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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. Version 1.0.3


    A configurable UI with wipe/purge info to save your admins some work Optional dependencies : GUIAnnouncements Features : Set info about wipe time/day and purge time/day in a UI Panel Setup Colors used and a Top banner image Welcomes the player using his/her name automaticly Automaticly displays the settings inside the UI from CFG file Option to have it use a GUIAnnouncement message when purge is active or not. Both with a seperate timed interval.(to activate either set it to true/false and reload plugin for now) GuiAnnouncements are randomised from the lists (depended if the pre/during mode is set to true) This is not a purge plugin but a info panel still have to activate your purge!!! Permissions : purgeinfo.info : To give players permission to use the UI panel command Commands : /purge info : To open the informational UI panel. Configuration : Notes : You still have to manualy enable disable the Announcements to true/false and reload the plugin (this is not automated) { "GUI Info Settings": { "Banner Image": true, "Banner Image Url": "https://i.ibb.co/6YbWnxW/purge-info.png", "Banner Image Transparrency (0-1)": 0.9, "Welcome text color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Version text color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Wipe text color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Purge text color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Info Text color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Info Text size (Default = 18)": 16, "Close Button Text": "Close this window", "Close Button color (RGBA)": "0 0 0 0.85", "Close Button Text color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 1" }, "Wipe Info Settings": { "Wipe cycle (weekly biweekly monthly": "Biweekly", "Wipe day (mon tue fri etc..": "Thursdays", "Wipe time (example 19:00)": "19:00 UTC" }, "Purge Info Settings": { "Purge day (mon tue fri etc..": "Wednesday", "Purge start time (example 19:00)": "19:00 UTC", "Purge end time (example 18:00)": "18:00 UTC" }, "Info Block": { "Info text": "Your purge/wipe info can be placed here use \n to go to the next line" }, "Announcements": { "Use Pre Purge GUIAnnouncements": false, "Pre Purge GUIAnnouncements Cycle time (minutes)": 10.0, "Use During Purge GUIAnnouncements": false, "During Purge GUIAnnouncements Cycle time (minutes)": 10.0 }, "GUIAnnouncements messages": { "Pre Purge Announcement messages": [ "test : for the PurgeInfo plugin (pre purge trigger)", "test2 : For testing the PurgInfo plugin timing (pre purge trigger)", "test3 : Another test for PurgeInfo plugin timing (pre purge trigger(wip))" ], "During Purge Announcement messages": [ "test4 : for the PurgeInfo plugin (during purge trigger)", "test5 : For testing the PurgInfo plugin timing (during purge trigger)", "test6 : Another test for PurgeInfo plugin timing (during purge trigger(wip))" ] } } localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "Prefix": "[<color=green>PurgeInfo</color>] " }
  2. Krungh Crow

    spawn broken ?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.7
  3. Krungh Crow

    spawn broken ?

    ye think i found the issue its prob only spawning on even number ^^ have to do a diffrent call i will test and prob be updated in a couple minutes
  4. Krungh Crow

    spawn broken ?

    can u post your cfg file so i can test your settings on the testserver ?
  5. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.5
  6. Krungh Crow

    NPC on a horse?

    that will NOT be easy and would require a big MonoBehaviour to be written so not sure if i can add that...would be awsome to see but not sure if it is possible at all with my current knowledge of coding ^^
  7. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  8. ill have a look and test i have hordes too so i can test that.
  9. they shouldnt be doing that what plugin you use to spawn zombies with ? they only see the minecraft zombies as a animal since they share family of npc with eachother
  10. Krungh Crow

    Drop weapon

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  11. Krungh Crow

    Drop weapon

    cyan is not supported by oxide you have to add a hex code to get the cyan color (#00ffffff) "<size=12><color=#00ffffff> message </color></size>" I will check the drop weapon but there are plugins allready available that makes the npc drop their weapon
  12. Krungh Crow

    Bradley option? (Request)

    did u try using BradleyOptions ?
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.1
  14. seems to be happening when its hurting itself ^^. Now i have something to work with
  15. noticed it too occasionaly .It happened when they updated oxide i am still looking into it but its not a plugin breaking issue.
  16. Krungh Crow


    added the spawnamount having some computer issues so somehow it took the unfinished future coding in previous 1.0.3 version this has been removed in 1.0.4 making them throw grenades and mellee will be looked upon
  17. Krungh Crow


    i will check that ,it will require a diffrent npc type and can be either ranged or mellee so most likely need to add the scarecrow . thx for the suggestion
  18. a Discordwipe plugin - Detects mapwipes - Blueprint wipes - player capacity - map size - map name - seed - prints out a configurable message to discord - No extra api's required it should be run by itself optional to set a Purge notification set in cfg start/end
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  19. 2. you can do this inside the cfg to give the tags a color (hex codes should work also) "PVPKills": "<color=red>KillerBee</color>",
  20. the plugin has been patched for the NPCKit issue pls redownload current version
  21. Krungh Crow


    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  22. Krungh Crow


    Backpacks seem to be working fine tested it just now { "Drop on Death (true/false)": true, "Erase on Death (true/false)": false, "Use Blacklist (true/false)": false, "Clear Backpacks on Map-Wipe (true/false)": false, "Only Save Backpacks on Server-Save (true/false)": false, "Blacklisted Items (Item Shortnames)": [ "autoturret", "lmg.m249" ], "Backpack Size (1-7 Rows)": 7 } Make sure to have `drop on Death` set to true and `Erase on Death` to false.
  23. just tested it and spawned some random npc in and it worked normaly . NpcKits aplyed to the spawned npc's Did u update NPCKits and checked if profiles are set tot true again ?
  24. ill have a look if i can replicate it too
  25. this aplies to all npc or just the walkers from this plugin ?its ment to block the kits from the NPCKits to be aplyed to the walkers.


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