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Everything posted by Jbird
There are a couple ways but let me explain first why it happens. There are several plugins that use the hook when there is an air supply drop. This error is generally harmless in most instances but it is in regards multiple plugins using that hook at the same time. If you notice specific issues along with the error please let us know. Otherwise one thing you could do is go into the events folder and disable this one.
You might try his Convoy Support tab @MrLiquid or even better jump in the Mad Mapper Discord and we can tag anyone needed.
Create a new ticket please @thatJCguy and we will look into it. Make sure you have current versions of all plugins.
Here is a list of what you need to check. Check the versions and make sure they are current. Use the plugins command or check them manually. Current at the time of this post. NpcSpawn 2.5.7 BetterNpc 1.2.6 HarborEvent 2.1.8 SatDishEvent 2.1.5 JunkyardEvent 2.1.2 PowerplantEvent 2.1.2 ArcticBaseEvent 1.0.9 GasStationEvent 1.1.2
You have to type it properly don't type it all in caps. oxide/data/Images Like that. See attachment.
Возможно, у вашего сервера нет доступа к чему-то. Что происходит, когда возникает эта ошибка? Обновляли ли вы другие плагины, которые использует NpcSpawn, с момента выхода обновления? It was fixed yesterday. Always recommend reading all of the update notes. All you have to do is either use new configs or grab a copy from a backup if you customized them. Or you can even just replace the prefab path. The update was inadvertently clearing the prefab path if you use option 4 or 5 for loot.
@KpucTaJl they are just mistaken they are talking about the Images folder. @Nicholas Oakman you are looking at the wrong folder, or you likely don't have this one installed or created. You have to create the folder, or move it from the download, and either move the images with it or move them individually after you've created the folder. Images, not ImageLibrary. There are 4 images that come with this plugin that will need moved into that folder. You can also disable the UI in the plugin configuration to bypass the UI system and I believe it will load properly in that case.
I think you might just need to install the folder and files @Nicholas Oakman. oxide/data/Images
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Bounce this to Adem in regards to Convoy. Try to narrow it down so you are pretty sure but let him know so he can take a look into it. PveMode is used by other plugins so generally we will start with the source plugin first and then find out of PveMode needs adjusted. Generally if it does all of the plugins normally would be affected, but not always. This will let us know though. Any details about what causes the error when it happens and such all of that is important to help sort the error out.
Awesome haha thank you for letting us know @Doughaffernen
Thank you for the feedback and idea @GamingHQ no worries and thank you for adding your thoughts. I saw someone ask about chickens recently somewhere and I was like what the hell? Now I know!
What version of NpcSpawn do you have? Is that BetterNpc? What version of that are you using? Double check those and can you confirm that the server and oxide files were all updated recently as well @MrLiquid?
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Ojalá todo funcione bien amigo @Cazador Luna. Háganos saber si tiene algún otro problema.
Sounds like a plan.
Just to confirm the BetterNpc NPCs are not attacking the ZombieHorde NPCs?