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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Door code

    Can you check other plugins that might be adding a lock to the door @WOLF PACK as there shouldn't be any extra locks. I think there was something specific to locks that had created them at least once in the past but I don't remember discussing it for quite awhile now. If you want to jump into a ticket in the Mad Mapper Discord we could go through some of the plugins that could be affecting it? You should potentially be able to do this yourself though just type plugins in console and take a look at the list. Go through it and try to think if what could be touching locks that would be creating an extra one here.
  2. Thank you @Kobani
  3. Do us a favor @Kobani will you post this in Convoy support? I feel like I remember the RPC error before but I do not recall what it was from. Check there first if you would please.
  4. Jbird

    Some issues I seem to be having

    Hello @Smithy Check your SimplePVE settings as that would control the damage block. Correct to take changes you made into effect reload the entire plugin. This is more for testing. NPCs do not know how to walk on foundations so this is not going to work nearly whatever you do. But anything done in the editor can be used, within reason. It has to be something they can walk on. I'm not sure if the building pieces have been tested if built in the editor I think they would have the same result unless you put triggers for them to walk on instead, which is a good amount of custom work. Let us know if you have any other questions, and have fun with it!
  5. Jbird


    Are you trying to send this command in game from F1 console? It needs to be sent through an RCON console.
  6. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Might be nothin but it could be an issue in some circumstances. These errors are usually due to more than one plugin using those hooks at the same time. BetterNpc will give this error to let you know. Most of the time it actually still runs the mini events with NPCs but some times it will not work or it will create NPCs in places you may or may not want. It could be as easy a fix as disabling the related event in BetterNpc, just depends on if there is an error in the plugins running properly and whether that is an issue or not for you. If you want to dig deeper into it you can jump into the Mad Mapper Discord to create a ticket and share a list of plugins or discuss what plugins you think it would be interacting with the same hook and we could look for a fix.
  7. Jbird


    Reload the plugin to see that it is loaded fully and properly. If the command is not working then perhaps the plugin is not loading properly. When you reload the plugin if it loads then you should be able to use the command. If you would like you should join the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket there where you can share your configuration and more screenshots so that we can troubleshoot any issue you may be having. This plugin is by another developer entirely. You'll want to discuss this under that plugin.
  8. Jbird

    Movement inside prefab

    What options do you have for the bosses movement type? You can share their config if you are not sure what I mean and I'll point them out. If you are in the Mad Mapper Discord you can create a ticket there and send it there. Either place is fine though, Discord tickets are just more private.
  9. Jbird


    No many of the people that use PveMode also use TruePVE. There is no problem using both plugins.
  10. Jbird

    Error at plugin load

    Check the data files to the version you are using now @scarecr0w12. It is likely that you have the 1.1.8 data files.
  11. Jbird

    Event Stopped instant

    What map does this happen on @m3dus4?
  12. Jbird

    Movement inside prefab

    Try adjusting their spawn location a bit. What is the prefab built out of? If you can show any screenshots of the setup and such it might help us understand what's keeping them from moving around. They should automatically roam if you have a roam range set for them to do so, and they have something they are able to walk on.
  13. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Probably won't need to do a lot of testing mostly just having everyone in one place to answer questions or give information. Completely understand being busy though been a really busy year for me this Summer especially.
  14. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    I see you actually in there Flint Monkey and KingSizeKevin so if either of the other two want to join jump in or let me know your Discord username.
  15. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Would any of you be willing to jump in a ticket in the Mad Mapper Discord? We can create a group ticket and I can add everyone too it so we can get with KpucTaJl and see if there is anything we can do to improve things. @Žéŧ @Flint Monkey @Covfefe @KingSizeKevin I think you may already be in a ticket there right? Can join up with the squad?
  16. Jbird

    number of slots in crates

    No problem my friend @Dad Frog, we are happy to help.
  17. Jbird

    number of slots in crates

    Some plugins because of how they handle the loot, will be the same as using the default option. So yes you can use option 0 for BetterLoot it has been compatible with the whole library for as long as I can remember.
  18. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Most servers run this plugin with no issues so likely there is a reason that they are having this issue only on certain servers. Just disabling it won't really fix it but it is hard to fix without lots of information or at least just the right information that helps guide us. This is being tested and looked into as we find the time for it. But sometimes these things are not easily reproduced without more specifics. Two total? There are multiple presets people forget about sometimes. There was a customer who had once increased a 2nd or 3rd preset to a very high number and forgot, so they continued only to edit the first preset. Just a thought though and only curious for confirmation.
  19. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Присоединитесь ли вы к Discord Mad Mapper и создадите для этого билет? Just curious are you using an older version of the plugin now? If you were having issues we wouldn't mind knowing about them. We don't want people to have to revert versions if there are any known issues we can fix.
  20. Jbird

    Better Npc

    There are a couple ways but let me explain first why it happens. There are several plugins that use the hook when there is an air supply drop. This error is generally harmless in most instances but it is in regards multiple plugins using that hook at the same time. If you notice specific issues along with the error please let us know. Otherwise one thing you could do is go into the events folder and disable this one.
  21. Jbird

    Latest Bug

    You might try his Convoy Support tab @MrLiquid or even better jump in the Mad Mapper Discord and we can tag anyone needed.
  22. Create a new ticket please @thatJCguy and we will look into it. Make sure you have current versions of all plugins.
  23. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Here is a list of what you need to check. Check the versions and make sure they are current. Use the plugins command or check them manually. Current at the time of this post. NpcSpawn 2.5.7 BetterNpc 1.2.6 HarborEvent 2.1.8 SatDishEvent 2.1.5 JunkyardEvent 2.1.2 PowerplantEvent 2.1.2 ArcticBaseEvent 1.0.9 GasStationEvent 1.1.2
  24. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Check your versions of NpcSpawn, BetterNpc, or any Events that you updated that day. Likely one or more just need an update and you should be good to go.
  25. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    What is happening when that error occurs? That helps to answer the question to be honest.


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