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  1. TGWA


    Version 1.1.61


    Ever wanted to be able to rain death on your enemies while being in what is essentially a flying tank!? The GunShip plugin allows you to spawn 16 different preconfigured customized vehicles allowing for new ways to play the game! Whether it is base raiding, pvp, or monument clearing youll always have the right tools, and the right firepower, to get the job done! The plugin itself requires one main dependency but has a few optional ones as well. After Entity Scale Manager is installed all vehicles will be able to be spawned in and used right out of the box! Support Please read through this as well as the extended documentation available on my discord before flagging a ticket! Open a support request here or join the discord and get in touch with me directly! I may not answer right away, please allow around 24 hours for me to be able to help you with your request! Dependency Setup REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES: Entity Scale Manager OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES: Death Notes Sign Artist Server Rewards Economics Raidable Bases Entity Scale Manager (Required) Once downloaded, upload the plugin to the same directory as the GunShip plugin and check console to ensure it has loaded, once it has reload the GunShip plugin (if needed). OPTIONALLY you can change the following setting in the config file of Entity Scale Manager to make the scaling spheres disappear. // Change the below value to true if you would like to enable it in the EntityScaleManager.json config file. { "Hide spheres after resize (performance intensive)": false } Death Notes (Optional) Implementing Death Notes allows players to see custom death messages when a player kills something or gets killed by something on a server. When using Death Notes with the GunShip plugin you can see additional custom death messages for when a NPC / Player is killed by a GunShip vehicle. Near the end of the DeathNotes.json configuration file in the oxide/config directory you can add the following lines to enable the custom death messages! "muzzlebrake.entity": "Armed Sedan", "lasersight.entity": "Heavy Technical", "smoke_grenade.weapon": "Light Technical", "hammer.entity": "Apache Attack Helicopter", "spraycan.weapon": "Huey Attack Helicopter", "flare.weapon": "Viper Attack Helicopter", "detonator.entity": "Enforcer UAV", "supplysignal.weapon": "Cargo Truck" Append the above lines to the end of the 'Weapons' section of the config. It should look like something below. Sign Artist (Optional) Sign artist is used to load custom images onto signs from a url. In the GunShip plugin it is used to load the specified image to all signs by default when they are initially spawned in. Upload the the oxide/plugins directory and enjoy! Reseller Info As of version 1.0.5 the reseller framework has been added! This new feature allows server owners to optionally add the 'reseller' / salesman role into their servers allowing a assigned player to sell other players gunship vehicles. Additionally if enabled the assigned player can also make a comission of the configured currency for the sale depending on how much money they took off of the original price of the vehicle. For a reseller to be able to make commission the option for enable reseller comission must be enabled. If you want the ability to allow resellers to edit the price of the vehicle within the configured discount range enable the Allow Resellers to Modify Price option in the config file. The actual comission is based off of the amount that the reseller did not take off of the sale. For example, if the reseller ran /sellgs huey 15 false they would make 5% of the total sale meaning that the comission is (sale price) * ((configured discount max) - (specified discount)) = reseller commission amount Custom Item Info Land / Air Vehicles Item Shortname: box.wooden Water Vehicles Item Shortname: boogieboard Steam Skin IDs: Permission Info System Permissions gunship.vip - Enables VIP perks / settings for players with this permission. gunship.spawn - Required to spawn any gunship vehicle (just to use the /gunship command). gunship.nocooldown - Players with this permission do not have a spawn command cooldown. gunship.admin - Players get admin settings / perks. gunship.target_immune - Players with this permission cannot be targeted by GunShip managed AutoTurrets (Vehicle Auto Turrets). gunship.nowipefee - Players with this permission do not pay a wipe fee for any vehicle (Start of wipe fee). gunship.norespawnfee - Players with this permission do not pay a respawn fee to spawn their vehicle after paying the wipe fee. gunship.norecallfee - Removes the cost of using the /gunship.util recall vehicle_name command gunship.nohominglock - Players that have this permission cannot be locked onto by a gunship smart missile system (what the guardian uses) gunship.reseller - Allows a player to use the reseller commands and sell vehicle items to other players and make commission (if enabled) Vehicle Permissions gunship.apache - Huey Attack Helicopter gunship.guardian - Guardian Homing AA Helicopter gunship.stinger - Agile Missile Attack Helicopter gunship.viper - Agile Gunner Attack Helicopter gunship.cobra - AA Helicopter gunship.huey - Heavy Attack Helicopter gunship.reaper - Heavy Attack Helicopter gunship.technical - Light Armoured Ground Attack Vehicle gunship.heavy_technical - Heavy Armoured Ground Attack Vehicle gunship.cargo_truck - Heavy Armoured Ground Transport Vehicle gunship.sedan - Heavy Ground Attack Vehicle gunship.fighter - Agile Attack Helicopter gunship.stallion - Heavy Cargo Transport Helicopter gunship.cougar - Light Cargo Transport Helicopter gunship.enforcer - Tactical UAV gunship.attack_rhib - Light Gun Boat Command Info Player Commands: /gunship - USE: /gunship <vehicle_name> - The base GunShip command. Used for spawning vehicles. /gunship.help - USE: /gunship.help - Displays the help information for all vehicles. (Grey Names: No Permission, Yellow Names: Has Permission) /gunship.util - USE: /gunship.util <kill/recall/find> <vehicle_name> - Kill, recall, or find, the specified vehicle (if it is spawned) Admin Commands: /clearsave - USE: /clearsave - Wipe the save file in its entirety. /gunship.reloadconfig - USE: /gunship.reloadconfig - Reload the configuration values without reloading the plugin. /vehiclereport - USE: /vehiclereport - Get the information of the actively spawned vehicles. /checkstatus - USE: /checkstatus - View a report of the information relating to the vehicle you are looking at. /resetwf_all - USE: /resetwf_all - Reset the wipe fees of all players. /resetwf_player - USE: /resetwf_player <player_name> - Reset the wipe fees of the specified player. Debug Commands: /getlayer - USE: /getlayer - Return the layer information of the entity that you are currently looking at, prints to RCON console. /getparent - USE: /getparent - Return the information about the parent of the entity you are looking at (if any). /getname - USE: /getname - Return the name, item id, and skin id, of the currently held item. Reseller Commands (Requires gunship.reseller): /sellgs - USE: /sellgs <profile_name> <discount_percentage> <is_one_time_sale (true/false)> - Create a vehicle sale offer for the player you are facing /processsale - USE: /processsale <"confirm"/"cancel"> - Confirms or cancels the current sale offer and sends it to the customer Reseller Customer Commands: /buygs - USE: /buygs <"confirm"/"cancel"> - Confirms or cancels the given sale offer after being sent by a reseller Configuration File { "General Config": { "Chat Settings": { "Chat Message Icon": 0, // The default icon of all images sent by the plugin "Chat Message Prefix": "[<color=#d93d3d>GunShip</color>]" // The default chat prefix of all messages sent by the plugin }, "Sign Settings": { "Load Default Image on All Vehicle Signs": false, // Whether or not to load a default image when a vehicle is first spawned in "Sign URL Load (Requires Sign Artist)": "", // The URL of the default image to be loaded on the the sign "Load default image on vanilla vehicles": true }, "Vehicle Purchase Settings": { "Enable Wipe Fee": true, // Whether or not to enable the wipe fee "Enable Respawn Fee": true, // Whether or not to enable the respawn fee "Respawn Fee": 500.0, // The Respawn Fee amount "Recall Fee (To disable set to 0)": 200.0, // The recall fee amount "Payment Settings": { "Use Economics Plugin (Priority, will use this over SR if enabled)": false, "Use Server Rewards Plugin": false, "Use Custom Currency": true, // Whether or not to use a custom currency instead of SR or Economics "Points Name (when using SR or Economics)": "dollars", "Custom Currency Item Shortname (Specify item shortname [e.g scrap, or metal.refined])": "scrap", // Shortname of the custom currency "Custom Currency Skin (0 = Default Skin)": 0, // The Skin Id of the custom currency "Custom Currency Display Name (Leave empty for default item name)": "" // The display name of the custom currency } }, "PvP Settings": { "Enable PvE Mode (Disable all Damage between Players / Owned Entities and GunShip Vehicles)": false, // Enable the PvE Damage profile "Damage Options (Individual Settings)": { "Disable Gunship Damage to Owned Vehicles": false, "Disable Gunship Damage to Players": false, "Enable Friendly Fire": false, // Disable Friendly fire between teammates "Disable Player Damage to Gunships": false, "Disable Player Damage to All OWNED Vehicles (Global)": false, "Disable Global Fireball Damage": false, // Disable Fireball Damage to everything! "Disable Fireball Damage to GunShips": true,// Disable Fireball damage to gunships only (Above value overrides this) "Allow Fireball Damage in Raidable Base Raid Zones": true, "Disable Gunship To Building Damage": false, // Disable GunShip to OWNED player building damage "Disable GunShip Vehicle decay": true, "GunShips Override True PvE Damage Checks": false // Override the behaviour of TruePvE using the above damage settings for outgoing gunship damage "Building Damage Settings": { "Disable GunShip to Building Damage": true, "Allow Owned Building Damage (Players can damage their own buildings)": true, "Allow Friendly Fire Building Damage Between Teammates": true } } }, "Gunship System Targeting Settings": { "Allow GunShip Turrets to Target Sleepers": false, "Allow GunShip Turrets to Target Players": true, "Allow Gunship Sam Sites to target players": true, "Allow Gunship SAM Sites to target Patrol Helicopter": false, "Allow Non-GunShip SAM sites to target gunship vehicles": true, "Allow Gunship Homing Missiles to Lock onto Patrol Helicopter": true, "Allow Gunship Homing Missiles to Lock onto Bradley APC": true, "Enable Homing Lock PvP": true, // Enable the gunship smart missiles to lock onto players (Guardian Smart Missiles) "Enable Homing Lock Friendly Fire (between teammates)": false // Allow homing lock from smart missiles to friendly players (teammates) }, "Spawn Cooldown Time": 120.0, "Use Vehicle Locks Plugin to Manage Vehicle and Storage Access": false, "Drop items and fuel from GunShip vehicle on death": true, "Disable Auto Save Message": true }, "Spawn Point Config": { "Enable Spawn Point Config": false, "Spawn Point Data": { "Spawn Point List": { "default": { "Monument Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/airfield_1.prefab", "Spawn Point Location (Local)": { "x": -87.03, "y": 0.3, "z": 37.91 }, "Spawn Point Rotation (Local)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } } } }, "VIP Permission Config": { "VIP Permission": "vip", "Enable VIP Cooldown Config (if false, uses default)": true, "VIP Perks Config": { "Enable VIP Perks (Set False to Disable All)": true, "VIP Vehicle Respawn Cooldown": 15, "VIP Respawn Fee Amount": 150 } }, "Permission Config": { "Spawn Permission": "spawn", "No Cooldown Permission": "nocooldown", "GunShip Turret Targeting System Immunity": "target_immune", "No Wipe Fee Permission": "nowipefee", "No Respawn Fee Permission": "norespawnfee", "No Recall Fee Permission": "norecallfee", "Administrator Permission (Enables Config from Admin Permission Config Settings)": "admin", "Homing Lock Immunity Permission": "nohominglock", "Admin Settings": { "Admin Default Minimum Permission Level -> Player Connection Level 0, 1, or 2": 2, "Admin Default Permissions (players with auth level >= configured level)": { "Auto Override Storage": true, "Auto Override Mount": true, "Admins Can be targeted by Gunship System": true, "Auto Override Spawn Cooldown": true, "Auto Overrride Wipe Fee": true, "Admin Override Respawn Fee": true, "Enable Wipe Fee Reset Commands (/resetwf_player & /resetwf_all)": true }, "Admin Permission Config (players with the gunship.admin permission)": { "Auto Override Storage": true, // Admins can open any gunship vehicle storage regardless of auth "Auto Override Mount": true, // Admins can mount any vehicle regardless of auth "Admins Can be targeted by Gunship System": true, // Allow admins to be targeted by gunship auto turrets "Auto Override Spawn Cooldown": true, "Auto Overrride Wipe Fee": true, "Admin Override Respawn Fee": true, "Enable Wipe Fee Reset Commands (/resetwf_player & /resetwf_all)": true } } }, "Vehicle Mod Config": { "Vanilla Vehicle Global Settings": { "Drop Dead Vehicle Items": true, "Scraptransport Helicopter Config": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Boxes to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Minicopter Config": { "Add Radio to Minicopter": true, "Add Sign to Minicopter": true, "Add Storage Box to Minicopter": true }, "Sedan Config": { "Add Radio to Sedan": true, "Add Boxes to Sedan": true }, "Attack Helicopter Config": { "Add Radio to Player Attack Helicopter": true, "Add Boxes to Player Attack Helicopter": false } } }, "Vehicle config": { "Vehicle Control Config": { "Disable remote turret control of gunship auto turrets": true }, "Apache Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Apache", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 6500, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "apache", "Infinite Machine Gun Ammo": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Minicopter Fighter Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Minicopter Fighter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 2800, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "fighter", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Minicopter": true, "Add Sign to Minicopter": true, "Add Heater to Minicopter": true, "Add Back Light to Minicopter": true }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Sedan Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Armed Sedan", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 2000, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "sedan", "Infinite Machine Gun Ammo": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Sedan": true, "Add Boxes to Sedan": true } }, "Technical Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Light Technical", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 1900, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "technical", "Mod Configuration": {}, "Engine Configuration": { "Engine Parts Config": { "Add Engine Parts": false, "Engine Parts Grade (0 = Low Quality, 1 = Medium Quality, 2 = High Quality)": 0, "Lock Engine when using added parts": true }, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Heavy Technical Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Heavy Technical", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 2600, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "heavy_technical", "Mod Configuration": {}, "Engine Configuration": { "Engine Parts Config": { "Add Engine Parts": false, "Engine Parts Grade (0 = Low Quality, 1 = Medium Quality, 2 = High Quality)": 0, "Lock Engine when using added parts": true }, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Cargo Truck Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Cargo Truck", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 2800, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "cargo_truck", "Add Default Image to Signs": true, "Mod Configuration": {}, "Engine Configuration": { "Engine Parts Config": { "Add Engine Parts": false, "Engine Parts Grade (0 = Low Quality, 1 = Medium Quality, 2 = High Quality)": 0, "Lock Engine when using added parts": true }, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Cougar Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Cougar", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 4600, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "cougar", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Stallion Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Stallion", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 5200, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "stallion", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Stinger Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Stinger Attack Minicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 4400, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "stinger", "Infinite Rockets": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Minicopter": true, "Add Sign to Minicopter": true, "Add Heater to Minicopter": true, "Add Back Light to Minicopter": true }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 2.0, "y": 2.0, "z": 2.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Huey Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Huey Attack Helicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 7600, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "huey", "Infinite Rockets": false, "Infinite Machine Gun Ammo": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } }, "Disable MiniGun Scaling (Enable No Sphere Setting in EntityScaleManager if visual issues)": false }, "Cobra Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Cobra AA Helicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 4600, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "cobra", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Viper Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Viper Attack Minicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 4100, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "viper", "Infinite Machine Gun Ammo": false, "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Minicopter": true, "Add Sign to Minicopter": true, "Add Heater to Minicopter": true, "Add Back Light to Minicopter": true }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Enforcer Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Enforcer Attack Drone", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 6100, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "enforcer" }, "Guardian Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Guardian AA Helicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 6100, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "guardian", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } }, "Attack RHIB Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Attack RHIB", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 3100, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "attack_rhib" }, "Reaper Config": { "General Vehicle Settings": { "Vehicle Enabled": true, "Use Permission": true, "Vehicle Drops fuel": true }, "Vehicle Display Name": "Reaper Attack Helicopter", "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price": 6500, "Vehicle Wipe Fee Price (VIP)": 0, "Vehicle Spawn Permission": "reaper", "Mod Configuration": { "Add Radio to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Sign to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Add Heater to Scrap Transport Helicopter": true, "Number of Boxes to Add (1-6)": 2 }, "Engine Configuration": { "Thurst Multiplier (1 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Lift Fraction Multiplier (0 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Control Torque Multipler": { "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 1.0 }, "Fuel Consumption (100 = Vanilla Default)": 1.0, "Fuel Config": { "Add Fuel to Vehicle": false, "Only add fuel on initial spawn": true, "Fuel Amount": 150, "Fuel Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Fuel Custom Name (Leave blank for default)": "" } } } }, "Item Spawn Settings": { // For non-reseller spawn items, only for use with small wooden box spawn item "Enable Item Spawning": true, // Whether or not Item Spawning is Enabled "Require Vehicle Permission to Place Vehicle Item": false, // Require the player to have the associated permission for the vehicle to be able to spawn it with a item "Grant Vehicle Permission on Item Use (Recommended for Shop use)": true, // Grant the vehicle permission when the spawn item is deployed "Grant Vehicle Wipe fee On Use (Recommended for Shop use)": true, // Grant the vehicle wipe fee when the spawn item is deployed "Only Allow Wipe Fee to be Paid via a Reseller": false // Only allow wipe fee payments through a spawn item / reseller transaction }, "Reseller Config": { "Enable GunShip Vehicle Reselling": false, // Enable the Roleplay reselling framework "Sale Confirmation TTL (seconds)": 300, // The amount of time a transaction can take before it expires "Allow sale of a vehicle that a player already has": false, // Allow full vehicle sales even when a player already has the vehicle perm "Reseller Permission": "reseller", // The reseller pemission suffix -> gunship.reseller_permission_name "Reseller Price Editor Options": { "Allow Resellers to Modify Price": true, // Allow resellers to set a discount percentage "Enable Reseller Commission": true, // Allow resellers to be paid comission for the discount remainder percentage of the sale "Price Disount Percentage": 20.0, // The % amount the reseller can play around with in a sale "Sale Pricing Options": { "One Time Sale Price Options": { "Total Price Discount Percentage (0-99)": 40.0 // The initial % discount of a vehicle's wipe fee in a one-time-purchase sale }, "Full Sale Price Options (Grants Vehicle Permission)": { "Total Price Discount Percentage (0-99)": 0.0, // The initial % discount of a vehicle's wipe fee in a full vehicle sale "Enable item give on full sale": false } } } }, "Experimental Settings": { "Enable NoDismount on Vehicle Load Data": false, // Disable players getting dismounted from vehicles when the plugin reloads (not recommended) "Enable No Drone Sway for All modified drones": false // Enable No Sway Script for all drones w/ attatched entities (enabled for enforcer) }, "Debug Settings": { "Log Death": false, // Log Death Info "Log Vehicle Kill": false, // Log Vehicle Death Info "Log Vehicle Respawn Script": false, // Log Raw Respawn Script Output "Log Raw Save Data (Not Recommended to Turn on)": false, // Log Raw Save Messages "Log Pre-load info": false, "Enable Damage Logs": false, // Log Damage Output "Enable Gunship Item Logging": false, // Log Internal Item Logging "Enable Reseller Logging": false, // Log Internal Reseller Logging "Enable Engine Modifier Logging": false // Log info / changes related to the adjustment of vehicle's engines on spawn } } Monument Spawn Nodes (API / Command Implementation) The monument spawn node feature allows you to set up preset spots where you can spawn vehicles via a command (intended for use with a third-party plugin). Node Setup Enable the spawn node config by setting "Enable Spawn Point Config" to true Goto a spot within a monument where you want to have the vehicles spawn. Execute the /getspawnpoint command in chat, this will give you the closest monument’s prefab path as well as the relative position within the monument for use within the config file. The data from this command will also be printed to RCON as well. Either copy or directly edit the entire entry of the “default” preset in the “Spawn Point List” within the GunShip.json config file and change the name from “default” to whatever name you want to use to reference this spawn point later on. Change “Monument Prefab” to the prefab given by the command you ran in step 2 Change x, y, z entries within the “Spawn Point Location (Local)” entry to that of the coordinates that were given from the command in step 2 Confirm your changes and save the changes to your config file. Vehicle Spawning / Node Usage To actually spawn a vehicle at a created node run the following command via RCON or a hook (within a plugin, the arguments and usage will be the same) Command: SpawnVehicle_AtNode <node_name> <vehicle_name> <player_steam_id> Arguments: Node Name: The name of the node, (e.g “default”) Vehicle Name: The name of the vehicle (e.g “huey”) Player Steam Id: The steam id of the player you are spawning the vehicle for Example: > spawnvehicle_atnode “default” “huey” “81658972110849190” Use with a NPC Vendor By default the command will work similar to the /gunship or /gs command in that it will try to check if a player has paid the wipe fee (if enabled) for the specified vehicle, if not, charge them, and if they don’t have enough funds it will not spawn the vehicle. Additionally if the spawn node is blocked by another vehicle the new vehicle will not be spawned. As such it is recommended to not charge the user on a sale through a third party plugin such as through an npc vendor. However if this is not possible please refer to the below message. When using a third party plugin’s vendor it is recommended to do the following if you do not want the gunship plugin to check for a player’s purchase or for any vehicle obstructions to avoid the vehicle spawn being canceled. Change "Disable Vehicle Payment Processing" to true Change "Check For Spawn Node Obstructions" to false !! IMPORTANT !! The API does not assign the vehicle’s permission, and if "Disable Vehicle Payment Processing" is set to true the player will not have their wipe fee processed. If you want to have the player get the permission for the vehicle as well as have their wipe fee paid without having the gunship plugin charge them and potentially cancel the command if they do not have funds please add the following commands to the list of commands to be ran. > addplayervehicle <player_steam_id> <vehicle_name> > o.grant user <player_steam_id> gunship.<vehicle_permission> API bool CheckIfGunShip_API(NetworkableId entId) // Returns if whether or not the specified Net ID is a GunShip Vehicle bool GiveGunShipItem(BasePlayer player, string profilename) // Give the specified player a gunship spawn item bool SpawnGunShip(string profileName, ulong playerId, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool checkFunds, bool takeFunds, bool overridePermission, bool limitCheck) // Spawn a GunShip vehicle bool AddPlayerVehicle(string player, string profileName) // Add the specified vehicle to the list of purchased vehicles for that player bool RemovePlayerVehicle(string player, string profileName) // Remove the specified vehicle from the list of purchased vehicles for that player bool SpawnVehicle(string nodeName, string profileName, string playerID) // Spawn a vehicle at the specified node
  2. Version 1.3.7


    Introducing Total Control, a comprehensive admin tool designed for Rust game servers. This plugin is built with a full GUI, providing an intuitive and user-friendly interface for server administrators. With Total Control, you can customize every aspect of your Rust server to create a unique gaming experience for your players. Here are some of the features that set Total Control apart: Settings Page (New!): The latest addition to Total Control, the Settings page introduces powerful options for customizing server-wide gameplay systems: Skip Night: Automatically skip night cycles or use a voting system where players can vote to skip night. Time Freeze: Freeze time to any time of the day you choose. Day and Night Settings: Configure the start and end of the day, set the percentage of votes required to pass a day skip, and adjust the delay for voting messages. You can also limit the number of nights players can skip before requiring a full night cycle. Custom Vote Command: Define the vote day command, with /day as the default. PvE/PvP Mode: Set basic PvE or PvP modes, which can be toggled on a timer, or be set to stay permanently on. PvE or PvP mode can be displayed on the player HUD. Raid Protection: Implement raid protection with the same flexible settings as the PvE/PvP modes, including timers and toggles. StackSize Page: A new addition to Total Control, the StackSize page allows you to set up multipliers for individual items or entire categories, offering greater control over item stacking in your server. Item Gather Rate Control: Customize the gather rate for every item in the game to balance resource acquisition and gameplay progression. Smelting and Cooking Control: Adjust the smelting speeds for furnaces, mixing tables, campfires, and oil refineries. You can also control the charcoal output amount, the cooked output amount, and the amount of fuel used. Reward System: Set up rewards for various in-game actions such as killing scientists, and players, or picking up or mining different items. Rewards can be given in the form of economics (if the Economics plugin is installed) or server rewards (if the ServerRewards plugin is installed) or even scrap. Bradley APC and Patrol Heli Rewards: Players can be rewarded for dealing damage to or destroying the Bradley APC and Patrol Heli. There’s also a setting to divide the loot among all players who dealt damage or give all the loot to the player who deals the final blow. Total Control allows you to create a Rust server tailored to your community’s playstyle. Whether you’re looking to create a hardcore survival experience or a more casual, resource-rich environment, Total Control gives you the tools to make it happen. Accessible In-Game: One of the key features of Total Control is its accessibility. Any admin with the correct permissions can alter any settings directly in the game, even if they don’t have access to server files. Simply open the UI using the /tc command and change any settings as needed. Permissions: TotalControl.OpenGui To allow access to the Ui for admin. Chat Commands: /tc To Open the Ui for any player with the correct permission Feel free to join my Discord! Stay up to date with the latest updates, report bugs, share suggestions, and get support for my plugins. You can also promote your Rust server or just hang out and chat! Join here: https://discord.gg/AkwHUs8Qma
  3. Fruster

    Mining Event

    Version 1.0.2


    Adds an exciting event for players to your server. Once the event starts, players will be able to get more loot by mining ore and finding small stashes with loot underneath it. The event has an interface with a table. The event is easily configured and can be triggered automatically or by command. You can reward the winners with special prizes, for example, an item with a unique name and skin (only for items with stacks of size 1). Commands (admin only): /mie_start - starts an event /mie_stop - starts an event /mie_forcestart - force the event to start Config: { "Autostart event(disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "Minimum event duration(in seconds)": 300, "Maximum event duration(in seconds)": 900, "Minimum number of online players to trigger an event": 1, "Pre-event message": "Mining event will start in a minute", "Pre-event message time(in seconds)": 60, "Event message": "Mining event has started, go and get all the ore!", "End event message": "Mining event ended", "Display a table with player names": true, "Resource multiplier during the event": 2.0, "Spawn a small stash under the ore": true, "Small stash items list": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 4, "max": 8, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "min": 100, "max": 200, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" } ], "Small stash removal time(in seconds)": 60, "First place prize(items list)": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 200, "max": 400, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "min": 1000, "max": 2000, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "rifle.ak", "dropChance": 10, "min": 1, "max": 1, "skinID": 809190373, "displayName": "AK" } ], "Second place prize(items list)": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 100, "max": 200, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "min": 500, "max": 1000, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" } ], "Third place prize(items list)": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 50, "max": 100, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "min": 250, "max": 500, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" } ] }
  4. Version V9


    -.The map is based on Tamriel, which I think is perfect for than those who like medieval surroundings, so this map Whether you like it, it does not contain anything from the rust maps, however Several monuments have been created to replace them, for example The petros in this case are pirate ships, there are dungeons and many ruins to loot and along the way there is also custom junkpile medieval. -.This map is not intended to be played normally in Rust but It is designed for Roleplay. Prefab: 48k Size: 4500 Custom Monuments -.13 ruins. -.1 player spawn point. -.2 ports. -.3 dungeons. -.1 roleplay castle (royal castle). -.1 coliseum. -.2 castles to live/rebuild. -.1 volcano (if you fall into the volcano instant death). -.2 zones to create cities (crate city, lake city). -.2 pirate ships (1 is a prison for the admins). -.1 teleport tower (ancient tower). -.1 wizard's tower with vendorsg. -.3 caravans of points of sale New Custom Monument -. Sphere Tank Custom -. LightHouse custom -. WareHouse Custom -.Frozen village -.New Port -.New Castle Additional Information -.For the dungeons to work well, it is recommended to use the plugin portal that is free or if you already have it, the custom portal. -.There are plugins that can make the map entertaining. Ex: so that the charges or other events that are not medieval do not arise. The plugin (Automated Events) works very well. Contact For any questions or requests, please contact us through Discord or the platform itself. discord: zeroabsoluto_273
  5. Version 1.2.0


    Ferry Terminal Event: Unveiling the Secrets of the Abandoned Terminal. Embark on a thrilling adventure at the Rust Ferry Terminal, where mysteries await and danger lurks around every corner! The Ferry Terminal Event introduces a pulse-pounding experience that will challenge even the most seasoned survivors. Drone Surveillance: As you step foot onto the desolate terminal, beware of the watchful eyes of the drones overhead. These mechanical sentinels are programmed to detect any intruders, summoning reinforcements at the first sign of trouble. Keep your wits about you, for the patrols will not hesitate to confront trespassers. The Crazy Bio Scientist's Lair: Deep within the heart of the main building lies the lair of the enigmatic Crazy Bio Scientist. Accompanied by his legion of undead minions, he guards the precious loot hidden within. Prepare to face hordes of zombies as you navigate through the treacherous corridors, braving the unknown in search of valuable treasures. Snipers in the Shadows: Beware the sharp eyes of the snipers perched atop the monument, their rifles trained on any who dare to challenge their domain. Navigate with caution, for a wrong step could lead to a deadly encounter with these expert marksmen. Guardian Patrols: Throughout the monument, vigilant guards stand watch, ever ready to defend their territory. Approach with caution, for these hardened soldiers will not hesitate to engage intruders in combat. Work together with your fellow survivors to overcome their defenses and claim victory. Hidden Treasures: Amidst the chaos and danger, opportunities for riches abound. Search high and low for loot-filled trucks and locked crates, each promising valuable rewards for those brave enough to claim them. But beware: activating certain crates may trigger the arrival of reinforcements, adding an extra layer of challenge to your quest. Unlock the Secrets: Embark on a thrilling puzzle ladder challenge to unlock the secrets hidden within the monument. Solve intricate puzzles and overcome daunting obstacles as you ascend to new heights, uncovering the truth behind the abandoned terminal. Dare to embark on the Ferry Terminal Event, where danger and adventure await at every turn. Gather your allies, hone your skills, and prepare for an unforgettable journey into the heart of Rust's most mysterious monument! Fully Customizable Plugin Configuration Dive into the heart of the action with our fully customizable Ferry Terminal Event plugin! With a robust array of features, you have the power to tailor every aspect of the event to suit your server's unique gameplay experience. Customizable Crate Locations Choose the placement and quantity of military crates, elite crates, and hackable locked crates to strategically scatter across the Ferry Terminal monument. Use the /ftpos command to effortlessly retrieve coordinates for precise crate placement, ensuring a diverse and engaging looting experience for all players. Tailored NPC Encounters Craft bespoke NPC encounters to challenge and thrill your players. From selecting different NPC loadouts and skins to adjusting firepower and NPC numbers, the possibilities are endless. Create immersive scenarios that test your players' skills and teamwork, guaranteeing adrenaline-pumping action at every turn. Upcoming Features for Endless Possibilities Stay tuned for exciting new features on the horizon! Soon, you'll have the option to introduce radiation zones, deploy Bradleys, install SAM sites, and unleash fixed explosions throughout the event. With each addition, your sandbox of possibilities expands, offering boundless opportunities for adventure and exploration. With the Ferry Terminal Event plugin, the only limit is your imagination. Craft the ultimate Rust experience for your players, and watch as they embark on unforgettable journeys into the heart of the unknown. Backlog (within the next 2 weeks) [] Allow radiation Chat Commands /ftestart // Activate the event /ftestop // Stop the event /ftepos // Return in the chat and in the console the current coords you can use this in the config file in the Spawn points Console Commands ftestart // Activate the event ftestop // Stop the event Hooks OnFerryTerminalEventStarted // The Event started OnFerryTerminalEventEnded // The Event finished Permissions FerryTerminalEvent.admin This will allow you to run all the commands Configuration Example { "Event Configuration": { "Time to run the event every [sec]": 7200, "Duration of the event once it start [sec]": 5400, "Delay after the event start is announce to spawn the event [sec]": 300, "Delay after the event end is announce to despawn the event [sec]": 300, "Start the Event ONLY through command and remove Timer ": false, "Notify everyone in the server about the status of the event": true, "Developer mode [false/true]": false, "Event Title for the Vending Machine Marker": "Ferry Terminal Event" }, "Notification Settings": { "Send missions details to the players?": true, "Message system to use? Please use one of the supported one [ChatAdapter|GUIAnnouncementAdapter]": "ChatAdapter", "Chat message configuration": { "Icon to use for messages": 76561198031649764, "Message Prefix Size": 15, "Message Prefix Color": "black", "Message Color": "white", "Message Size": 15 }, "GUIAnnouncement message configuration": { "banner Tint Color": "white", "text Color": "black" }, "Message Prefix Text": "[Ferry Terminal Event]" }, "Send Notifications To Discord?": false, "Discord Webhook url?": "https://hookdeck.com/webhooks/platforms/how-to-get-started-with-discord-webhooks", "Guards Settings": { "Name": "Guardian", "Health": 150.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0, "Sense Range": 30.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 1.0, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 30.0, "Speed": 5.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 941172099 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 869007492 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2803024010 }, { "ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2803024592 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1313091292 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.lr300", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.f1", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Spawn Point for this specific NPC class, as many position you add you will get 1 NPC on each, use the command /ftpos to get the current location": [ { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "4.87, 5.18, -18.61" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "-38.32, 5.10, 12.31" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "-19.18, 5.14, -36.1" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "11.55, 5.23, 2.32" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "-31.26, 5.25, -1.59" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "27.63, 5.32, -8.46" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "-6.57, 5.02, 25.89" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "18.71, 5.07, 33.80" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "12.90, 5.25, -22.43" } ] }, "Sniper Settings": { "Name": "Silent Death", "Health": 150.0, "Roam Range": 20.0, "Chase Range": 100.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0, "Sense Range": 85.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 0.4, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3031048156 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2511111623 }, { "ShortName": "jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3023836945 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3031050852 }, { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3037689021 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.bolt", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 562396268, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Spawn Point for this specific NPC class, as many position you add you will get 1 NPC on each, use the command /ftpos to get the current location": [ { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "-22.55, 18.25, -15.87" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "15.29, 18.23, -16.37" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "14.99, 18.23, -1.34" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "-42.52, 21.31, 41.36" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "38.25, 14.77, -15.60" } ] }, "Scientis Settings": { "Name": "Dr. Viktor Stravinsky", "Health": 150.0, "Roam Range": 20.0, "Chase Range": 100.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0, "Sense Range": 85.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 0.4, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": true, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "tshirt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1833021945 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1833026292 }, { "ShortName": "mask.bandana", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2784951040 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2785000980 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "pistol.prototype17", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 562396268, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Spawn Point for this specific NPC class, as many position you add you will get 1 NPC on each, use the command /ftpos to get the current location": [ { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "3.98, 5.25, -6.04" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "3, 5.25, -8.39" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "9.07, 5.25, -7.36" }, { "Spawn Point x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "12.39, 5.25, -6.23" } ] }, "Amount of Elite Squad to spawn": 5, "Elite Squad Settings": { "Name": " Elite Squad", "Health": 180.0, "Roam Range": 50.0, "Chase Range": 60.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 3.0, "Sense Range": 60.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 2.0, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 90.0, "Speed": 5.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2105505757 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2120628865 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2080975449 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2090790324 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2090776132 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2080977144 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.headwrap", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2221614485 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 2128372674, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.smoke", "Amount": 3, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Spawn Point for this specific NPC class, as many position you add you will get 1 NPC on each, use the command /ftpos to get the current location": null }, "Zombies": { "Amount of Zombies to spawn": 10 }, "Elite Crates": { "Spawn Point every Elite Crate to Spawn, use the command /ftpos to get the current location": [ { "Spawn Point for crates x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "-12.53, 5.25, -8.08", "Rotation number from 1 to 359": 0 }, { "Spawn Point for crates x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "20.82, 6.37, 30.12", "Rotation number from 1 to 359": 0 } ], "Custom Loot Configuration": { "Activate Custom Loot": false, "Min amount of Items to have in the Container": 1, "Max amount of Items to have in the Container": 2, "Items to spawn": [ { "Item short name to spawn": "rifle.ak", "Minimun ammount of the item to spawn": 1, "Maximun ammount of the item to spawn": 1, "Skin Id, default 0": 0 } ] } }, "Military Crates": { "Spawn Point every Military Crate to Spawn, use the command /ftpos to get the current location": [ { "Spawn Point for crates x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "-8.75, 5.25, -4.52", "Rotation number from 1 to 359": 0 }, { "Spawn Point for crates x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "27.85, 6.94, 32.05", "Rotation number from 1 to 359": 0 }, { "Spawn Point for crates x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "24.59, 6.37, 30.12", "Rotation number from 1 to 359": 0 } ], "Custom Loot Configuration": { "Activate Custom Loot": false, "Min amount of Items to have in the Container": 1, "Max amount of Items to have in the Container": 2, "Items to spawn": [ { "Item short name to spawn": "rifle.ak", "Minimun ammount of the item to spawn": 1, "Maximun ammount of the item to spawn": 1, "Skin Id, default 0": 0 } ] } }, "Hackable Crates": { "Spawn Point for Hackable Crate to Spawn, use the command /ftpos to get the current location": [ { "Spawn Point for crates x, y, z. The comma (,) is important [25, 0, -13]": "66.55, 24.14, 59.45", "Rotation number from 1 to 359": 0 } ], "Time in Seconds for the Locked Crate to open up": 900, "Custom Loot Configuration": { "Activate Custom Loot": false, "Min amount of Items to have in the Container": 1, "Max amount of Items to have in the Container": 2, "Items to spawn": [ { "Item short name to spawn": "rifle.ak", "Minimun ammount of the item to spawn": 1, "Maximun ammount of the item to spawn": 1, "Skin Id, default 0": 0 } ] } }, "Marker Configuration": { "Alpha for the Event Marker": 0.5, "Radius for the Event Marker": 1.0, "Color for the Event Marker": "255 80 103" }, "Use Event Borders?": true, "Reinforcement: Add a Patrol Helicopter": true, "Reinforcement: Add Elite Squad": true, "Spawn Samsites": true, "PVE Mode": { "Pve Mode active [true|false]": false, "Radius of the sphere": 2.0 }, "Patrol Helicopter Configuration": { "Initial Health": 10000.0, "Weak Spot main rotor health": 900.0, "Weak Spot tail rotor health": 500.0, "Crates to Spawn": 6 }, "Drone Configuration": { "Drone speed": 10, "Drone detection radius, as bigger they are they will detect players sooner": 10 }, "Rewards Configuration": { "Activate Rewards": false, "Reward is Economic, ServerRewards": "Economic", "Name of the adapter to show your players for example $ or RP": "$", "Reward to give a player for loot a militar crate/normal crate": 0, "Reward to give a player for loot a hackable crate crate": 0, "Reward for killing an NPC": 0, "Reward for killing a Zombie": 0, "Reward for destroying Patrol (Reward will be split for everyone in the event evenly)": 0 }, "Event Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } }
  6. Nferno


    Version 1.1.0


    About Prime Prime is a plugin that allows the players to accumilate coins and then spend them at the dedicated vending machine at Outpost for items,weapons & armour. Coins gathered depends on a Risk VS Reward setup with Prime items providing BUFFS as the player progresses and buys bigger/better gear. Includes a lottery system,gambling, powerful Stones to collect & upgrade and all fully configurable! Hardcore Mode Activation When hardcore is active a Prime Vending Machine will spawn at Out Post allowing players access to Items to earn Prime Coins and Buffs ranging from increase in coins, incoming damage reduction, output damage increase. Players will only be able to progress thier Prime accounts by using items purchased from this vending machine, however if hardcore is NOT active.. players are free to use normal items and weapons to progress accounts and still have lottery active. With hardcore set to 'false' there is no vending machine, no items and no HOF.. you will also not be able to aquire stones. Stones: Requires Green Berries With each tier increase the stones provide a buff in coin yield starting at a base rate of 5% and maxing out at 75%, along with this in the later tiers the stones also provide the user with a increase in damage output.. however the stone needs to be in your inventory.. so it can be taken from you or lost. GREEN -[ Emerald I (5%) , Emerald II (10%), Emerald III (15%), Emerald IV (20%), Emerald V (25%) ] - Hidden Perks = Metabolism & Environment Buffs PURPLE - [ Mystic I (30%) , Mystic II (35%) , Mystic III (40%), Mystic IV (45%), Mystic V (50%) ] - Hidden Perks = Increase in Lottery Chance RED/BLACK - [ Unstable I (55%), Unstable II (60%), Unstable III (65%), Unstable IV (70%), Unstable V (75%) ] - Hidden Perks = Increase in Outgoing Damage by X% Fusion : In order to create the next type of stone youll need x2 Tier 5 Stones The higher the type and tier of the stone the more likely of a failure will occur in ther proccess resulting in the stones exploding..and you losing them..having to restart the process again. Config : Setting up Vending costs & Reward System The config file covers everything from: - Prime item costs at the vending maching - Coins rewarded for each individual task from smashing a barrel to killing an NPC - Coins rewarded for looting - Stone Drop Chance - Amount of Berries required to polish stones - Personal ID for chat (set to server icon) - Lottery chance % Plus much more Discord - Nferno#7163
  7. Version 1.1.0


    Introduction Automatically manages PVP zones for player bases, legacy shelters and tugboats. Features Manages its own Zone Manager zones and maps them as True PVE exclusion zones (Re)creates zones on plugin load and cleans them up on unload Provides tool cupboard based zones: Configurable creation & deletion delays Automatic resizing to always encompass the base as building blocks are added/destroyed, with configurable delay Configurable minimum total base and per-building-block buffer sizes Provides legacy shelter based zones: Configurable zone size Provides tugboat based zones: Configurable zone size Zone moves with the tugboat Optional support for visible zone spheres: Configurable sphere darkness Option to globally network tugboats to prevent spheres from disappearing Optional support for language file based zone creation/deletion and entry/exit notifications Configurable PVP expiration delay on player exit from zones Compatibility Hard dependency on Zone Manager for creating zones. Should work with various PVE plugins - tested with TruePVE and SimplePVE. Configuration Default configuration: { "Zone creation delay in seconds (excludes tugboat)": 60.0, "Zone creation delay notifications (owner only, excludes tugboat)": true, "Zone deletion delay in seconds": 300.0, "Zone deletion delay notifications (all players in zone)": true, "Zone creation/deletion notification prefix": "[PBPZ] ", "Zone exit PvP delay in seconds (0 for none)": 5.0, "Zone sphere darkness (0 to disable, maximum 10)": 0, "Zone entry/exit ZoneManager messages": true, "Zone TruePVE mappings ruleset name": "exclude", "Building settings": { "Building update check delay in seconds": 5.0, "Building zone overall minimum radius": 16.0, "Building zone per-block minimum radius": 16.0 }, "Shelter settings": { "Shelter zone radius": 8.0 }, "Tugboat settings": { "Tugboat force global rendering on/off when spheres enabled (null=skip)": null, "Tugboat force enable buoyancy when forcing global rendering": false, "Tugboat zone radius": 32.0 } } NOTE: The tugboat rendering options should be left at defaults. The options are provided for the case that you are running other plugins that force global networking/rendering for tugboats, which can cause spheres to disappear when a tugboat comes back into client render range.This plugin will automatically attempt to synchronize tugboat sphere networking with each tugboat's networking type when (re)creating the spheres. Developer API Supported API calls: string OnPlayerBasePvpDelayQuery(ulong playerID) Provides the ability to query whether a player has an active PVP delay Returns the triggering zone ID if the referenced player has an active PVP delay Returns an empty string If no PVP delay is active Hooks: void OnPlayerBasePvpDelayStart(ulong playerID, string zoneID) Called when PVP exit delay is applied to a player as a result of their exiting a base zone playerID is the ID of the triggering player zoneID is the Zone Manager zone ID whose exit triggered the delay void OnPlayerBasePvpDelayStop(ulong playerID, string zoneID) Called when PVP exit delay expires from a player playerID is the ID of the triggering player zoneID is the Zone Manager zone ID whose exit triggered the delay Zone Manager / PVE Plugin Integration Zone Manager zones are maintained for all bases, and are mapped to the configured True PVE ruleset (`exclude` by default). This will cause True PVE to treat them as vanilla areas by default, allowing for PVP to take place. Zone names are broken into categories in case you want other plugins to recognize them separately: `PlayerBasePVP:building` for building block bases `PlayerBasePVP:shelter` for legacy wood shelters `PlayerBasePVP:tugboat` for tugboats Developer note: Zone IDs are `PlayerBasePVP:` followed by a unique identifier. Background Player Base PVP Zones is meant for hybrid PVP servers that want to allow online raiding. It is meant to complement Dynamic PVP which only provides zones for monuments and events. Zone Manager is a hard requirement in order to implement moving zones for tugboats, as it doesn't officially support this feature. A PVE mod is required to make this useful. I only tested with True PVE for various reasons. Credits Thanks to the following folks for making this plugin possible: bmgjet (help with / code for tugboat sphere issues) CatMeat & Arainrr (moving Zone Manager zones code examples in Dynamic PVP) Karuza (help with unique entity identifiers & tugboat sphere issues) Kulltero (help with TC/building relationship) WhiteThunder (help with tugboat sphere issues) AFKBank and Mooselips whose bases I took screenshots of on my server during testing
  8. Version 2.2.0


    Description: This plugin shows your players with authorization a fuel display. No more lost crashes because the tank is empty. You always have the fuel level in view. Features: Opens a UI with fuel display showing how much fuel is in the tank as soon as you start the engine Removes the UI automatically as soon as you get out. Permission: fueldisplay.use Required to see the Fuel display load, run, enjoy Support Discord
  9. Version 1.6.0


    Adds a highly configurable GUI to players' HUDs indicating whether they are currently in a PvE, PvP, or Safe Zone area, or are currently subject to a PvP expiration delay. Features: PvE/PvP status for Zone Manager zones Supports matching on zone name, True PVE exclusion mappings, or zone flags Tested with Dynamic PVP, but should also work with Agile Zones, Zone Manager Auto Zones, etc. PvE/PvP status detection for: Abandoned Bases (untested) Dangerous Treasures Dynamic PVP Player Base PVP Zones Raidable Bases PvP status detection for: Adem event plugins (Caravan, Convoy Reforged) (untested) KpucTaJl event plugins (Air Event, Arctic Base Event, Ferry Terminal Event, Gas Station Event, Harbor Event, Junkyard Event, Power Plant Event, Satellite Dish Event, Supermarket Event, Water Event) (untested) Cargo Train Event (untested) Player height (sky / seasonal dungeons, train tunnels, etc.) PvP expiration delay status detection for: Abandoned Bases (untested) Dynamic PVP Player Base PVP Zones Raidable Bases Safe Zone status detection Tutorial Island detection (treated as PVE) Player notification on state changes not covered by other plugins (e.g. holiday dungeon / train tunnel / safe zone entry/exit) Can be enabled in chat and/or in Popup Notifications Optional Simple Status support Commands: /pvxui (configurable) toggles the UI off and back on Configuration: { "Server Default PVx (PVP or PVE)": "PVE", "Assume PVP Below Height": -50.0, "Assume PVP Above Height": 1000.0, "Toggle UI Command (empty string to disable)": "pvxui", "Seconds Between Updates": 1.0, "Force Updates On State Change": true, "Minimum Seconds Data File Saves": 5.0, "PVE Exclusion Mapping Names (case insensitive substrings / none to disable)": [ "exclude" ], "PVE Zone Names (case insensitive substrings / none to disable)": [ "PVE" ], "PVP Zone Names (case insensitive substrings / none to disable)": [ "PVP" ], "Notification Settings": { "Chat notify enabled": false, "Chat notify prefix (empty string to disable)": "[SuperPVxInfo]: ", "PopupNotifications notify enabled": true, "PopupNotifications notify prefix (empty string to disable)": "", "Individual Notification Toggles": { "Unexpected Exit From Abandoned Or Raidable Base": true, "Unexpected Exit From Dangerous Treasures Event": true, "Safe Zone Entry": true, "Safe Zone Exit": true, "PVP Height Entry": true, "PVP Height Exit": true, "PVP Depth Entry": true, "PVP Depth Exit": true } }, "Default UI Settings": { "PVE": { "Enabled": true, "Min Anchor": "0.5 0", "Max Anchor": "0.5 0", "Min Offset": "190 30", "Max Offset": "250 60", "Layer": "Hud", "Text": "PVE", "Text Size": 14, "Text Color": "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", "Background Color": "0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8", "Fade In": 0.25, "Fade Out": 0.25 }, "PVP": { "Enabled": true, "Min Anchor": "0.5 0", "Max Anchor": "0.5 0", "Min Offset": "190 30", "Max Offset": "250 60", "Layer": "Hud", "Text": "PVP", "Text Size": 14, "Text Color": "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", "Background Color": "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8", "Fade In": 0.25, "Fade Out": 0.25 }, "PVPDelay": { "Enabled": true, "Min Anchor": "0.5 0", "Max Anchor": "0.5 0", "Min Offset": "190 30", "Max Offset": "250 60", "Layer": "Hud", "Text": "WAIT", "Text Size": 14, "Text Color": "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", "Background Color": "1.0 0.5 0.0 0.8", "Fade In": 0.25, "Fade Out": 0.25 }, "SafeZone": { "Enabled": true, "Min Anchor": "0.5 0", "Max Anchor": "0.5 0", "Min Offset": "190 30", "Max Offset": "250 60", "Layer": "Hud", "Text": "SAFE", "Text Size": 14, "Text Color": "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", "Background Color": "0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8", "Fade In": 0.25, "Fade Out": 0.25 } }, "Simple Status UI Settings": { "PVE": { "Enabled": false, "Background Color": "0.0 0.7 0.0 0.8", "Title Text": "PVE", "Title Color": "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", "Status Text": "SuperPVxInfo", "Status Color": "0.0 1.0 0.0 0.2", "Icon Path": "assets/icons/resource.png", "Icon Color": "0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0" }, "PVP": { "Enabled": false, "Background Color": "0.7 0.0 0.0 0.8", "Title Text": "PVP", "Title Color": "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", "Status Text": "SuperPVxInfo", "Status Color": "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.2", "Icon Path": "assets/icons/warning_2.png", "Icon Color": "1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0" }, "PVPDelay": { "Enabled": false, "Background Color": "0.7 0.7 0.0 0.8", "Title Text": "WAIT", "Title Color": "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", "Status Text": "SuperPVxInfo", "Status Color": "1.0 1.0 0.0 0.2", "Icon Path": "assets/icons/stopwatch.png", "Icon Color": "1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0" }, "SafeZone": { "Enabled": false, "Background Color": "0.0 0.0 0.7 0.8", "Title Text": "SAFE", "Title Color": "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", "Status Text": "SuperPVxInfo", "Status Color": "0.0 0.0 1.0 0.2", "Icon Path": "assets/icons/peace.png", "Icon Color": "0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0" } } } Background: Super PVx Info attaches a watcher to each player on login that monitors for any changes to PvE/PvP/delay/safezone state, and updates the player's HUD. By default this is done once per second, or as soon as possible after a hook-based change has occurred - but both of these behaviors are configurable, so you can reduce server load (at the cost of reduced GUI responsiveness) by increasing "Seconds Between Updates" and/or disabling "Force Updates On State Change". This approach is needed to monitor the player's height, and for more accurate safe zone detection (Facepunch is bad at providing triggers for things like exiting Train Tunnels into Outpost). This plugin is a complete overhaul of Zone PVx Info by BuzZ[PHOQUE]/Arainrr, which I was inspired to attempt after struggling to get it to work with Zone Manager Auto Zones (since abandoned in favor of DynamicPVP). Credits: BuzZ[PHOQUE] & Arainrr for creating Zone PVx Info Bug Man & Cannabis on Carbon's Discord server for suggesting the FacepunchBehavior approach and offering examples Nivex for putting up with all of my Abandoned/Raidable Bases and TruePVE questions and fixing/enhancing/documenting those plugins KpucTaJl for providing API clarification
  10. Version 1.0.0


    SafeZoneVehicle enforces specific safety rules for vehicles within safe zones. It ensures that vehicles and their passengers are better protected in safezones by disabling damage and preventing certain interactions. With this plugin you can protect your players and prevent them from annoyingly leaving the server because they were pushed by the recycler or died while recycling. It also offers other useful modifications. Features: Vehicles no longer take damage in safezones. Players can no longer push vehicles with passengers in safezones. Permissions: safezonevehicle.use load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord
  11. 0xF


    Version 1.0.2


    Marks enemies firing near the player with permission. All pings are combined in the team. Useful for easier detection of enemies for a player with advantages (donators) or all players on a pve server. Features: Customizable reaction radius around the player Filter on players, npc, other (turrets, etc.) Refreshable after each shot Ping disappears over time Ping disappears after a kill Permission: autopingenemy.use Default config: { "Trigger only when hitting a player": false, "The radius of the collection of players at the point of impact of the bullet": 5.0 } Screenshots: In the scope, the marks become semi-transparent and do not interfere with killing


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