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Everything posted by TomHud

  1. can you explain more on this DRM as everyone seems to be overlooking this. Im not certain how you are implementing it but wont each plugin call home to make sure its a legit paid for copy If all servers are calling home wont this alone affect the speed of the servers Another question - im not keen on drm in my plugins as i like to edit the plugins to my own server taste and DRM will stop this. So any plugin i have purchased until this point am i able to carry on downloading it in the future without DRM or will you make all plugins be forced to have DRM attached to it
  2. TomHud

    Skill Tree

    anyone know how i can add a new skill so i can add this plugin - i dont want to sell it in the shop i want them to use skill points in order to be able to use it
  3. go to gather in Loottable and set the animals gather rate yourself It does not seem to read the 10x or whatever u set it at but its working for me if i set them manually
  4. im getting 2 kids of scrap I think its when i get the skill to get more scrap from barrels Its not joining to the orginal scrap pile i get boxes Hang on may be skilltree plugin doing it
  5. Can we get the scrap fixed - its giving me 2 lots of scrap Make them just add to 1 instead of having a seperate one with a blue arrow over it.
  6. TomHud

    Turret Fury

    i got the harmony 360 dll file from codefling I am spawning scientist in using f1 as no players on test server. only other plugin im running is one from umod that allows turrets to run without any power Powerless turrets from UMOD.
  7. TomHud

    Turret Fury

    7 foundations away and range set at 1000 the turret will not kill them Weird thing the back turret to the water will shoot at oil rig from land but not the scientist ( i have a dll file that allows turrets to shoot 360 degrees)
  8. TomHud

    Turret Fury

    somethign is wrong with range I can get it to kill scientist if they are near to the turret but look how close they are and they still not dying at this distance "Auto Damage Multiplier (Default 1.0)": 1.0, "Auto Turret Range (Default 30)": 1000.0, "Auto Turret Aim Cone (Default 4)": 4.0, "Auto Turret Bullet Speed (Default 200)": 200.0, "Ignored Turret Shortnames": [
  9. TomHud

    Turret Fury

    why are they not shooting at scientist ?? 1st one was killed before i added TurretFury to the server "Auto Damage Multiplier (Default 1.0)": 2.0, "Auto Turret Range (Default 30)": 1000.0, "Auto Turret Aim Cone (Default 4)": 4.0, "Auto Turret Bullet Speed (Default 200)": 200.0, "Ignored Turret Shortnames": [ "sentry.scientist.static", "sentry.bandit.static"
  10. TomHud


    why am i always gettign this I even installed fresh and it returned what is causing this error ?? Database player.states.233.db opened, SQLite version: 3.34.0 MissingMethodException: Network.NetWrite Network.BaseNetwork.get_write() it will not move on from that error so im back to the start.
  11. TomHud

    Turret Fury

    fair enough i have no idea if the umod version works - i just assumed it did as i never tested it.
  12. TomHud

    Turret Fury

    Removed as was a discussion about another plugin which did not work.
  13. TomHud


    no idea how they do it but its the same feature they use on Build Servers to stop players from coming into your build.
  14. TomHud


    i would buy this if it worked for the following : Player places a TC a zone is auto created over whatever the range the tc covers. No one can enter unless they added to the tc by way of friends or added to the team using built in team function No Outside damage can be done to anything in the zone from external players If you can pull this off i will buy it instantly
  15. TomHud

    Inventory Shop

    will this shop allow me to sell scrap back to it for points ?
  16. TomHud

    Helpful Supply

    had same issue today with this plugin - no matter what type of drop i throw its like vanilla loot and not what should be in it
  17. TomHud

    Skill Tree

    is this plugin giving a different scrap with a blue arrow over it as i keep getting 2 sets of scrap which i can not join together I can still use the scrap - just not stack it all as one.
  18. TomHud

    Helpful Supply

    @mevent after the update something has gone wrong with this plugin - its still working but its giving a random amount of goods Example - gun supply will give explosives and components etc its as if its not reading the config
  19. can you add the electric furnace in the plugin - under furnaces so it allows me to change the burn speed on it as its slow
  20. TomHud

    Rust Server Tool

    not sure about the free version but the paid version has all them options plus a lot more.
  21. Storage adapter in new update does not connect to the Ingame built quarries or Player Quarries Anyone able to add this in a mod please ? We use quarries a lot on my server so this is needed if its possible.
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  22. TomHud

    The Door Knocker

    so far seems to be working fine - one thing i noticed is it takes 8 rockets instead of the 7 as i think it does not account for the one in the launcher Regardless it works as intended.


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