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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Do you block NPC damage with TruePVE? It really depends on how you have it configured and in what way it is being blocked. This can vary depending on your rules and groups. What do you have blocked?
  2. Jbird

    Loot table plugin question

    Sounds like a plan @BrettG especially glad to hear it's working the way you want! Thank you for letting me know. Come on back with any questions or concerns. Teams Discord is a good resource as well. Have fun with it!
  3. Jbird

    custom reward

    Happy to hear that @frogg thank you for letting me know!
  4. Jbird

    i added the rand switch

    But why are there two IDs in the beginning in your example @MxWaRLorD?
  5. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Sick thank you for following up here too so I know it's taken care of!
  6. Jbird

    custom reward

    Hi @frogg I can help with that. There are a few ways to customize the loot to answer your questions, and to do exactly those things. To give other rewards, you can build your own loot tables for NPCs or loot in the event and place things there using one of the options that will use the own loot table. Scrap is easily added this way. To remove messages from the event you can go to the lang file and remove everything between the quotations and nothing will generate. Just leave "" behind for that notification. Option 0 for default loot will use the BetterLoot loot table you build.
  7. Jbird

    i added the rand switch

    I see two IDs. Does the plugin throw an error when you reload it? I think you need to use only one ID at a time. If no ID is used you can still set them up on any map just so you know. But you may know what you are trying to accomplish so I just mention that in case you thought it was needed. The ID can be left blank or I think 0 is default I can double check for you. This will allow the boss to spawn on every map.
  8. Happy to hear the issue is resolved. The developer is traveling at the moment and noticed it was not responded to so I wanted to reply.
  9. Jbird

    Loot table plugin question

    Have you by chance changed the CS file at all, some customers will change the default NPC that is spawning from the heavy scientists to something else. Have you by chance run this passed the community for that loot plugin? I wonder if another customer or the developer would have a quick answer for why that wouldn't work. Might have other follow up questions too just let me know on those first if you would and we will go from there @BrettG.
  10. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    It is not my plugin I provide support. The developer will be home in a couple days and can address that. Based on your initial request you asked for XP to be rewarded per boss and gave no other specifics. So based on what you asked originally, what I am telling you CAN ABSOLUTELY be accomplished. For this plugin and with your recent explanation, yes I could see where he would be able to consider using the API from the XP plugin to allow assigning different amounts per boss. I'll let him give you an answer when he gets back though. Stay tuned.,
  11. Jbird

    Gas Station Event

    I thought my other message didn't go through so I just pasted it again, didn't realize I was asking the same question in multiple places that was my bad. I will let the developer answer when he returns in a couple days. I provide support. I can say that it sounds to me like this can already be achieved closely enough that I am not sure if the plugin is going to get an update when it can do both things already just without as many specifics. With PveMode enabled the following setting exists for the player with the most points. "List of commands that are executed in the console at the end of the event ({steamid} - the player who collected the highest number of points)": [] NPCs can also already be rewarded by XP plugin I'm not sure the need to make that so complex but again the developer would have the final word in this anyway I am just sharing my thoughts.
  12. Jbird

    Gas Station Event

    Check with the developer and let them know BossMonster has a hook that they can use for this. void OnBossKilled(ScientistNPC boss, BasePlayer attacker) - сalled when a player kills a boss
  13. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Check with the developer and let them know BossMonster has a hook that they can use for this. void OnBossKilled(ScientistNPC boss, BasePlayer attacker) - сalled when a player kills a boss
  14. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    See what version you have and look at what circumstances you are referring to. With one of the recent Facepunch updates NPCs use a lot more resources, this has happened in the past but it was a big jump and was causing a lot of serious server lag and issues at certain counts. We had done research and we concluded that most average servers would have a lot of issues if they were to get around 1000 NPCs on the map at once all moving and such. NPCs outside of active player range will be dormant with the recent versions to combat this. If you are having issues check that you have the current version of NpcSpawn and any plugin that uses them. Is it BetterNpc NPCs that you're referring to?
  15. Jbird


    You're welcome @Weeds38 any time.
  16. Jbird


    It will load the file, but if the monument is there then nothing will happen. The same will happen with disabled files. They will load, and then nothing happens because they are disabled, but the file must still be read and loaded @Weeds38.
  17. Jbird


    You'll do well with a get your hands dirty attitude @Weeds38 so props on getting into it and figuring it out as you go.
  18. Jbird

    Gas Station Event

    Calm down! Just kidding. This has been requested enough times that it will come in a future update. I don't have a time window just yet but I can tell you that it's happening.
  19. Jbird


    Sorry you have to even do all that @Weeds38 but it's better than banging your head against the wall right? If you need my help once you find the file with an issue just let me know.
  20. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Tossing it into the consideration pile. I have a couple ideas for how to try to help make that a thing but we have to look at if it is possible for NPCs and how much performance hit it would cause. Thank you for the suggestion!
  21. Jbird


    No worries @Weeds38 folders look okay. Perhaps it is simply something to do with the map. Do you have log files being created? Can you check those or did we already look there for more detailed information? I think you mentioned it but it will be best if we can at least figure out the location of the one(s) having issues. Otherwise you may need to ignore it or you may need to disable one file at a time and reload until the errors stop and we would know which group its in and could narrow down from there.
  22. Jbird

    Npc not working

    The plugins are updated regularly across all sites @Mals. These two customers posted issues a month apart, but there were updates after both. I believe both actually were results of different specific issues as well, and both resulted in patches that you can see in the versions history. If there is anything that will apply to everyone it's going to go into an update as quickly as possible and will be released to everyone. There is seldom going to be anything we sort out in the Discord that is going to be missed on anyone other than one-off situations that aren't going to apply to many people and are a result of specific circumstances.
  23. Jbird

    Air Event

    What happens when you reload the plugin, what does it say there? Did you get the data moved over? It sounds like the plugin is not loading if it does not know the command. You are welcome. What happens when you reload the plugin, what does it say there? Did you get the data moved over? It sounds like the plugin is not loading if it does not know the command. You are welcome. What happens when you reload the plugin, what does it say there? Did you get the data moved over? It sounds like the plugin is not loading if it does not know the command. You are welcome. Sorry by the way I had to (with the 3x reply) Check to make sure you moved all files over from the download. Reloading the plugin should show most any errors and describe what's keeping it from loading up.


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