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Found 23 results

  1. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This is a big monument for servers with mini games. A spacious building with an open sky will allow your players to practice flying a minicopter, flying around various obstacles and enjoying this pleasant place. On one of the walls there is an observation post for spectators.
  2. Mevent

    Coin Flipping

    Version 1.0.9


    Adds a coin flipping mini game to your server. Players can try their luck by playing against both a bot and a real player. Commands flip - open interface Permissions coinflipping.use - open interface coinflipping.players - play against players coinflipping.npcs - play against npcs coinflipping.createroom - create a room Config { "Commands": [ "flip" ], "Work with Notify?": true, "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "ShortName": "scrap", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, "Interface": { "Show coin in header?": true, "Coin Image": "https://i.imgur.com/GBVGvQa.png" }, "Values for Bot Game": [ 100, 200, 300 ], "Min Bet for Bot Game": 100, "Min Bet for Player Game": 100, "Permissions Settings": { "Opening the interface": "coinflipping.use", "Playing against players": "coinflipping.players", "Playing against NPCs": "coinflipping.npcs", "Creating a room": "coinflipping.createroom" } }
  3. Version 1.6.5


    BradleyGuards minigame will make more fun of the boring Bradley. Spawning bombs molotovs and a Tank Crew Features : Minigame with Scientist NPC spawning after Bradley gets destroyed and various events during its attack phase It will throw random Bombs and Molotov when attacked. Hardmode will throw the Bombs and Molotov towards player instead around the Bradley When destroyed the Bradley does a close range Last Ditch Effort if the Driver is still alive and gets a last air support As of version 1.1.1 napalm support will be set to target player instead of Bradley position Give the NPC the choice of using some predefined outfits or use the vanilla Scientist Outfits Predefined weapon or a different weapon through config if using outfits Crew will be Despawned upon plugin unload or reload Compatible with NPCKITS Support for BetterNpcNames (v1.0.2 and higher) Support for Kits Permission system Warnings : backup your configs before plugin updates This is not compatible with BradleyControl Plugin !!!!! (since version 1.0.5) Version 1.4.0 has new options for MLRS and Convoy Bradleys "External Plugins": { "Armored Train : Can trigger Events": false, "Convoy : Can trigger Events": false, "SatDish/Harbor Event : Can trigger Events": false, "BradleyDrops : Can trigger Events": false, "BetterNpcNames : Driver Title": "Pilot", "BetterNpcNames : Guard Title": "Commander", "BetterNpcNames : Gunner Title": "Grunt" }, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Amount": 15 Permissions : BradleyGuards.ShowMessages (to show interaction messages) BradleyGuards.ShowKillMessages (to show messages after bradley is destroyed) Commands : (new in V1.0.5) /bginfo : Shows the available commands/version/author Logfiles : Log files are found in the oxide.logs folder Will log the Player and info regarding the spawns after destroying the Bradley Configuration : Example config below : { "Global NPC dont target": true, "External Plugins": { "Armored Train : Can trigger Events": false, "Convoy : Can trigger Events": false, "SatDish/Harbor Event : Can trigger Events": false, "BradleyDrops : Can trigger Events": false, "BetterNpcNames : Driver Title": "Pilot", "BetterNpcNames : Guard Title": "Commander", "BetterNpcNames : Gunner Title": "Grunt" }, "Bradley Settings": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Health": 2222, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0 }, "Bradley Loot": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 4 }, "Bradley Canon": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Canon Fire delay": 0.3, "Bradley Canon Firerate": 0.25 }, "Bradley Machinegun": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Machinegun Bullet Damage": 15, "Bradley Machinegun Firerate": 0.06667 }, "Event Settings": { "Bradley Crew Max Spawn Distance": 10, "Bradley Crew Max Roam Distance": 20, "Bradley Crew Body to Bags": true, "Max throwing range of a Grenade": 25.0, "Max Grenades per trigger": 1, "Max throwing range of a Molotov": 25.0, "Max Molotovs per trigger": 1, "Use Firerockets (instead of Molotovs)": false, "Hard Mode : Throws towards player (Grenades)": true, "Hard Mode : Max Grenades per trigger": 1, "Hard Mode : Max radius of a Grenade on player": 15.0, "Hard Mode : Throws towards player (Molotovs)": true, "Hard Mode : Max Molotovs per trigger": 1, "Hard Mode : Max radius of a Molotov on player": 15.0, "Napalm Support": true, "Napalm Support Area Radius": 25.0, "Napalm Support Rocket Amount": 3, "Napalm Support Rocket Height": 150, "Last Ditch Effort Rocket Amount": 0, "Last Ditch Effort Grenade Amount": 5, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Radius": 15, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Amount": 15, "Last Ditch Effort Hard Mode : targets player location": true }, "Tank Crew Driver": { "Tank Driver Health": 450.0, "Tank Driver Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Driver Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Driver Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Driver Spawn Amount": 5, "Tank Driver Use Outfit": true, "Tank Driver Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Driver gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Driver gun skin id": 0, "Tank Driver Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Driver Kit ID": "" }, "Tank Crew Guards": { "Tank Guards Health": 800.0, "Tank Guards Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Guards Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Guards Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Guards Spawn Amount": 3, "Tank Guards Use Outfit": true, "Tank Guards Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Guards gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Guards gun skin id": 0, "Tank Guards Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Guards Kit ID": "" }, "Tank Crew Gunners": { "Tank Gunners Health": 600.0, "Tank Gunners Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Spawn Amount": 3, "Tank Gunners Use Outfit": true, "Tank Gunners Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Gunners gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Gunners gun skin id": 0, "Tank Gunners Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Gunners Kit ID": "" } } Localization : English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder. { "BradleyDriver": "<color=yellow>Bradley Driver : </color>Damnit i just washed it!", "BradleyGuards": "<color=yellow>Bradley Guard : </color>Stay away from our Bradley!", "BradleyGunner": "<color=yellow>Bradley Gunner : </color>Prepare to die!", "BradleyDriverBomb": "<color=yellow>Bradley Driver : </color>Catch this!", "BradleyGunnerFire": "<color=yellow>Bradley Gunner : </color>Fire in the hooole!", "BradleyNapalmSupport": "<color=yellow>Bradley Operator : </color>Support incomming!" } API : bool IsBradleyNpc(global::HumanNPC npc) OnBradleyNPCGotHit(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) OnBradleyNPCDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) example call : object OnEntityDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { if (npc == null) return null; if (BradleyGuards.Call<bool>("IsBradleyNpc", npc)) { Puts($"Target : {npc} net.ID : [{npc.net.ID}] Event : BradleyGuards NPC"); } return null; } private void OnBradleyNPCGotHit(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { Debugmsg("OnBradleyNPCGotHit works!"); BasePlayer player = info.InitiatorPlayer; if (npc.health < (npc._maxHealth * 0.8) && npc.health > (npc._maxHealth * 0.72)) { if (!Burned) Player.Message(player , npcmsg(MSG) , Chaticon); return; } } private void OnBradleyNPCDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { Debugmsg("OnBradleyNPCDeath works!"); BasePlayer player = info.InitiatorPlayer; Debugmsg($"{player.displayName} killed {npc.displayName}"); } Changes made in 1.0.5 !!! Updated/Cleaned/Organized the Documentation. Added lifetime for each individual Crew Added use of kits + checks (if incorrect kit name Crew will spawn with default scientist or heavy scientist outfit). Changed the Npc Naming so they can be shown correctly with AdminRadar Added prefix and chaticon to chat messages (language file changed so delete it before updating to avoid weird chat messages). Added max roam range for the Bradley Crew Bradley Crew will now despawn when plugin gets unloaded/reloaded Removed the death sound when a npc dies. Fixed : Bradley will now ignore scientists from junkpiles added cfg : Tank Crew Lifetime (minutes) added cfg : Damage multiplier for each driver/guards/gunners added cfg : Napalm Support Rocket Height added cfg : Use kit (clothing) (for each driver/guards/gunners) added cfg : Kit ID (for each driver/guards/gunners) added cfg : Bradley Crew max roam range
  4. Tbird412

    Trivia 2.0

    Version 2.0.140


    Engage your players like never before with a trivia minigame right in the chat! Designed to be fully customizable and packed with exciting prizes, this game is perfect for keeping your server lively and interactive. Trivia minigames not only enhance community engagement but also liven up quieter moments, ensuring your server always feels vibrant and bustling. This interactive feature fosters communication and friendly competition among players, maintaining an active and thriving community atmosphere as they enjoy answering trivia questions and earning rewards. Introducing the highly anticipated Trivia 2.0! As the sole Trivia plugin currently available, and a significant improvement over its predecessor (also developed by me), this complete overhaul is born from years of experience. Having managed the original Trivia plugin on servers with weekly traffic of over 1,500 players, I've gained invaluable insights into what elements truly enhance the design of this plugin. Trivia 2.0 is crafted from these lessons, offering a refined, player-centric experience that revolutionizes in-game trivia. Key Features: ✦ Customizable Interaction: Tailor every aspect of the trivia experience with custom chat icons, and the use of both native Rust and server-specific item emojis for a personalized touch. ✦ Dynamic Event Control: Flexibility at your fingertips - toggle the display of correct answers, set automated trivia events, and manage answer delays to cater to all player types. ✦ Advanced Configuration: Dive into detailed settings like custom currency displays, answer match sensitivity, and color schemes, ensuring a trivia experience that aligns perfectly with your server's vibe. ✦ Reward System: Spice up the competition with customizable rewards. Set currency prizes for various difficulties and surprise players with custom items, even command arrays, ensuring every correct answer feels like a victory. ✦ Comprehensive Stats Tracking: Keep the competition fierce with detailed stat tracking. From all-time scores to specific wipe stats, players can vie for the top spot, pushing engagement to new heights. ✦ Seamless Integration: Our plugin works harmoniously with popular APIs, enhancing your server's capabilities without hassle. ✦ Innovative Question Sources: Keep content fresh with questions pulled from an open-source trivia database or your custom data file, or both, offering a vast array of topics to challenge players. ✦ Admin-friendly Tools: Effortlessly manage trivia with admin commands, from question creation to player stat wipes, all designed for ease of use. Feature Details: ✦ Custom chat icon for all chat messages ✦ Ability to use native Rust emojis for in-chat item icons ✦ Use custom server emojis for custom item icons ✦ Turn on/off the display of the correct answer when an event ends ✦ Set custom currency emoji for chat display (RP, Eco, XP, etc.) ✦ Turn on/off automated periodic trivia events ✦ Set the time between trivia events (if using automated) ✦ Set a delay (or not) before players can submit their answers (gives slow typers time to try) ✦ Set the total time players have to get the question correct ✦ Set the milliseconds delay between commands (used in rewards) to prevent command spam ✦ Turn on/off the rewards for answering questions right ✦ Set the maximum number of guesses for multiple-choice questions ✦ Built-in logic to detect admins erroneously setting this to lower than 1 or higher than 3 (multiple choice has 4 answers to pick from) ✦ Configurable answer match sensitivity (see below for more description) ✦ Toggle on/off the use of /redeem plugin ✦ Set the specific /redeem container name ✦ Turn on/off pulling Questions/Answers from an online free opensource Trivia database API ✦ Turn on/off pulling questions from the local data file ✦ Configurable categories in data file ✦ Configurable character replacement in the data file for replacing special characters with their HTML equiv ✦ Color Scheme: Fully configurable color scheme for all aspects of the plugin ✦ Can set HTML color codes for the following: Warnings, Errors, Main, Secondary, Quantity, Items, Question, Answers, Correct, Incorrect, Commands, Timers, Usage statements, Easy, Medium, Hard ✦ debug mode that instantly enables hundreds of debug feedback lines throughout the plugin Rewards: ✦ Currency rewards for each difficulty (given out for correct answers if greater than 0, regardless of item loot roll) ✧Eco, RP, XP, and Score are all configurable per question difficulty ✦ Complete "Loot Table" ✧Custom Items supported as rewards ✧Min/Max RNG for quantity ✧Rarity per item ✧shortname and optional skinID per item ✧Multiple commands support as reward "item" ✦ Rarity is affected by question Difficulty. ✧The harder the question tier the better dice roll you get for obtaining more rare items ✦ Error with dice roll reward logic: If something goes wrong with the RNG for the prize, it will just default to the least rare item. This is a very rare case scenario if something goes wrong the player will always get a prize no matter what. Statistics: ✦ Tracks total questions correctly answered for all players for all time ✦ Tracks total questions correctly answered for all players for the wipe ✦ Keeps a running score per all time ✦ Keeps a running score per wipe ✧Score is difficulty based and configurable (points definition for each tier) ✦ Command /trivia stats shows top 3 wipe top 3 all time and personal stats Logic: ✦ When creating new questions via commands, logic to "close enough" for category selection (e.g., If you type "Celebrity" for the category "Celebrities" it will set it correct. Or plural versus singular) ✦ Advanced answer comparison logic to eliminate players missing the correct answer when they should have been credited with getting it right: ✧Plugin aborts this advanced comparison for true/false types automatically ✧First logic comparison just ignores all upper/lower case and compares ✧Second logic ignores what order the words are in and just checks the actual words themselves if the answer has more than 4 words ✧Third logic the plugin 'squishes' the answer phrase by removing all white spaces, special characters, and punctuation ✧Final logic counts all characters in both the correct answer and the player's guess while comparing each one. It then uses a configuration threshold for acceptable mistakes Commands & Permissions: Permissions ✦ trivia.manage - This permission allows full access to all administrative functions ✦ (coming next release) - Not yet implemented: Permission to ban players from participating ✦ (coming next release) - Not yet implemented: Permission to blacklist players from the statistics Testing trivia.test [function] [arguments] Chat command that takes arguments depending on which function you are testing trivia.test cheat Using this command will automatically make you win the current trivia question. Prints to chat to prevent abuse of the feature. Used for testing purposes. trivia.wipe Wipes all statistics for the [Wipe] statistics. Does not remove [All time] statistics. trivia.random Initiates a random question Trivia event. Will fail if no source is set to [True] in the configuration file. Creating new questions via in-game commands (it is good practice to have "/trivia.add " copied into your clipboard as it will preface each subsequent command you use in the creation wizard. Having the command and trailing space copied to your clipboard streamlines the process) /trivia.add Step 1: /trivia.add This is your question, be sure to include punctuation? Step 2: /trivia.add Correct answer Note: If you enter one of the following as the correct answer, the plugin will automatically detect a True/False question type and will skip the Incorrect Answer section Step 3: /trivia.add Incorrect answer #1 The correct and incorrect answers all get shuffled every time a question gets asked. So the order you save them does not matter. Step 4: /trivia.add Incorrect answer #2 Step 5: /trivia.add Incorrect answer #3 Step 6: /trivia.add Category Pick the desired category for this question. The available categories (saved in your oxide/data/Questions.json) will be listed during this step in alphabetical order. You can add more categories as you wish. Trivia questions pulled from the opensource API will pick the best matching category from your configuration. Step 7: /trivia.test Difficulty Pick from Easy, Medium, or Hard. Keep in mind these influence the loot RNG roll when awarding prizes. The harder the question, the better chance for the more rare prizes. The plugin will then print to chat a verification of the complete Questions/Answers. This question is now saved in your data file and is enabled. Listing trivia questions /trivia.list This console command requires the trivia.manage permission and lists all trivia questions to the F1 console Deleting trivia questions /trivia.delete ## This console command requires the trivia.manage permission and will delete the question number specified Trivia Statistics /trivia stats This chat command will display Trivia stats in chat to the user that types it. Configuration: ✦ Enabled Debug Mode Enables diagnostic data being sent to the server console. WARNING: This can get extremely spammy. It would be wise to only do this during testing or on a testing server. It will print a lot of information to the console for everything the plugin does. I highly recommend leaving this to false unless performing tests. ✦ Reward players for correct answers Toggle the rewards players players receive for answering correctly ✦ Use open database questions and answers Pull questions from the free to use open source online Trivia database. Note: We have no control over the content from this site. We have used it for years on our own servers and it works fine. There are situations where some responses will result in an error, and this plugin is coded to attempt 3 tries and if all 3 fail it reverts to a local question from your Questions.json file so be sure to populate at least a few questions in there just in case. In years of use we have never come across any inappropriate questions. But as a disclaimer we have no control over the content coming from this open database. The results are retrieved in a simple JSON format so no malicious data can be retrieved. ✦ Use local questions and answers (data/Questions.json) Enable pulling questions from your locally stored data file. If both this option and the former option are enabled the plugin will flip a coin each time and then decide where to pull from. ✦ Max guesses allowed for mult choice (1-3) Maximum allowed guesses for multiple choice questions to prevent players from spamming answers to win. Boolean (True/False) questions automatically allow 1 guess. The default for multiple choice is 2. Setting it higher than 3 or lower than 1 will result in an error in the console warning you to fix the config and it will temporarily set this option back to the default value. Multiple choice questions always have 4 possible answers. ✦ Levenshtein Distance (sensitivity for mistakes. Lower = require more accurate) This is the core logic used to process guesses and see if they are close enough to count as correct. The best way to think of this setting is "How many mistakes do we allow and still count it as correct". See Logic section for more details on how this works. ✦ Minimum characters in an answer before allowing Levenshtein Distance mistakes This is a minimum baseline for allowing the special "close but not quite" logic to kick in. It dynamically adjusts the Distance setting from the previous config option. This is done because very short answers can become too easy when you can get a few characters wrong. In a full sentence answer getting 2 characters wrong is still good enough. But in one word answers that would make any chat be seen as a correct answer. Every character under this baseline subtracts one from the Distance setting. Example: If the correct answer is "The dog barked" that would be 14 characters long. If your threshold is set to 10 and your distance is set to 2, you could get two of those characters wrong and still win. But with those same settings, if the correct answer is "abcdefghi" that would be 9 characters. This is under our baseline threshold by a factor of 1 (threshold 10 minus 9 characters). This reduces our :evenshtein Distance by 1 meaning we can only get one character wrong in that answer. If the answer was "abcdefgh" we could not get any characters wrong in this scenario (threshold 10 minus 8 characters = adjustment of 2. Levenshtein Distance is set to 2. 2 - 2 = 0 meaning we have zero wiggle room in our answer.) ✦ Use RedeemStorageAPI plugin for full inventory (optional plugin) Enabled the use of an optional plugin to handle situations where player inventory is full and they win an event. Their physical prizes will be transfered into this virtual holding box for them to retrieve later. ✦ Storage Name (If using RedeemStorageAPI) The 3rd party plugin allows you to create separate configuration settings per 'profile' if you use this plugin for multiple situations. This allows you to define which profile to use for Trivia items when inventory is full. Chat configuration: ✦ Steam ID for chat icon The steamID for the icon you'd like the Trivia plugin to use in chat ✦ Use Rust emojis for item icons This enables the display of item icons for vanilla Rust items as prizes utilizing the built in Rust emoji feature ✦ Use custom emoji for currencies Upload your own custom server emojis (instructions here) and then use them as icons for currency rewards. ✦ Show the correct answer in chat when the event ends Toggle the display of the correct answer in chat after each event ends ✦ Eco emoji Custom server emoji name to use as an icon for this reward type (eg. "eco" for the emoji ":eco:") ✦ RP emoji Custom server emoji name to use as an icon for this reward type ✦ XP emoji Custom server emoji name to use as an icon for this reward type Timers configuration: ✦ Enable automatic periodic trivia This toggles the automated question asking. Some servers (my own included) want as little background tasks as possible and chose to not use automated event running. In those situations, set this to FALSE, and then use an external utility to periodically send the trivia.random command. (For Battlemetrics users, set up a basic schedule with a Raw Command) ✦ Periodic trivia interval (seconds) Interval between automated trivia events. This value cannot be set lower than the duration of the trivia event to prevent overlapping events. ✦ Delay before players can start answering (0 to turn off) Allow players to instantly submit answers or make them wait a few seconds to allow the slow typers a chance to get in on the action. ✦ Time to allow players to answer the question Duration of the event before it automatically ends regardless of someone answering correctly. It is wise to keep this number low (eg. 30 sec or so) to dissuade players from cheating by utilizing the internet to find the answers. This duration does not count the previous configuration option. If you set the delay to 10s and the duration to 30s then your total event time would be 40s and your periodic interval must be greater than that. ✦ Delay between rewards commands (default 0.25s) This typically does not need to be changed and is included for lower end server set ups. If you configure more than one command in a reward this is the delay between those commands to prevent them from all being sent instantly. Very rare situations in which this setting needs to be changed from default. Color Scheme configuration: Each color type is used throughout the plugin for chat feedback. Set up your own custom color scheme with the options below: Warnings Errors Main Secondary Quantity Item Question Answers Correct Incorrect Command Timers Usage Easy Medium Hard Rewards Table: ✦ CustomName For use with custom items or with commands. This is the name that will be printed to chat as the prize awarded. Leave blank to use the default friendly name of an item based off its shortname. If using a normal Rust item as a prized there is no need to fill this out. ✦ Minimum The minimum quantity of this prize given at once (random amount between min and max) ✦ Maximum The maximum quantity of this prize given at once (random amount between min and max) ✦ Rarity Enter a number between 0.01 and 1.00 with the higher numbers being more common and lower numbers being more rare. ✦ Shortname Specify the shortname of an item. Leave this blank for "Commands" type rewards. ✦ SkinID SkinID of the item. Leave as 0 if using an unskinned item. Leave 0 if the reward is a "Commands" type. ✦ Commands This is an array of commands. Can be as many as you wish. The plugin will iterate through them in the order they are listed with a configurable delay between each. Placeholders: {id} = SteamID / {name} = Player Name These placeholders replace the tag with the winner's data. Example commands are included in the default configuration file. Developer API private void OnTriviaQuestionCorrect(BasePlayer player, string difficulty) { Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerTriviaQuestionCorrect", player, difficulty); } This is the default configuration file: { "Configuration": { "Chat": { "SteamID for chat icon": 76561198960218042, "Use Rust emojis for item icons": true, "Use custom emoji for currencies (Use :text: from server emojis)": false, "Show the correct answer in chat when the event ends": true, "Eco emoji": "", "RP emoji": "", "XP emoji": "" }, "Timers": { "Enable automatic periodic trivia": false, "Periodic trivia interval (seconds)": 600, "Delay before players can start answering (0 to turn off)": 10.0, "Time to allow players to answer the question": 30.0, "Delay between rewards commands (default 0.25s)": 0.25 }, "Color Scheme": { "Warnings": "#ffcc00", "Errors": "#ff6666", "Main": "#99ccff", "Secondary": "#6699cc", "Quantity": "#ffffff", "Item": "#b3e6ff", "Question": "#66ccff", "Answers": "#cceeff", "Correct": "#33cc33", "Incorrect": "#ff5050", "Command": "#ffcc66", "Timers": "#FBDEF6", "Usage": "#ffd699", "Easy": "#7FFF7F", "Medium": "#FBFF7F", "Hard": "#FF7F7F" }, "Enabled Debug Mode": true, "Reward players for correct answers": true, "Use open database questions and answers": false, "Use local questions and answers (data/Questions.json)": false, "Max guesses allowed for mult choice (1-3)": 2, "Levenshtein Distance (sensitivity for mistakes. Lower = require more accurate)": 1, "Use RedeemStorageAPI plugin for full inventory (optional plugin)": false, "Storage Name (If using RedeemStorageAPI)": "default" }, "Rewards": { "Difficulty Currencies (Always included)": { "Easy": { "Eco": 0, "RP": 0, "XP": 0, "Score": 1 }, "Medium": { "Eco": 0, "RP": 0, "XP": 0, "Score": 2 }, "Hard": { "Eco": 0, "RP": 0, "XP": 0, "Score": 3 } }, "RewardsTable": [ { "CustomName": "", "Maximum": 1, "Minimum": 1, "Rarity": 0.55, "Shortname": "hazmatsuit", "SkinID": 0, "Commands": [] }, { "CustomName": "", "Maximum": 20, "Minimum": 5, "Rarity": 0.8, "Shortname": "scrap", "SkinID": 0, "Commands": [] }, { "CustomName": "Free pants", "Maximum": 0, "Minimum": 0, "Rarity": 0.95, "Shortname": "", "SkinID": 0, "Commands": [ "giveto $id pants", "say There you go $name!" ] } ] }, "Config version (Do NOT edit)": "2.0.126" } Discord: discord.gg/ZombieLand
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a Rust server plugin designed for creating and managing a "One in the Chamber" minigame, the plugin includes features like arena setup, player management, matchmaking. This plugin requires the MinigameCore plugin for its operation, emphasizing its use in community servers that host competitive and recreational minigames. GAMEPLAY Players lose a life when killed and can spectate after losing all lives. Game ends when one player remains or the time limit is reached. Spectators can switch views between players. FEATURES Arena Management: Create, manage, and refresh arenas. Player Management: Handle player stats, respawning, and spectating. Matchmaking: Supports joining arenas mid-game, player limits, and automated game starts. UI Components: Dynamic UI elements to show game stats, results, and lobby information. Admin Commands: Commands for admins to manage arenas and game settings. Configurable Settings: Time limits, max lives, and game mechanics like melee return timings can be configured. CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS TimeLimit: Duration of the game in seconds. MaxLives: Number of lives each player has. ReturnMelee: Time in seconds before a thrown melee weapon returns. RestartOnEndGame: Whether the arena restarts automatically after a game ends. ADMIN COMMANDS /add_oitc_arena <name> <radius>: Starts the creation of a new arena. /add_oitc_spawnpoint: Adds a spawn point at the admin's location. /add_oitc_lobby: Sets the lobby location for the arena. /add_oitc_max_players <number>: Sets the maximum number of players for the arena. /add_oitc_create <name>: Finalizes the creation of the arena. - * Arena Cache: Temporary storage for arena settings during creation before they are committed to the permanent configuration. * - FILES PATH OITC Config: /carbon/data/Minigames/OneInTheChamber/Config.json OITC DB: /carbon/data/Minigames/OITC.db SPECTATING IN OITC MATCH The spectating feature in the OITC plugin allows players who have lost all their lives to observe the ongoing match from the perspective of other players. This functionality enhances the gameplay experience by keeping eliminated players engaged until the match concludes. Key Features of Spectating: - Automatic Entry into Spectator Mode: When a player's lives reach zero, they are automatically placed in spectator mode. The plugin sends a message to the player informing them of their elimination and explaining the spectating mechanics. Player Switching: - Spectators can switch between players using the Reload (R) key. This allows spectators to dynamically view different players still active in the match. Player Management: - The plugin tracks which player each spectator is currently observing using a spectators dictionary. When switching, the next alive player in the arena's player list is selected as the new spectating target. Exiting Spectator Mode: - Spectators can leave the game entirely using the /leave command. Once the match ends, all spectators are automatically removed from spectating mode and returned to the lobby. F
  6. Version 1.0.7


    This plugin will allow your players, based on permission, to either instantly collect the ore/wood resource or always hit the x-marker. This plugin provides two functionalities: Players with the "geespot.instant" permission will instant gather Ore and Wood at first hit. Players with the "geespot.xmarker" permission will always trigger the X marker mini-game no matter where they hit on the model.
  7. Version 1.0.16


  8. Krungh Crow


    Version 1.4.6


    When hunting and the Huntsman catches you killing Game outside hunting season it will come after you Optional dependencies : Rustkits BetterNpcNames BotReSpawn NEW Features : A set chance spawning a HuntsMan when hunting for Game (animals) (any value between 0-1) Can assign a kit or a hardcoded outfit. Compatible with NPCKits (NPCKits will not override Huntsman NPC outfits/kits) Setup roam/spawn/damage and health of the HuntsMan. Options to make the Hunter drop his backpack (loottable included) Compatible with the ChickenBow plugin to disable a huntsman spawning when killing those chickens(make sure to reload ChickenBow after updating HuntsMan) Edit each animal to be able to trigger the HuntsMan true/false Support for BasePet's like Frankenstein so they can trigger huntsman aswell for their backpack drops Support for BotReSpawn to use a custom made profile to spawn the HuntsMan (> v1.3.3) Permissions : no permissions Commands : /hminfo : Shows plugin info/version/author Configuration : To make a item spawn as a blueprint add .bp behind the shortname (for example ammo.pistol.bp) Probability from value 0 to 1 is the spawn chance of any item Usage of custom naming is now possible (> v1.4.0) Example of custom items like the ExtendedRecycler plugins recycler item. { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "box.repair.bench", "name": "Recycler", "skin": 1594245394, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, When using BotReSpawn to spawn the Huntsman : It will use all settings from the custom profile that is made with BotReSpawn (Data Folder) spawn range , max roam ,HP etc. etc. In the BRS profile set the suicide timer high so that HuntsMan.cs can set the suicides (Lifetime) The name of the npc will be named by HuntsMan.cs so you can name it in BRS as a placeholder Profile name to be used is best to avoid spaces and Uppercase in the name { "Use Debug": true, "BotRespawn Settings": { "Use BotReSpawn": false, "BotReSpawn profile name": "huntsman" }, "Animals to trigger HuntsMan": { "Alpha Animal": true, "Omega Animal": true, "Bear": true, "Boar": true, "Chicken": true, "Horse": true, "Stag": true, "Wolf": true, "Wolf2": true }, "Hunter Settings": { "Custom Hunter Name": "HuntsMan", "spawn chance (1-100%)": 10.0, "Spawn Amount": 1, "spawn radius": 15, "Health": 250, "Max Roam Distance": 20, "Damage multiplier": 0.6, "Lifetime (minutes)": 10.0, "Use kit (clothing)": false, "Kit ID": [], "Show messages": true, "Hunters drop a Backpack with loot": true, "Use Random Skins": false, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 6, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 8, "Loot Table": [ { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 128, "amount": 256 }, { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "box.repair.bench", "name": "Recycler", "skin": 1594245394, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "hmlmg", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "supply.signal", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 } ] } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "Prefix": "[<color=green>HuntsMan</color>] : ", "info": "\nThe [HuntsMan] Gives u the luck (or not) to spawn a Hunter that wants to kill you for killing Wild Game during offseason", "Hunter_Spawned": "You killed the {0} now pay the price !!!!", "Hunter_Spawned_Backpack": "{0} Dropped his Backpack !" } API : bool IsHuntsmanNpc(global::HumanNPC npc) void OnHuntsmanSpawned(global::HumanNPC npc) void OnHuntsmanKilled(global::HumanNPC npc) Example call : object OnEntityDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { if (npc == null) return null; if (HuntsMan.Call<bool>("IsHuntsmanNpc", npc)) { Puts($"Target : {npc} net.ID : [{npc.net.ID}] Event : HuntsMan NPC"); } return null; } void OnHuntsmanSpawned(global::HumanNPC npc) { if (npc == null) return; timer.Once(1f, () => { Puts($"{npc} spawned (HuntsMan)"); });//delayed to make sure npc is fully initialised } void OnHuntsmanKilled(global::HumanNPC npc) { if (npc == null) return; Puts($"{npc} got killed (HuntsMan)"); }
  9. Version 1.4.0


    Skin and Bones is a nifty system that provides animals with bones and skulls you can use for trading, crafting and skull crushing. Features : When harvesting animal corpses this will skin the bonefragments to each respective animal type bones. Injects animal corpses with skulls which are skinned upon gathering. The plugin is a core system to give animals the new bones and skulls to be used in other plugins in this series. With the new animal skull you have the option to crush them for bones just like with human and wolf skulls. Admins can give themselves skulls and bones with commands. Supported animals : Bear Polarbear : This will be shared component with regular Bears Boar Chicken Horse and RidableHorse Shark Stag Wolf Permisions : skinandbones.admin : To be able to use the chatcommands. Commands : /bones {animalname} {amount} : Gives the animals bones and amounts (bear, boar, chicken, fish, horse, stag, wolf) /skull {animalname} {amount} : Gives the animals skull and amounts (bear, boar, chicken, shark, horse, stag, wolf) Configuration : When having the (Convert Bones : false) the plugin will keep the vanilla bone.fragments , only the skulls will be added and skinned. { "Main config": { "Debug": false }, "Convert Bones": true, "FX on Fail Crush": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/skull_door_knocker/effects/door_knock_fx.prefab", "Bones From Skullcrushing": { "Bear Bones": 30, "Boar Bones": 15, "Chicken Bones": 10, "Horse Bones": 25, "Shark (fish)Bones": 40, "Stag Bones": 15, "Wolf Bones": 20 }, "SkinID's Skulls": { "Bear Skull SkinID": 2582058305, "Boar Skull SkinID": 2582176436, "Chicken Skull SkinID": 2582166639, "Horse Skull SkinID": 2582200089, "Shark Skull SkinID": 2583809564, "Stag Skull SkinID": 2582184045 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "CommandBones": "<color=4A95CC>/bones {animalname} {amount}</color> : Gives the animals bones and amounts\n(bear,boar,chicken,fish,horse,stag,wolf)", "CommandSkull": "<color=4A95CC>/skull {animalname} {amount}</color> : Gives the animals skull and amounts\n(bear,boar,chicken,shark,horse,stag,wolf)", "CrushMessage": "</color>You crushed a <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> into {1} <color=#4A95CC>{2}</color>", "CrushMessageFail": "You failed crushing the <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color>.\nTry crushing them from your inventory", "GiveMessage": "You where given <color=#4A95CC>{0}x {1}</color>", "GiveErrorAmount": "Value needs to be higher then 0", "GiveErrorBones": "The server uses normal :bone.fragments: bone.fragments", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>" }
  10. Version 1.3.1


    Walking Dead will resurrect a player with a "Walker" using the player's name and outfit with the option to spawn it with a Flaming entrance and several other options. Optional dependencies : Rust Kits Not compatible with : RestoreUponDeath (if assigned to restore clothing in this case fully) !!!! Features : Walkers spawning using a players Name and clothing Spawns a Walker (scientist) after a player died/suicided Hostile like a real walker even goes for sleepers and scientists and animals It can resurrect "From Hell" with flaming spawn true/false. Configurable Spawn amount Configurable Spawn delay time Configurable cooldowns on walker spawning to avoid suicide spam harvesting Select to show gametip or chat messaging (or neither) Configurable Health/Lifetime/Roam Range Can use kits (only clothing) and can use a random kit if set multiple up Compatible with NPCKits (NPCKits won't override the `Walkers` outfit) Despawns the Walkers on plugin unload Walkers will not spawn inside bases (on foundations) Walkers will not spawn when suicided (cfg option) (Added in v1.1.4) Backup your configs before plugin updates! Zip file contains a scarecrow and scientist version (cfg can remain outside the kits that can be switched for melee or ranged weapons) Test option to block spawning in 1 zone (will be extended in near future) (Added in V1.1.4) Permissions : No permissions Commands : /wdinfo : tells version/author/and a little backend story Logfiles : No logging yet. Configuration : (new spawn system since v1.0.6!!!) Spawns the zombie as the player's clone If the player had no clothes on, it would use one of the kits assigned in configuration (random) if no kits assigned or the kits are having a mismatch (typo), it will spawn the zombie using the predefined zombieoutfit (mumysuit) Example config below : { "Settings Plugin": { "Debug": false }, "Settings Player": { "Suicide block": false, "Zone block": false, "Zone ID": 0 }, "Zombie Settings": { "Zombie spawn delay (seconds)": 5, "Zombie spawn cooldown (seconds)": 300, "Zombie Show cooldown chat messages": true, "Zombie Show cooldown gametip messages": true, "Zombie Prefix Title": "Walker", "Zombie spawn amount": 1, "Zombie Health": 250, "Zombie spawn radius": 5, "Zombie Max Roam Distance": 20, "Zombie Damage multiplier": 0.6, "Zombie Lifetime (minutes)": 10.0, "Zombie Spawns on fire": false, "Zombie Kit ID": [ "walkerkit1", "walkerkit2", "walkerkit3" ], "Zombie Show chat messages": true, "Zombie Show gametip messages": true }, "Zombie Targeting": { "Zombie Can target other npc": false, "Zombie Can target animals": false } } Localization : English language file included using a different language make a new file in the language folder. { "Zombie_Spawn": "You died and resurrected a Walker!", "Prefix": "<color=green>Walking Dead : </color>", "info": "\nThe [Walking Dead] will resurrect players as Walkers\nThese are aggressive and attack anything on sight !!\nUsing their melee weapons they can and will go after you !!", "Cooldown": "You have a cooldown and didnt ressurect a walker!!" } Credits : Chat icon design: @Horus for making me this Coding assistance: @Steenamaroo thx bud
  11. Version 2.10.7


    aMAZEingPro is a Rust mini-game which allows you and your friends to enjoy amazeingly fun but confusing mazes. Included extension required. If the download contains extra files, named "READ ME" or "IMPORTANT", please read through since it's important notes for the version you're using. Features The plugin currently features the following: Extremely customizable. Asynchronous maze creation. Batch maze creation & destruction. Configurable maze sizes. Maze modes. Multiple floors. Multiplayer. Spectating mode. Host & helper player lives & respawning on trap death. Rewards: Economics and / or ServerRewards Events: Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day & Easter modes. Configurable per floor: Posters. Traps (landmines, gun traps & bear traps). Block tier configurations (twigs, wood, stone, metal, top tier). Entrance / exit (reward box) loot configurations. Skins for entrance (small) / exit (large) storage boxes and rugs. Trap spawn chance amounts. Locked doors & gifts. NPCs: Grimstons which can make your life easier or harder, depending on the configuration. API The plugin currently features the following: (string) CreateBuilding(ulong playerId, string modeJson, Vector3 rootPosition, int seed) // Generates a maze building with the mode configuration and returns the id which can be used to destroy it. (string) CreateBuilding (ulong playerId, Mode mode, Vector3 rootPosition, int seed, bool persistent) // Generates a maze building with the mode configuration and returns the id which can be used to destroy it. (void) DestroyBuilding(ulong playerId, string buildingId) // Destroys a building with the id. (bool) IsHosting(ulong playerId) // Returns true if the player with the ID is currently hosting / playing a game. (bool) IsHelping(ulong playerId) // Returns true if the player with the ID is currently playing or is participating in someone's game. (bool) IsHelpingPlayer (ulong playerId, ulong helpedPlayer) // Returns true if a player is playing in someones' maze game. (bool) IsCooledDown(ulong playerId) // Returns true if the player with the ID is currently cooled down. (int) GetCooldown(ulong playerId) // Returns the amount in seconds of someone's cooldown. Warning: On plugin reload, the buildings created with the API (along with the running games) are going to be destroyed. Configuration The config comes with a few handy links, quick to access when you wanna make changes, like change the skins of small / large storage box, or need the item short-names and block tier indicators. { "ItemsListWebsite": "https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-item-list/", "LargeWoodenStorageBoxWorkshopWebsite": "https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=252490&searchtext=&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=trend&section=mtxitems&requiredtags%5B%5D=Large+Wood+Box", "SmallWoodenStorageBoxWorkshopWebsite": "https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=252490&searchtext=&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=trend&section=mtxitems&requiredtags%5B%5D=Wood+Storage+Box", "RugWorkshopWebsite": "https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=252490&searchtext=&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=trend&section=mtxitems&requiredtags%5B%5D=Rug", "BlockTiers": "0 = Twigs, 1 = Wood, 2 = Stone, 3 = Metal, 4 = Top Tier", "GrimstonMoods": "0 = Angry, 1 = Helpful, 2 = Annoying", "WelcomeCommand": "maze", "InfoCommand": "maze.info", "PlayCommand": "maze.play", "LeaveCommand": "maze.leave", "KickCommand": "maze.kick", "InviteCommand": "maze.invite", "InviteAcceptCommand": "maze.accept", "InviteDeclineCommand": "maze.decline", "ModesCommand": "maze.modes", "LeaderboardCommand": "maze.lead", "ResetModesCommand": "maze.resetmodes", "MaximumInvites": 5, "DefaultHeight": 250.0, "BatchKillCount": 15, "BatchCreationRowCount": 5, "EnableLogging": true, "UseNPipesSignText": false, "EnablePlayerNoclip": false, "EnablePlayerNoclipLerp": true, "PlayerNoclipLerp": 4.0, "PlayerNoclipSprintMultiply": 3.0, "Themes": { "Auto": true, "Theme (0 = None, 1 = Valentine's Day, 2 = Easter, 3 = Halloween, 4 = Christmas)": 4, "Settings": { "StockingChanceAmount": 5, "StockingChanceTimes": 2, "ScarecrowChanceAmount": 5, "ScarecrowChanceTimes": 2, "RustigeChanceAmount": 5, "RustigeChanceTimes": 2 } }, "GroupCooldowns": { "admin": 0, "vip": 25, "default": 120 }, "Modes": {} } Modes To set up a mode with one or more floors, it must look something like this: { "DisplayName": "Easy Run", "DisplayDescription": "Fun but complicated. Don't give up too easily. There're memes for your enjoyment.", "Size": 15, "Disabled": false, "Group": "default", "EnableInvites": false, "RespawnOnFloorWherePlayerDied": true, "HostMaximumLives": 1, "HelperMaximumLives": 1, "Rewards": { "Currency (0 = Economics, 1 = ServerRewards - balance is divided by 100)": 0, "Completion Depositing Balance": 100, "Door Unlocking Depositing Balance": 5, "Losing Withdrawal Balance": 50, "Leaving Withdrawal Balance": 10 }, "Floors": [ { "EnableLanterns": true, "Grimstons": [ { "Mood": 0, "Speed": 3.0, "Health": 250.0, "Invincible": false, "SpawnPosition (0 = Entrance, 1 = Middle, 2 = Exit)": 0 } ], "Posters": { "Urls (Must be an accessible direct download link to an image - PNG or JP[E]G)": [ "https://i.redd.it/cbcz02c3wlv51.jpg", "https://i.redd.it/xhyxowes0gv51.jpg", "https://i.redd.it/y30leeu81lv51.jpg", "https://i.redd.it/qbo7ot73ojv51.jpg", "https://i.redd.it/78v3jj30hjv51.jpg" ], "PosterSpawnChanceAmount": 5, "PosterSpawnChanceTimes": 2 }, "Doors": { "DoorChanceAmount": 10, "DoorChanceTimes": 6, "DoorMaximumAmount": 7, "GiftStorageChanceAmount": 5, "GiftStorageChanceTimes": 2, "GiftStorageSkinId": 0, "WrapGifts": true, "GiftLoot": [] }, "Traps": { "EnableLandMines": false, "EnableGunTraps": true, "EnableBearTraps": false, "EnableFog (Works only if Halloween mode is enabled)": true, "GunTrapAmmoChanceAmount": 5, "GunTrapAmmoChanceTimes": 2, "GunTrapAmmoAmount": 64, "LandMineChanceAmount": 5, "LandMineChanceTimes": 2, "BearTrapChanceAmount": 5, "BearTrapChanceTimes": 2 }, "Blocks": { "RugSkinId": 0, "EntranceWallTier": 2, "ExitWallTier": 2, "WallTier": 1, "WallFrameTier": 1, "FoundationTier": 1, "FloorTier": 2 }, "Loot": { "EntranceSignFormat": "START", "EntranceStorageLoot": [], "EntranceStorageSkinId": 0, "ExitSignFormat": "FINISH\nGood job, {0}!", "ExitStorageLoot": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "MinAmount": 500, "MaxAmount": 1000 } ], "ExitStorageSkinId": 0 } } ] } Grimstons (NPCs) They're NPCs which join you per each floor (if configured), will share 3 different modes: Angry Grimston: Will hunt you down and damage you with their weapon (recommended you to set one - don't forget the ammo). Annoying Grimston: Extremely innoffensive, yet annoying enough to get in your comfort zone, and push you into traps. Helpful Grimston: It doesn't bother you, just minding his own business, on his way to the end of the maze. { "Mood (0 = Angry, 1 = Helpful, 2 = Annoying)": 0, "Speed": 3.0, "Health": 1.0, "ShootRate": 0.15, "Invincible": false, "Kit": "Test", "LockClothing": false, "LockInventory": false, "LockBelt": false, "InventoryItems": [ { "MinAmount": 500, "MaxAmount": 0, "ShortName": "ammo.rifle" } ], "ClothingItems": [ { "SkinId": 1216976323, "ShortName": "metal.facemask" }, { "SkinId": 2030079828, "ShortName": "pants" }, { "SkinId": 2030078205, "ShortName": "hoodie" }, { "SkinId": 494043029, "ShortName": "shoes.boots" } ], "BeltItems": [ { "SkinId": 0, "ShortName": "rifle.ak" } ], "SpawnPosition (0 = Entrance, 1 = Middle, 2 = Exit)": 0 } Permissions Here are all the permissions you can use: aMAZEingPro.play: Allows anyone to start a new maze. Invited players do not require this permission. aMAZEingPro.admin: Allows anyone to execute [admin command]s. Commands Here are all the commands you can use: Welcome: /maze by default, will print some information about this plugin, including the commands. It'll open the HUD for aMAZEingCUI if you have it installed. Info: /maze.info by default, will print some information the current game the player's playing, including mode information. Play: /maze.play by default, [1/2/3 or mazeId (easy, hard, etc.)] will start a game with the specified maze id or index. Leave: /maze.leave by default, will make a player or a helper teleport back to where they were. If the same player started the maze, the maze will be destroyed. Invite: /maze.invite by default, will invite another player if you're already in a maze. They'll be secretly notified about it, where they can: Accept: /maze.accept by default, [none or playerName] will accept a request to help a player to the maze. Accepting without having any input, will accept any games that the player's been requested to. Decline: /maze.decline by default, [none or playerName] will decline a request to help a player to the maze. Declining without having any input, will decline any games that the player's been requested to. Kick: /maze.kick by default, [playerName] will kick a helper player from a player's game. Modes: /maze.modes by default, will print a list of all the maze modes a player can play in. Leaderboard: /maze.lead by default, will print a list of all the maze modes with top 5 players best completion times. Reset Modes: /maze.resetmodes by default [admin command], will reset the configuration. Installation To properly set up the plugin, please make sure you executed the following steps: Step 1 Place Humanlights.System.dll in the RustDedicated_Data/Managed folder. Step 2 Put aMAZEingPro.cs within the oxide/plugins folder. Step 3 If you want everyone to be able to play the mini-game, use oxide.grant group default aMAZEingPro.play or replace default with admin, vip or any group you want. Dependencies The plugin currently depends on the following plugins: ZoneManager by k1lly0u SignArtist by Whispers88 Vanish by Whispers88 HumanNPC by Ts3hosting The following are optional but highly recommended plugin dependencies: TruePVE by nivex HelpText by Calytic ServerRewards by k1lly0u Economics by Wulf Rust Kits by Whispers88 Feedback If you have any ideas or feedback you wanna give me, please comment down below.
  12. Version 1.0.2


    Allows players to invite others, gamble scrap & play rock, paper, scissors, the winner gets everything Configuration: { "Picking timeframe (seconds)": 5.0, "Time between rounds (seconds)": 3.0, "Broadcast game result": true } Language: { "InvalidSyntax": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> Invalid syntax, use /rps invite <player> <bet>\n/rps accept\n/rps decline\n/rps revoke!", "NotEnoughItems": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You do not have enough items to play, you need {0} {1}!", "FinishedGame": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> The game is now finished, {0} won {1} scrap!", "FinishedGameTie": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> The game is now finished, there was no winner!", "FinishedGameBroadcast": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> {0} won {1} scrap against {2}!", "GameInviteNoTarget": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> Could not find the specified player!", "GameInviteSent": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You have sent a game invite to {0} for {1} scrap!", "GameInviteReceived": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You have received a game invite from {0} for {1} scrap!", "GameInviteAccept": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You have accepted the game invite from {0}!", "GameInviteAccepted": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> {0} has accepted your game invite!", "GameInviteDecline": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You have declined the game invite from {0}!", "GameInviteDeclined": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> {0} has declined your game invite!", "GameInviteRevoke": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You have revoked the game invite!", "GameInviteRevoked": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> {0} has revoked the game invite!", "NoPendingGameInvite": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You do not have any pending game invites!", "NoGameInviteRequest": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You do not have any pending game invite requests!", "NoPermission": "<color=#acfa58>[Rock Paper Scissors]</color> You do not have permission to use this command!" } Permissions: rockpaperscissors.use Commands: /rps invite <player> <betAmount> /rps accept /rps decline /rps revoke
  13. Krungh Crow


    Version 1.0.2


    FishR will add a configurable amount of resources gained from gutting for each fish type and handles the new Bone Type Fish Bones. Features : Configure the amount of resources and bonus items gained from gutting fish. Changes the bonefragments to fish bones used by other plugins in this series. Commands : /fishr info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file about the event) Configuration : The Fish normally giving a bonus item by Rust are already having the Bonus Items listed and can be changed accordingly or added to the fish not having this by default. { "Main config": { "Debug": false }, "Anchovy": { "Fish Bones": 2, "Raw Fish": 1, "Animal Fat": 1, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] }, "Cat fish": { "Fish Bones": 18, "Raw Fish": 18, "Animal Fat": 18, "Add bonus item": true, "Bonus item (x1)": [ "scrap", "keycard_blue", "cloth", "ammo.pistol", "flare" ] }, "Herring": { "Fish Bones": 1, "Raw Fish": 2, "Animal Fat": 1, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] }, "Orange Roughy": { "Fish Bones": 18, "Raw Fish": 18, "Animal Fat": 18, "Add bonus item": true, "Bonus item (x1)": [ "scrap", "keycard_blue", "cloth", "ammo.pistol", "flare" ] }, "Salmon": { "Fish Bones": 16, "Raw Fish": 18, "Animal Fat": 16, "Add bonus item": true, "Bonus item (x1)": [ "scrap", "keycard_blue", "cloth", "ammo.pistol", "flare" ] }, "Sardine": { "Fish Bones": 1, "Raw Fish": 1, "Animal Fat": 5, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] }, "Small Shark": { "Fish Bones": 20, "Raw Fish": 20, "Animal Fat": 20, "Add bonus item": true, "Bonus item (x1)": [ "scrap", "keycard_blue", "cloth", "ammo.pistol", "flare" ] }, "Small Trout": { "Fish Bones": 5, "Raw Fish": 4, "Animal Fat": 8, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] }, "Yellow Perch": { "Fish Bones": 6, "Raw Fish": 4, "Animal Fat": 9, "Add bonus item": false, "Bonus item (x1)": [] } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "GutUnsuccesful": "<color=#4A95CC>Gutting was unsuccesfull !</color> gut the fish in your inventory instead.", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=green>/fishr info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "Version": "Version : V" }
  14. Version 1.0.1


    Raid Simulator brings a new way of playing where we can simulate raiding and defending with different bases. Multiple arena setup Setup VIP Arenas Easy setup with in-game CUI Arena view CUI Easily configuration /play or /join - Shows all available arena /leave - Teleport to lobby DISCORD
  15. Version 1.13.11


    Event which idea was taken from halloween's and easter's hunting. As in original game we collect candies or eggs, that in this case we are catching fishes for which we are getting points. Amount of points are dependent on the type of fish or item we catch. It depens exacly on number of "Bait" that every type of fish has e.g. Sardine has Bait 3 so we get 3 points. Permission To assign a permission, use 'oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id>' fishingevent.admin - Allow to using commands. Commands This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. When using a command in chat, prefix it with a forward slash: `/`. startfe - starts the countdown to the start of the fishing event. stopfe - Ends the event immediately, without giving away any prizes. finishfe - Ends the event immediately, with giving away any prizes. configfe - Opens the configuration UI panel Configuration Language Default English FIle { "noOneStart": "Wow, no one played so no one won.", "bestPlayer": "{0} is the top fisherman who has caught {1} fish and {2} points collected.", "playerStats": "You placed {0} of {1} with caught {2} fish and {3} points collected.", "rewardMessage": "You received {0}x {1} as an award!", "timeMessageToEvent": "<color=#326de3>Fishing Event</color>: The fishing event starts in {0} minutes." } Hooks void OnFishingEventStartCountdown() - Call when starts counting down to the start of the fishing event. void OnFishingEventStarted() - Call when the fishing event begins. void OnFishingEventEnded() - Call when the fishing event is over. void OnFishingEventUIClosed() - Call when UI disappears from players screen.(Five seconds after fishing event is over) Credits @STIVI Plugin tester and release help. @Flammable Plugin originator and tester. @Billy Joe Thanks for your UI Tool(I hate it but i love it)
  16. Version 1.2.4


    Your players still roof camping? Start mushroom Event, let them start fighting for the title of the best mushroom picker and win prizes for the first three places. Permission To assign a permission, use 'oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id>' mushroomevent.admin - Allow to using commands. Commands This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. When using a command in chat, prefix it with a forward slash: `/`. startme - starts the countdown to the start of the mushroom event. stopme - Ends the event immediately, without giving away any prizes. finishme - Ends the event immediately, with giving away any prizes. configme - Opens the configuration UI panel Configuration Language Default English FIle { "noOneStart": "Wow, no one played so no one won.", "bestPlayer": "{0} is the best mushroom picker with {1} mushrooms.", "playerStats": "You placed {0} of {1} with gather {2} mushrooms.", "rewardMessage": "You received {0}x {1} as an award!", "timeMessageToEvent": "<color=#326de3>Mushroom Event</color>: The mushroom event starts in {0} minutes." } Hooks void OnMushroomEventStartCountdown() - Call when starts counting down to the start of the fishing event. void OnMushroomEventStarted() - Call when the fishing event begins. void OnMushroomEventEnded() - Call when the fishing event is over. void OnMushroomEventUIClosed() - Call when UI disappears from players screen.(Five seconds after fishing event is over) Credits @Billy Joe Thanks for your UI Tool(I hate it but i love it still)
  17. Version V01


    This prefab arena remake of the classic COD map RUST offers a unique twist, where players navigate between four distinct regions, reminiscent of the popular 4-square game. The design aims to captivate players with its vibrant colors, directing their focus towards the intense PvP gameplay rather than intricate environmental details, making it ideal for a high-energy experience. Designed specifically for PvP arena and minigame servers, these structures can be seamlessly integrated using RUST Edit. The simplified aesthetics not only enhance visual clarity but also contribute to improved performance, catering to players on a range of PC specifications. Dive into the nostalgia and excitement of RUST - In Rust! Should you encounter any issues or have inquiries, feel free to connect with me on Discord: potato_sheep
  18. Version V01


    There are few locations as recognizable as the Iconic Kill House. Included in this Pack are TWO versions of the classic we all know and love. The First is a faithful re-creation of the Kill house (867 Entities) and the second is a performance based low poly version of the same Kill house (439 Entities) with better visibility for those hard core players. These structures are intended to be used in PVP arena / Minigame Servers. For any issues please Reach out to me on Discord: http://discordapp.com/users/233662340179034112
  19. Version 1.0.0


    This monument is an abandoned shooting gallery. You need a green card to enter The monument tries to shoot the targets to open the doors and reach the loot, you will find boxes with ammunition along the way. If at any time you run out of ammunition you can go back where you entered Features: Great detail Simple installing Optimized FPS Prefabs count: 780 Loot: Crate normal/2 : 5 Crates ammo : 3 1 Green card. Poker Blackjack Slotmachine
  20. Version 1.0.3


    This plugin and prefab combo adds a functional fishing competition event into your server. Players can type the chat command in to join the event when it starts, teleporting them to the platform to compete in the competition. Setup is very easy and requires little to no RustEdit experience, as the tutorial video covers the placement and setup on your server. This submission features a prefab and plugin combination. The download includes everything required to add this to your map and run the game on your server. Some of the highlights include: Completely automated event handling - the plugin handles the joining and running of the game. Join from anywhere - players can join the minigame from anywhere on the map by typing the join command. This will strip the players items from them and place them in the lobby for when the game begins. Items are returned to the player and they are redeployed where they joined from after the game ends. Includes a custom "professional" rod item that the players fish with. This allows you to set the tensile strength of the rod so it won't snap as often. Customizable prizes - can also include custom items from other plugins. The option for players to keep the fish that they catch during the event. Support for FishingTreasure - can add a temporary hotspot to the event, increasing the chances of obtaining a casket while participating. There is also an option to let players keep the caskets that they fish. Fish specific competition options - the competition can allow any fish to give the player a point, or require the player to try and catch a specific fish type. Chat command: startfc <optional: time override> Description: Forces the game to start. Time override will dictate how long until the game begins. Chat command: endfc Description: Ends the current competition and returns players to their start locations. Chat command: gofish Description: Joins any active events that haven't started yet. Chat command: leavefc Description: Leaves the current event. Chat command: fcprize Description: Rolls and gives the player a prize if they have outstanding prizes from winning. fishingcompetition.admin - Allows you to use the startfc and endfc commands.
  21. Version 1.0.6


    View recoil patterns in game, great for use with minigame or aim train servers. The plugin has a permission based command, and comes with two different versions, A and B, both included in this purchase and download. See below for a list of weapons currently supported by this plugin. Version A: This plugin shows your recoil to UI. Works fine with /pattern command or you can add simple hook to add pattern to player which will teleport or join a minigame for example. Permission needed for command: recoilpatternui.command Supported weapons: - AK-47 - LR300 - MP5A4 - THOMPSON - CUSTOMSMG - M249 - HMLMG Version B: It is basically version A but you can see other players recoil, you need to have permission to use the command Permission: recoilpatternshower.command
  22. Version 1.0.2


    Craft, place and pickup you would any other deployable item. Features : Backpack safe Using Rusts Buildingblock mechanics Set a crafting cost through configuration Craft the Poker Table using a simple chat command with permission aslong you have the materials in your inventory. Craft is cancelled when not enough inventory space Can be recycled for wood and metal fragments Can be used with RemoverTool Permissions : pokertables.use : To be able to use chatcommands and craft the Poker Table Commands : /poker info : Prints craftingcosts, commands and plugin info to chat /poker craft : Crafts you the Poker Table (providing you have the required materials) Configuration : { "Main config": { "Debug": true, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=yellow>Poker Tables</color>] ", "Crafting Costs": { "scrap": 100, "wood": 1000, "metal.fragments": 100, "tarp": 1 } } } Localisation : English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder. { "Craft": "You need more resources:\n{0}", "CraftingCost": "<color=green>Materials needed to craft the Poker Table</color> :", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/poker info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InfoCraft": "<color=green>/poker craft</color> : To craft the Poker Table", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "InventoryFull": "You need at least 1 more slot in your inventory,canceling the craft", "Succesfull": "You succesfully crafted a Poker Table for 6 players", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>" }
  23. Version 1.03


    A shooting range with working scoreboards and two loot rooms, one is accessed via a fuse and panic button and the other accessed by a fuse + shooting every target in a single game on range 3. Also includes plugin to change skins on targets, change damage to knockdown and change the reset time. Prefab count – Version 1 : 3993 Prefab count – Version 2 : 3365 Details – Version 1 Range 3 mini game, shoot all 20 targets in one game to open the loot room Has io on all three ranges with scoreboards and timed games. Visitors center has a gun shop with loot panic room Details – Version 2 Less prefabs and no io to increase server performance Abandoned trashed visitors center


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