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Lucky Rust 1.0.0

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About Lucky Rust

Lucky Rust is a simple random reward system.

With Lucky Rust, you can configure a list of rewards that players can win by typing a specific command in the chat.

The rewards can include items and commands.

And if you want to make things even more fun, you can choose to broadcast the rewards and/or the fact that a player has won a reward to all players on the server!

Lucky Rust supports setting different cooldown times based on permissions.

So why wait? Give your players a reason to keep playing with LuckyRust today!

Chat Command:

  • /lr - Get a random reward (default, can be changed in the config)


  "Plugin Setting": {
    "Chat Prefix": "[LuckyRust]\n",
    "Required Permissions (Empty = None)": "LuckyRust.use",
    "Command": "lr",
    "Default Cooldown (Seconds)": 300,
    "Broadcast Reward Message": true,
    "Cooldown Permissions (Permission Name | Cooldown)": {
      "LuckyRust.admin": 0,
      "LuckyRust.vip1": 180,
      "LuckyRust.vip2": 90,
      "LuckyRust.vip3": 30
  "List of Rewards": [
      "Reward Display Name": "VIP",
      "Chance(0-100)": 5,
      "Item Display Name": "",
      "Item Shortname": "",
      "Skin ID": 0,
      "Min Amount": 1,
      "Max Amount": 1,
      "Item Text": "",
      "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab",
      "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [
        "oxide.grant user %STEAMID% vip.name"
      "Reward Display Name": "Wolf",
      "Chance(0-100)": 10,
      "Item Display Name": "",
      "Item Shortname": "",
      "Skin ID": 0,
      "Min Amount": 1,
      "Max Amount": 1,
      "Item Text": "",
      "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "",
      "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [
        "spawn wolf \"%PLAYER.POS.X% %PLAYER.POS.Y% %PLAYER.POS.Z%\""
      "Reward Display Name": "M249",
      "Chance(0-100)": 10,
      "Item Display Name": "M249",
      "Item Shortname": "lmg.m249",
      "Skin ID": 0,
      "Min Amount": 1,
      "Max Amount": 1,
      "Item Text": "",
      "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab",
      "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": []
      "Reward Display Name": "prototype 17",
      "Chance(0-100)": 40,
      "Item Display Name": "prototype 17",
      "Item Shortname": "pistol.prototype17",
      "Skin ID": 0,
      "Min Amount": 1,
      "Max Amount": 1,
      "Item Text": "",
      "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "",
      "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": []
      "Reward Display Name": "Scrap×100",
      "Chance(0-100)": 80,
      "Item Display Name": "Scrap",
      "Item Shortname": "scrap",
      "Skin ID": 0,
      "Min Amount": 100,
      "Max Amount": 100,
      "Item Text": "",
      "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "",
      "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": []


Ajie's Collection

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