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Global Offline Raid Protection 1.0.1

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About Global Offline Raid Protection

Global Offline Raid Protection is a plugin that was made to stop the pesky offline raiders! This plugin allows the server to scale explosive damage down during a certain time frame, to prevent people from the good old 3 AM offline! Now let your players go to sleep in peace, and have them enjoy a good nights rest.




globalofflineraidprotection.admin - Allow use of commands



/gettimezone - Gets servers current timezone.

/toggleraidprotection - Manually toggles the raid protection.



  "System Time to Deactivate Raiding": "03:00 AM",
  "System Time to Reactivate Raiding": "09:00 AM",
  "Amount to scale explosive damage (0-1) (0 - No Damage, 0.5 - Half Damage, 1 - Normal Damage)": 0.5,
  "Send message when raiding in deactivated hours?": true,
  "Send message when connecting in deactivated hours?": true,
  "Reset raid protection value to default on server wipe?": true



  "ScaledDown": "<color=#d4af37>[Offline Raid Protection]</color> Explosions damage have been <color=green>reduced</color> by {0}%, until {1} {2}",
  "ScaledUp": "<color=#d4af37>[Offline Raid Protection]</color> Explosions damage have been <color=green>reinstated</color> back to full damage, until {0} {1}",
  "PlayerMessage": "<color=#d4af37>[Offline Raid Protection]</color> Damage has been <color=red>scaled down</color> {0}% as you are raiding in offlining hours!",
  "PlayerMessageConnect": "<color=#d4af37>[Offline Raid Protection]</color> All Explosive Damage has been <color=red>scaled down</color> {0}% as you are raiding in offlining hours! Explosive damage will be reinstated at {1} {2}.",
  "Timezone": "<color=#d4af37>[Offline Raid Protection]</color> Current Server Timezone: {0}.",
  "NoPermission": "<color=#d4af37>[Offline Raid Protection]</color> You do not have permission to use this command."

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