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About Roam Bubble

Roam Bubble is a plugin that will enhance clans/teams gameplay by bringing stat based roam events. Roam Bubble is a zone that is created at any grid the admin specifies, and the team that ends with the most kills wins. Admins can call as many roams as they want at any grid, there is support to have multiple zones going on at once.




/roam {time} {grid} - This command is the main command to call roams, this command requires the permission below. For the time, it is either {time}s for seconds or {time}m for minutes.



roambubble.callroam - This permission is required to call a roam.


Plugin is coded using language file, all text for messages can be edited there to support any language.



  "Use Clans": true,
  "Sphere Radius": 150,
  "Amount of Spheres (More = Darker, although creates multiple sphere ents)": 7,
  "Message Settings": {
    "Display Name for Chat Messages": "Billy Joe's Roams",
    "Display Name Color for Chat Messages": "#d4af37",
    "Steam ID Avatar for Chat Messages": 76561198194158447,
    "Send Global Chat Message when roam is created?": true,
    "Send Discord Message when roam is created?": true,
    "Send End Result to Global Chat?": true,
    "Send End Result to Discord?": true
  "UI Settings": {
    "Use UI": true,
    "UI Title": "Billy Joe's Roams",
    "UI Title Color": "0 0.5988035 0.7529412 1",
    "UI Title Font Size": 30,
    "UI Timer Color": "1 1 1 1",
    "UI Timer Font Size": 22
  "Discord Settings": {
    "Use Discord Output?": true,
    "Discord Webhook URL": "",
    "Roam Winners Embed Title": "{0} Roam has finished, {1} have won the roam",
    "Roam Winners Embed Color": 3066993,
    "Roam No Winners Embed Title": "{0} Roam has finished, there were no winners",
    "Roam No Winners Embed Color": 15158332,
    "Roam Called Embed Color": 10181046


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