig

    Oh, you were speaking of "Hard" ... I was thinking all. In this case, yes. Otherwise, some players would say why do the extra work. I already abuse my players by using BotReSpawn and adding bots that blend in with the NPC's, and they toss Smoke Grenades too ... so, yeah, my players would claim, more loot. Greedy bastards! lol
  4. Papa Bear

    Heavy Rig

    OK, have a question for you regarding the update. I have tested the cards. I had one of each card ... the Old Purple Card, because many of my players have inventory of this card (we use a bank, so they can carry this over from wipe to wipe), the Hard card and the Normal card. I had the purple card in my weapons bar, as I generally do for this event. I pressed the button, the event started, but I was left with my Purple card and the Hard card. So, does the Purple card not work any longer? And, why did it prioritize Normal over Hard? I need to educate my players in case they have one of each in their inventory. Secondly, I use GUIShop and have the card listed there, with the skin ID of 1988408422. What are the skin ID's of the Hard and Normal cards? I can't see them? Thanks, Bear
  5. Papa Bear

    Heavy Rig

    How would you guys feel like if i added double loot in one or all of the extra crates ? No, because I only one ONE CARD in a crate, if the crate gives up a card.
  6. Papa Bear


    Not sure if this is happening to anyone else, but NPCKits loads in, but doesn't work (at first) ... so, it shows as loaded in my Admin Menu / Plugins ... but when I try to bring up the UI, it doesn't come up and the NCPs in game are not wearing their assigned kits. When I type /O.Reload NPCKits into chat, the plugin's UI will now show and the npcs are now affected by this plugin. I tried to right a script to reload after our restart, but it's not working properly. So, I came here to see if anyone else is having this problem? Thank you
  7. When using this format, /tperm grant user iiiaka realpve.vip 3600 true; replacing the iiiaka with my player's name and realpve.vip with the permission, It comes back as "Permission not found!" /tperm grant user Civil Savage skinbox.use 7200 true What am I doing wrong here? Thank you, Papa Bear
  8. Ditto
  9. Papa Bear


    @william long 2. Is there a Way the Bots can react to more then 1 Player (ATM i have duos saying they just attack a single player at a time)? Did you check to make sure Behavior Modifier "PEACEKEEPER" is set to false? If not, and you want the Peacekeeper setting to be true, then there is a global setting for them to react to being attacked, or react to the player that currently has recently fired a weapon (60 second timer).
  10. Papa Bear

    Chest Stacks

    @Supreme We are waiting for the same pool update that you have given to Lone Design and Chaos Code. Our server acquired your plugin through this site and we would like to have it updated to 1.4.1 as well. Thank you, Papa Bear
  11. Papa Bear


    New issue. I have all my NPC's set up with NPCKits and my A.I. Bots with BotReSpawn, showing a "BotNames" to be announced with Deathnotes and Simple Kill Feed. Stopped working. When I go to the Bot, in Vanish (Hitting Reload) I can see their name is clearly Scientist. Even though my configs still read the same. Not sure if the Facepunch update has anything to do with this. Can you check this out? Putting this in NPCKits too, so anyone that has that plugin, but not this one can see the issue is being addressed. Thank you, Papa Bear "APC_Kill": { "type": 3, "Spawn": { "AutoSpawn": true, "Radius": 20, "BotNames": [ "Bradley ParaTrooper" ], "BotNamePrefix": "a",
  12. Papa Bear


    New issue. I have all my A.I. Bots with BotReSpawn and all my NPC's set up with NPCKits, showing a "DisplayName" to be announced with Deathnotes and Simple Kill Feed. Stopped working. When I go to the NPC, in Vanish (Hitting Reload) I can see their name is clearly Scientist. Even though my configs still read the same. Not sure if the Facepunch update has anything to do with this. Can you check this out? Putting this in BotReSpawn too, so anyone that has that plugin, but not this one can see the issue is being addressed. Thank you, Papa Bear "DisplayName": "a Heavy Bradley Guard",
  13. Papa Bear


    Bad news. I just tried this, at the default 10 min and then at 30 min for Backpack, and the corpse disappeared after I had set it for 1 min, but didn't leave a backpack. Then, I moved the Corpse Timer to 5 min, stayed with the corpse, watched it as it "Flashed into a Backpack" but disappeared in a fraction of a second. When you have a moment, can you take a look at this? Thank you very much. Papa Bear
  14. Papa Bear


    Hello Steenamaroo, Have a request. Using your plugin, NPCKits, I have the option of setting both the Corpse Duration and the Backpack Duration. Love this feature. On Oil Rig, I can increase the duration of the bags, but at the same time, despawn the corpses quickly. Really helpful considering we have 55 heavies with the Big Rig Wave Event plugin we are using. But, BotReSpawn doesn't have this feature. When I shorten the Corpse Duration, it just wipes all the loot. I feel this feature would be very helpful. I tried using a plugin called Body to Bags from UMod, but it doesn't work with BotReSpawn and frankly against NPCKits either. But, at least with NPCKits, I can set it and eliminating needing another plugin for this function. As always, appreciate your plugins, and thanks for your consideration of this addition to this plugin, Papa Bear BotReSpawn "Corpse_Duration": 30, NPCKits "Corpse_Minutes": 1, "Backpack_Minutes": 30
  15. Papa Bear


    Hello Steenamaroo, I have a request. Like we have in BotReSpawn, both Large and Small Oil Rig, can we do that in this plugin. It will benefit in both making uniforms and kits separate according to the different difficulties of these like, but different monuments. Also, this would allow to the naming of NPCs for the benefit of our PvE server that uses a plugin that announces what scientist the player killed. (i.e. Large Oil Scientist, Small Oil Scientist) letting other players know that someone is already on this monument. Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter. Papa Bear
  16. Papa Bear

    Raidable Bases

    Since I did the update, my bots are all reset wearing Heavy Gear. Is that Default? Four years on the server, never seen them in Heavy Suits before. I am reloading all files from backup except the plugin, hoping to get my configs back to normal. Next time I do an update, how can I "keep my settings" before installing this plugin update? I have never had to do anything special in the past. UPDATE I figured it out. I had changed some bots with NPCKits. So, I changed my config from false, to true. Block Npc Kits Plugin": true,
  17. Papa Bear


    And now I understand your reasoning for the Main compartment being different from NPCKits and BotReSpawn, since NPCKits is merely dressing the NPC and BotReSpawn is doing so much more. Thank you, now I understand. I appreciate your time, your patience and your plugins.
  18. Papa Bear


  19. Papa Bear


    I've been using both BotReSpawn and NPCKits for 2 years now. Both have the Wipe Main Setting but they do not operate in the same way. The note for both of these, found in the plugin reads as follows ... { "Wipe_Clothing_Percent", "The percentage chance that the clothing inventory container of an npc is erased when the npc is killed." }, But, then I noticed that you had an Update on BotReSpawn that isn't on NPCKits. Fixed in V1.0.4 // Added Wipe_Main_Percent option - This is for people who want to add loot items to main via kit, but only want them available a % of the time. Now, I don't know under what situation someone would want to put something in a kit, only for it not to always be there when you spawned in the NPC, but what I want to do is have it only sometimes be lootable by the player when the NPC is killed. Since this Wipe option is found under the Death header, I would assume that this would be what it is for. I already do this with the Trainyard NPCs. I use a kit that has a matching M249 to the clothing it wears. I don't want this NPC using the M249 against players, but I have a 1% chance that it will drop for the player if they are lucky. I have this set by using the setting for Main set to 99 and it loads from the Kit 100% of the time. At no time does it not load. Since you are the author of both plugins, I think you will understand what I am saying here. When I search the code in both plugins, I cannot see any difference. Perhaps it works differently for Facepunch NPCs and there is no solution for me in BotReSpawn. But, I am asking that you consider what I'm asking? In BotReSpawn, the Clothing and the Belt, both work the same as they do in NPCKits and I can set it to 100 and still get my Clothing and Belt items to populate from the Kit to the NPC without issue. And when I set it to lower than 100, Usually 95 in the UI, because I am restricted by sets of 5, or 99 when I do it in the Config JSON - it works as a percentage chance to drop on the NPC's death, like I would like the Main to do. I am really sorry I have gone on about this and I can see now where the confusion is for both of us. If you do not make the change, I'll just not include the gun and I'll move the ore and diesel to the Belt and have it drop off from there. But, I'm still perplexed as to why anyone would want to load the Main in a kit and then dial it in where there is only a chance that it loads in at all, with a 100% drop rate? Seems counter intuitive to me.
  20. Papa Bear


    I want the player to have a 10% chance to acquire what's in the main inventory. My issue is that it's not populating what is in kits, in that section, to the bot. (i.e., when I go into vanish, type "R", I can see what the bots are wearing and carrying. They do not always have the contents that I want them to have. They always have the Wearables, They always have the Belt, but only sometimes have the Main.
  21. Papa Bear


    I'm saying the npc doesn't get the entire kit, 100% of the time. I changed the spawn count from 2 to 10 and reloaded it over and over. About 10% to 20% of the bots got the entire kit contents. The content that is missing is not in the Hot Bar, but the Main Inventory Compartment. The reason behind this is, this is where I can place a gun that the bot can't use, but the player would have a chance for a drop. Because if I place the weapon anywhere in the hot bar, it will chose that over any melee weapon. Also, I have Ore and Diesel Barrels in the Main inventory. For now, until I can figure what's going on, I've moved the Ore and Diesel to the Belt Slot, and put the drop percentage there, removing the gun all together. I am using Kits from UMod and for VIP items, I've never had one failure for a player to get everything in the Main Inventory compartment of this plugin.
  22. Papa Bear


    "They can even open doors," Can you explain how to do this. It's one thing that would complete a couple of my bot teams. Thank you
  23. Papa Bear


    Yesterday was working fine, today only one bot worked once, then after that none. What I am talking about is I have set up a Melee Weapon bot with Main Loot to release on Death and it is not loading up from the Kits plugin today. Though, yesterday, it worked fine. I did have a restart, but checked all my configs and nothing has changed. This is a first for me using a bot with a tool for a weapon. I read somewhere someone was having kit issues and you had mentioned the correct weapon. I have checked my default loadout and it is still set to false. I tried it with a Bow and a Revolver, same issue. My main has HQM ore, Diesel Fuel, SAR. I want the reward to be a ranged weapon dropped from a melee bot. "HQM Quarry 0": { "type": 0, "Spawn": { "AutoSpawn": true, "Radius": 10, "BotNames": [ "HQM Quarry Guard" ], "BotNamePrefix": "An", "Keep_Default_Loadout": false, "Kit": [ "HQM Quarry Guard 1" ], "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 2, "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 2, "Announce_Spawn": false, "Announcement_Text": "", "BotHealth": 500, "Stationary": false, "UseCustomSpawns": false, "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false, "Scale_NPC_Count_To_Player_Count": false, "FrankenStein_Head": 0, "FrankenStein_Torso": 0, "FrankenStein_Legs": 0 }, "Behaviour": { "Roam_Range": 10, "Aggro_Range": 50, "DeAggro_Range": 20, "Peace_Keeper": false, "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 80, "Bot_Damage_Percent": 80, "Running_Speed_Booster": 6, "Roam_Pause_Length": 0, "AlwaysUseLights": false, "Ignore_All_Players": false, "Ignore_Sleepers": true, "Target_Noobs": false, "NPCs_Attack_Animals": true, "Friendly_Fire_Safe": true, "Melee_DamageScale": 1.0, "RangeWeapon_DamageScale": 1.0, "Rocket_DamageScale": 1.0, "Assist_Sense_Range": 10, "Victim_Bleed_Amount_Per_Hit": 1, "Victim_Bleed_Amount_Max": 100, "Bleed_Amount_Is_Percent_Of_Damage": false, "Target_ZombieHorde": 1, "Target_HumanNPC": 0, "Target_Other_Npcs": 0, "Respect_Safe_Zones": true, "Faction": 0, "SubFaction": 0, "Dont_Fire_Beyond_Distance": 0 }, "Death": { "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0, "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "", "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 600, "Corpse_Duration": 60, "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 20, "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100, "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100, "Wipe_Main_Percent": 90, "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100, "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 90, "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 200, "Rust_Loot_Source": "minecart", "Respawn_Timer": 60, "RustRewardsValue": 0.0, "XPerienceValue": 0.0 }, "Other": { "Chute": false, "Invincible_Whilst_Chuting": false, "SamSite_Safe_Whilst_Chuting": true, "Backpack_Duration": 10, "Suicide_Timer": 300, "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false, "Require_Two_Headshots": false, "Fire_Safe": true, "Grenade_Precision_Percent": 50, "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [], "Disable_Radio": true, "Use_Map_Marker": false, "Always_Show_Map_Marker": false, "MurdererSound": false, "Immune_From_Damage_Beyond": 10, "Short_Roam_Vision": true, "Off_Terrain": false, "Block_Event_LockedCrate_Spawn": false, "Block_Event_LockedCrate_HackStart": false, "Block_Event_APC_Kill": false, "Block_Event_PatrolHeli_Kill": false, "Block_Event_CH47_Kill": false, "Block_Event_Here_Radius": 100
  24. July 4 Update Broke this plugin - Not compiling.
  25. Regarding Issues With Doors - On our server, the doors are still there after the event has ended (Procd. Map, 4250) and I had to assist a player, because the code didn't work. So, I noclipped, tp him inside to let him loot, then /gsstop and the door opened. Then I had the code lock on the door still, so I deleted all three doors (all with locks). Not sure why. I have also had two occasions where to plugin didn't work properly. I can confirm, if /remove admin doesn't work, you must first command the event to stop, even if it has already ended. /gsstop .. now /remove admin will work and remove things


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