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Version 1.0.0
The promo code plugin for Rust game provides the ability to reward players for entering a code word. This plugin includes a variety of settings and functionality for easy management and configuration of promo codes in the admin panel. Main Features Creation and Configuration of Promo Codes: Promo Code: The administrator can create unique promo codes. Item Configuration: The administrator can determine which items will be given when the promo code is activated. Item Parameters Shortname: The code word for issuing a specific item. SkinID: The skin identifier of the item. DisplayName: The displayed name of the item. Amount: The number of items given by the promo code. Flexible Settings Promo Code Duration: Ability to set an end date until which the promo code will be active. Usage Limit: Setting a limit on the number of times the promo code can be used. Command Configuration Ability to replace item issuance with the execution of a specific server command when the promo code is activated. Example Usage Admin usage Give admin permission - promocodes.admin Open UI with command (can be changed in config, default: /p) Creating a Promo Code: Create the promo code "SUMMER21". Set its expiration date to July 31. Set a usage limit of 100 times. Player usage Open UI with command (can be changed in config, default: /p) Enter promocode Press CHECK button Item Configuration Add an item: shortname - "rifle.ak", skinid - "123456", displayname - "AK-47 Elite", amount - 1. Add an item: shortname - "ammo.rifle", skinid - "0", displayname - "Rifle Ammo", amount - 100. Command Replacement Set the command "give %STEAMID% some_reward" to be executed when the promo code is activated instead of issuing items. Configuration file { "Cooldown for promocode": 65, "Commands to open UI": [ "promocode", "promo", "code", "pc", "p" ] }$9.99-
- #reward
- #promocode
(and 7 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Christmas is coming! Decorate your map for christmas with this beautiful and lovely Santa's Express! The Santa Express comes with basic loot in custom made Loot containers. Visit the Santa Express while the dwarfs are prepairing them with gifts for christmas! Need more christmas stuff? Look here:$7.99-
- #christmas
- #malai
- (and 8 more)
Version 1.0.0
- BIG Xmas Tree is a gigantic Xmas Tree. Build your base anywhere on the Xmas Tree. - Moreover, BIG Xmas Tree is not only a decoration, it also contains a snowy village inside the pot. This village is known as Shit Village, your goal will be to get access to it, overcome different challenges such as: - The Star: Conquer the star to give energy to the Great Cairn of Power. - The Zipline: Your goal is to reach the pot under the Xmas Tree, move with the ziplines, but be very careful, some zip lines are sabotaged. - The Flowerpot: Access the inside of the Flowerpot to start the first test. - The Killer Tiles: Find the hole to access the next test, be very careful, some tiles contain traps. - The Maze: Your goal is easy, find the exit and you will master the clouds. - The Clouds: Show your courage in this original parkour created with clouds, jump between the clouds to go down to the Village of Shit. - The Shit Village: Take over the power of the village, kill the NPCs and get your reward. - The Exit: You will find the exit in a corner of the Shit Village, the exit is marked with a fire.$14.90-
- #bigxmastree
- #big xmas tree
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- #bigxmastree
- #big xmas tree
- #xmastree
- #xmas tree
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- #christmas tree
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Version 1.0.0
Christmas is coming! Decorate your map for christmas with this beautiful and lovely Xmas Ice Skating Rink! The Skating Rink comes with basic loot in custom made Loot containers. Visit the dwarfs on ice and enjoy the wonderfull time of christmas! Need more christmas stuff? Look here:$9.99-
- #christmas
- #malai
(and 7 more)
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Version 1.0.5
Introduction CustomRewards is a turnkey solution to reward player engagement. This plugin allows you to give a player any type of reward based on conditions you'll be able to configure. Whether you're a server admin aiming to boost player engagement or a developer creating complex reward systems, CustomRewards is your go-to solution. Main Features: Diversity of Rewards: Set up a huge variety of rewards for your players, ranging from items to special permissions, including server command execution. Reward Templates: Create different reward models for various events or scenarios, providing maximum flexibility to meet your server's needs. Award Conditions: Ensure only eligible players receive certain rewards by setting conditions based on groups, permissions, and more. Integration with Other Plugins: CustomRewards isn't just a standalone, it can also be seamlessly integrated with other externals plugins such as VoteSystem or PlaytimeTracker : Vote System : By using Custom Reward with VoteSystem, your players will be able to obtain rewards by voting. PlayTime Reward (free) : By using CustomRewards with PlaytimeTracker, your players will be able to obtain rewards based on their playtime. Interface Customization Provide your players with an appealing visual experience with a fully customizable user interface, custom reward images, and colorful themes. Expandability for Developers For those looking to delve deeper, CustomRewards offers a robust API, allowing you to integrate your own point system or even other plugins ! Plugin's Future: We always listen to the community! If you have a specific plugin you'd like to see integrated with CustomRewards, please let us know. Our goal is to make CustomRewards as versatile and useful as possible for all users. Support : I am very often available and will respond as quickly as possible to all your questions, here or on my Discord: Full Documentation : Feel free to check out the complete documentation here. Commands (chat) : - /CustomRewards_Give <type> <player name or id> <quantity> : available only for administrators or with permission CustomRewards.Admin - The commands to show the UI need to be implemented in the configuration. Permissions : - CustomRewards.Admin : enable admin commands if not administrator - CustomRewards.<Type>.Use : Permission linked to the type (rewards template), users without the permission will not be able to use the command to display the UI. Therefore, it's important to add the permission to your groups once the template is created! How To use API : private void Give_API(string rewardType, ulong playerId, int quantity) // Add quantity points for player (for referenced rewardType) private int Get_API(string rewardType, ulong playerId) // Get quantity points for player (for referenced rewardType) CustomRewards Configuration Tutorial Step 1: Initial Setup : - Ensure the CustomRewards_rewards folder is present in Oxide/Data. If not, the plugin will attempt to create it automatically, but it's good to check. - Ensure - For each reward type you want to configure, create a .json file in the CustomRewards_rewards folder. For instance, for a reward type called "VIP", you might have a VIP.json file. Step 2: Basic Configuration In your .json file: - "Enabled": Set this value to true to activate this reward type. - "Commands for show UI": List of commands that will display the user interface for this reward type. For example: ["rewards_vip", "vip_rewards"]. Step 3: User Interface Configuration Under "UI Settings": - Configure the appearance and layout of the user interface with properties like "Max Reward By Page", "Window Rect", etc. - Set the theme colors under "Theme" using properties like "Colors". Each color is defined by an RGBA value. - Configure rarity colors under "Rarity Colors". - To modify the window title or description (above the rewards), go through the lang files (Oxide/Lang/<lang>/CustomRewards_<type>). Example Lang file : { "Messages": { "Title": "Rewards", "Description": "Every time you earn points, you can claim your rewards here." } } Step 4: Reward Configuration Under "Rewards Settings": - "Rewards List": Here, you'll define each individual reward for this type. - "Rarity (Common - Rare - Epic - Legendary)": Set the reward's rarity. - "Quantity": If the reward is an item, set the quantity here. - "Item Shortname (optional)": If the reward is an item, set its short name here. - "Custom image URL (optional)": For a custom image for the reward. - "Server command (optional)": Commands to execute when this reward is claimed. - "Grant Permissions ": Permissions to grant when this reward is claimed. - "Grant Groups": Groups to grant when this reward is claimed. - "Nedded Permissions": Permissions needed to claim this reward. - "Nedded Group ": Groups needed to claim this reward. Step 5: Plugin Extensions Under PluginExtensions, you can configure integration with other plugins: - For PlaytimeTracker, use properties under "PlayTimeTracker" like "Count Afk Time?", "Added points", and "Add point every (in seconds)". Step 6: Save and Reload After completing your configuration, save the .json file and reload the plugin on your server. Here's a sample configuration file to help you get started:$5.99 -
Version 1.0.4
XGiftThrower - a gift-thrower that everyone can give. Even a copter under a Christmas tree. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - There is a craft gift-thrower. [ Crafting support near Tier N workbench ] - The ability to shoot in-game items (resources) or prefabs. - The ability to make a list of items (resources) or prefabs that will randomly shoot a gift-thrower. - Possibility to change the capacity magazine of the gift-thrower. - The effect when an item or prefab appears. -> Overview - YouTube <- Commands Open crafting menu - /craftgun Give out a gift-thrower - gun_give <SteamID> snowballgun <Amount> <SkinID> Give out a snowball - gun_give <SteamID> snowball <Amount> Permissions xgiftthrower.usecraft - access to craft. xgiftthrower.usegun - access to the use of the gift-thrower. [ In the hands of a player without a permission, it will be a regular snowball gun ] Config { "General settings": { "Use craft": true, "Background color_1": "0 0 0 0.95", "Background color_2": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.95", "Background color_3": "0.217 0.221 0.209 0.95", "Button color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.9" }, "Settings gift-throwers": { "skinID": { "Gift-thrower name": "Small gift-thrower", "Minimum number of gifts": 1, "Maximum number of gifts": 1, "Magazine capacity": 20, "Required workbench level for crafting": 0, "Gift appearance effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/gold_open.prefab", "Use effect": true, "Allow crafting": true, "True - item | False - prefab": true, "List of gifts / prefabs that the gift-thrower": [ "xmas.present.small" ], "List of items for crafting a gift-thrower": { "wood": 100, "stones": 50 } }, "skinID": { "Gift-thrower name": "Medium gift-thrower", "Minimum number of gifts": 1, "Maximum number of gifts": 1, "Magazine capacity": 15, "Required workbench level for crafting": 1, "Gift appearance effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/gold_open.prefab", "Use effect": true, "Allow crafting": true, "True - item | False - prefab": true, "List of gifts / prefabs that the gift-thrower": [ "xmas.present.medium" ], "List of items for crafting a gift-thrower": { "wood": 100, "stones": 50 } }, "skinID": { "Gift-thrower name": "Large gift-thrower", "Minimum number of gifts": 1, "Maximum number of gifts": 1, "Magazine capacity": 10, "Required workbench level for crafting": 2, "Gift appearance effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/gold_open.prefab", "Use effect": true, "Allow crafting": true, "True - item | False - prefab": true, "List of gifts / prefabs that the gift-thrower": [ "xmas.present.large" ], "List of items for crafting a gift-thrower": { "wood": 100, "stones": 50 } }, "skinID": { "Gift-thrower name": "Random gift-thrower", "Minimum number of gifts": 1, "Maximum number of gifts": 1, "Magazine capacity": 10, "Required workbench level for crafting": 3, "Gift appearance effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/gold_open.prefab", "Use effect": true, "Allow crafting": true, "True - item | False - prefab": true, "List of gifts / prefabs that the gift-thrower": [ "xmas.present.small", "xmas.present.medium", "xmas.present.large" ], "List of items for crafting a gift-thrower": { "wood": 100, "stones": 50 } }, "skinID": { "Gift-thrower name": "Rocket-thrower", "Minimum number of gifts": 0, "Maximum number of gifts": 0, "Magazine capacity": 5, "Required workbench level for crafting": 3, "Gift appearance effect": "", "Use effect": false, "Allow crafting": true, "True - item | False - prefab": false, "List of gifts / prefabs that the gift-thrower": [ "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_basic.prefab" ], "List of items for crafting a gift-thrower": { "wood": 100, "stones": 50 } } } }$9.49 -
Version 1.0.1
Create "Automated" Giveaways, Items based on Votes At the Set Interval, a small popup voting UI is shown to players. Based on the players online, this list is randomized, and players vote on the giveaway they want. After the end of the voting, UIs close and the item with the most votes is locked in. At the end of the giveaway, a random online user is given the prize. Awards can be any command you can run in game, (give items, give kits, Give RP, Give Economics, etc.) Permissions "simplegiveaways.use" : Ability to start or restart a giveaway. Chat Commands /giveaway.start : Stops the current giveaway and starts a new one. Config Discord: Shady14u$10.50- 6 comments
- 1 review
Version 1.0.0
Lucky Rust is a simple random reward system. With Lucky Rust, you can configure a list of rewards that players can win by typing a specific command in the chat. The rewards can include items and commands. And if you want to make things even more fun, you can choose to broadcast the rewards and/or the fact that a player has won a reward to all players on the server! Lucky Rust supports setting different cooldown times based on permissions. So why wait? Give your players a reason to keep playing with LuckyRust today! Chat Command: /lr - Get a random reward (default, can be changed in the config) Config: { "Plugin Setting": { "Chat Prefix": "[LuckyRust]\n", "Required Permissions (Empty = None)": "LuckyRust.use", "Command": "lr", "Default Cooldown (Seconds)": 300, "Broadcast Reward Message": true, "Cooldown Permissions (Permission Name | Cooldown)": { "LuckyRust.admin": 0, "LuckyRust.vip1": 180, "LuckyRust.vip2": 90, "LuckyRust.vip3": 30 } }, "List of Rewards": [ { "Reward Display Name": "VIP", "Chance(0-100)": 5, "Item Display Name": "", "Item Shortname": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [ "oxide.grant user %STEAMID%" ] }, { "Reward Display Name": "Wolf", "Chance(0-100)": 10, "Item Display Name": "", "Item Shortname": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [ "spawn wolf \"%PLAYER.POS.X% %PLAYER.POS.Y% %PLAYER.POS.Z%\"" ] }, { "Reward Display Name": "M249", "Chance(0-100)": 10, "Item Display Name": "M249", "Item Shortname": "lmg.m249", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [] }, { "Reward Display Name": "prototype 17", "Chance(0-100)": 40, "Item Display Name": "prototype 17", "Item Shortname": "pistol.prototype17", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [] }, { "Reward Display Name": "Scrap×100", "Chance(0-100)": 80, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 100, "Max Amount": 100, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [] } ] }$2.00