Version 1.2.0
Better NPC Names wil give the nameless NPC's a title and/or name instead of their id number or NPC type.
And has API to monetize your npc naming if other plugins are willing to use it.
Features :
Setup custom titles
Names will be generated on random
Generated names will be having a Uppercase first letter
A random initial can be generated.
Set up how you want your npc name to be
This will not modify existing custom npc names
Corpse name will be having the npc full title and name instead of the generic Scarecrow or Scientist titles
Option to use a player corpse panel instead of a simple box panel. (New v1.1.4)
Does not interfere with BotReSpawn npc's
Waits for server to be fully initiated after a restart or wipe before naming the npc
When other plugins use the API the Name Buildup will be used from this config monetizing the npc names
Extra Bonus Features :
Corpses of the npc will contain skulls body fat and human meat
Corpses will take over npc inventory from custom npc
Option to clear default loot
Option to clear Beltbar items
Option to clear Clothingbar items
API support for other plugins
Configuration :
{Title} : Uses the [Npc Titles] variables for each type
{RandomName} : Uses the location for the generated name
{RandomLetter} : Location for a initial
You can change the naming order around , see the examples below :
"{Title} {RandomName} {RandomLetter}"
"{RandomName} {RandomLetter}"
"{Title} {RandomLetter} {RandomName}"
"{Title} {RandomName}"
"Name the npcplayertest": true,
"Npc Titles": {
"Frankenstein": "Franky",
"Scarecrow": "Crow",
"Scientist": "Doctor",
"UnderwaterDweller": "Subber",
"TunnelDweller": "Rail worker",
"npcplayertest": "testplayer"
"Name Buildup": "{Title}{RandomLetter}.{RandomName}",
"Corpse setup": {
"Use Playercorpse": true,
"Clear Deafault loot": false,
"Clear Belt": true,
"Clear Clothes": true
string GiveName(global::HumanNPC npc, string Title,bool UseName,bool UseLetter)
string GiveName(ScarecrowNPC npc, string Title,bool UseName,bool UseLetter)
example call :
if (BetterNpcNames != null) npc.displayName = (BetterNpcNames.Call<string>("GiveName",npc , configData.NpcTitle, true, true));