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Everything posted by ChristopherS

  1. ChristopherS


    Or remove them. That'd be great if there was the chance to have only the sort button. Also, I spoke with the dev about adding the option to sort the TC back in January. I was told it'd be added shortly. It's 3 months later and this still isn't here. Any word on this 0xf?
  2. ChristopherS

    Craft Menu

    Yeah this is a pain for me too. I just run the command "craftmenu_admin wipe" to reset these. You're right though, this feature does not work for me at all either.
  3. ChristopherS

    Server Hud

    Why are you quoting me from a Skill Tree discussion page on another plugin haha??
  4. I'm really sorry about not getting back to you, with me also, my health has taken a nose dive off a cliff. It seems that this wipe everything is working as intended. Which is more frustrating to me because all I've changed is the oxide and server version without touching any of my other plugins or server config etc. For now I think I'm tentatively happy to say that it must have been a compatibility issue somehow with last months oxide/server versions.
  5. Jeeze mate. Honestly, forget the plugins for a bit, deal with your illness. Dengue fever isn't something to take lightly. Focus on that, forget us. We'll be fine letting our players know about known-issues for a bit.
  6. Are you using the latest version that was released today?
  7. Any update Any updates CASHR???? It's been 2 weeks since I've asked you if there's any update and you've completely ignored us. You promised to deal with this issue over 5 weeks ago. Don't tell us you're going to do something when you have zero intention of doing so.
  8. Any update mate? It's been 3 weeks.
  9. I'll do some further testing tonight to check specifically for logs. It's so strange though, it works first time after a restart for everyone, second time though, people can't trigger it. There was one time where a player had the same issue as above when I was online. I teleported to the oil rig and the machine worked fine first time. I've checked all cards from people, even spawning in a card from the plugin command which didn't work for them (confirmed by me) too. What I wanted to also do is unload all plugins to check for a conflict or something. Unfortunately though, this would make it really difficult to test because that command would unload this one too, fixing the issue.
  10. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    Can I make a suggestion please: Would it be possible to add webhooks to the plugin so that I can see via discord when a player triggers an event please Cheers!
  11. You're a superstar mate. I have told my players to let me know when they're going to the oil rig, to give me 10 minutes warning so that I can manually reset the plugin for them each time haha!
  12. I can confirm. After a server restart, it works fine the first time. Subsequent trips by people have it where this doesn't work. When I reload the plugin, it works again.
  13. A few players on my server are unable to start the event. Frustratingly, whenever I go there to test, it works first time. I've advised them to change where they're standing, to swipe closer/further from the machine, but they cannot get it to work at all. Today, one of my players who has problems made a video showing what they experience:
  14. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    The plugin is called: "Heavy Rig Wave Event". The description and video show exactly what this plugin does. The price of this plugin is extremely low for the amount of fun it brings to players. If you have a suggestion for another plugin, that would be fair. To criticise this one, is not.
  15. I use Furnace splitter from uMod, and it works perfectly with that. The only thing you need to take into consideration is that this will potentially smelt things faster and have a bonus wood efficiency. That means the wood that gets automatically transferred across will be much more than is actually needed.
  16. Like tacman said, you can indeed translate this into any language you'd like. On im the new guy's Discord server, someone has actually provided a full translation of this into Russian too. If you do buy this, all you need to do is DM him proof of purchase via his Discord, and he'll add you into the Skill Tree channel where you can get this.
  17. I've just got this message in my console: "Calling hook OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: IOCore - True (Boolean), MeteorEvent (False (Boolean))" From what I gather, IOCore is RustEdit? I'm not sure if this is a problem or not, I'm not seeing any errors though.
  18. I've done some testing. If you have a skinned wooden wall (gingerbread or frontier), then when you try to upgrade to stone, it reverts to twig. It still take the wood from the TC to cover the cost of this "upgrade".
  19. You can already change the distance in the config, and you can choose to have this only work for melee items too. "Should the LootPickup buff only work with melee weapons?": false, "Should we have a maximum distance for the loot pickup buff [0 = unlimited]?": 20,
  20. As the title suggests, upgrading your base to stone, turns your base into twig.
  21. The issue of upgrading to stone is still here. When people upgrade to stone, it turns your base into twig.
  22. Can I disable the dud chance option so players have to use vanilla rates for this?
  23. Ooh. That's given me an idea too if it's not too much work. Would it be possible to give us an option to set a max output bonus for a specific resource. What I mean is, let's say the furnace is set to +100% (2x). Could it be possible to limit HQM to +50% and sulphur to +25% etc?
  24. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    This comment right here is amazing. This is objective proof that you're a developer that cares about their users and your plugins
  25. Please don't consider this as pestering or impatient, but I'm wondering if there's any update on how the 2.0 version of this plugin is coming on. Like many others, this plugin causes lag spikes for me. It's becoming an issue at times, and I know that for quite some time you've said you will not be updating this plugin again, with our only hope being the 2.0 version. I've attached an image showing that when people do basically anything, there's always a wall of text informing me that the plugin is taking some time to complete things. I have to use this plugin, I consider this basically the most important admin plugin that I have, I'm just curious about how much longer we have to wait for the more performant 2.0 loot audit. Thanks, Christopher.


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