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About Inventory Shop

Inventory Shop is a plugin that introduces a fast user friendly shop, just a simple drag and drop to sell/purchase items. This plugin comes very configurable, with dynamic category's and shop item list with the ability to add custom items with permission and command run on purchase. All feedback will be accounted for and applied in future updates, what are you waiting for make your players love the unique fast to use shop today!



Plugin Permissions:

inventoryshop.useshop - Allows user to access the /shop command


Plugin Config:

  "Economic Settings": {
    "Use Economics": false,
    "Use Server Rewards": false,
    "Use Item Economy": true,
    "Item Name (For display)": "Scrap",
    "Item ID": -932201673,
    "Item Skin": 0
  "Prevention Settings": {
    "Prevent shop when building blocked": true
  "NoEscape Settings": {
    "Use No Escape": true,
    "Block when Combat Blocked": true,
    "Block when Raid Blocked": true
  "Chat Settings": {
    "Message Prefix": "<color=#FFD700>[Inventory Shop]</color>",
    "Message Icon (Steam ID)": 76561198194158447,
    "Shop CMD Abbrivations": [
  "Sound Effects": {
    "Purchase Sound Effect": "assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/effects/vending-machine-purchase-human.prefab",
    "Sell Sound Effect": "assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/effects/vending-machine-purchase-human.prefab",
    "Save Inventory Effect": "assets/prefabs/deployable/locker/sound/equip_zipper.prefab",
    "Not Enough Money Effect": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.denied.prefab",
    "Button Press Effect": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/stack.world.fx.prefab"
  "Permission Settings": {
    "Require permission for Shop": true,
    "Shop permission": "inventoryshop.useshop"
  "Additional Settings": {
    "Allow shop open using shift + middle mouse": true,
    "Log players buy/sell transactions to console": true
  "Shop Categories": {
    "Weapons": [
        "Item ID": 1545779598,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 5000,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": 3000,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 1,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 150.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1211166256,
          "Amount in Magazine": 30
        "Item ID": -1812555177,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 3000,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": 1500,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 1,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 150.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1211166256,
          "Amount in Magazine": 30
        "Item ID": 28201841,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 3250,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": 2000,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 1,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 150.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1211166256,
          "Amount in Magazine": 30
    "Attire": [
        "Item ID": 1266491000,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 550,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 1,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 200.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1,
          "Amount in Magazine": -1
        "Item ID": -470439097,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 600,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 1,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 200.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1,
          "Amount in Magazine": -1
        "Item ID": 491263800,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 600,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 1,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 200.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1,
          "Amount in Magazine": -1
    "Resources": [
        "Item ID": -151838493,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 10,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 1000,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 0.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1,
          "Amount in Magazine": -1
        "Item ID": -2099697608,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 50,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 10000,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 0.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1,
          "Amount in Magazine": -1
        "Item ID": -1581843485,
        "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "",
        "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 100,
        "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1,
        "Item Skin": 0,
        "Item Amount In Store": 1000,
        "Item Permission": "",
        "Item Command": "",
        "Condition Of Item": 0.0,
        "Weapon Attributes": {
          "Ammo Item ID": -1,
          "Amount in Magazine": -1


Plugin Language File:

  "CannotDragOnItem": "You can not drag onto a slot with a item already in it.",
  "PurchaseSuccessful": "You have successfully purchased {0}x {1} for {2}.",
  "ErrorStacking": "You would be exceeding the max stack size of that item, please drag into another slot.",
  "ErrorPurchase": "There was an error purchasing this item, please try again.",
  "CannotAfford": "You can not afford this item with the selected amount.",
  "ItemCantBeSold": "This item is not able to be sold.",
  "SoldItem": "You have sold {0}x {1} for {2}.",
  "ErrorSelling": "There was an error selling this item, please try again.",
  "BuildingBlocked": "You cannot use this action when building blocked.",
  "CombatBlocked": "You cannot use this action when combat blocked.",
  "RaidBlocked": "You cannot use this action when raid blocked.",
  "InformationText": "<color=green>Purchase</color> items:\nSelect the BUY action in the action menu, and drag items from the crate into either your belt, main, or attire container. A conformation will pop up, with the price and amount you are purchasing.\n\n<color=red>Sell</color> items:\nSelect the SELL action in the action menu, and drag items from your inventory into the container on the right.",
  "NotEnoughAuto": "You did not have enough balance to auto purchase your kit.",
  "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
  "BuyTransactionLog": "{0} [{1}] has bought {3}x {2} for {4}.",
  "SellTransactionLog": "{0} [{1}] has sold {3}x {2} for {4}.",
  "ConformationText": "Conformation",
  "BuyConformationText": "Are you sure you want to buy {0}x {1} for {2}?",
  "SellConformationText": "Are you sure you want to sell {0}x {1} for {2}?",
  "ConfirmButton": "Confirm",
  "CancelButton": "Cancel",
  "NoConfBuyButton": "Purchase and dont show again",
  "NoConfSellButton": "Sell and dont show again"



Shoutout to RIPJAWBONES for giving me the idea and UI layout.

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