Recyclers are automatically given at the start of the wipe to all with the permission.
If that setting is set to false, it wont give them an additional recycler to redeem.
void OnNewSave(string filename)
List<ulong> delete_users = new List<ulong>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, PlayerInfo> kvp in pcdData.pentity)
if (permission.UserHasPermission(kvp.Key.ToString(), "personalrecycler.use") || permission.UserHasPermission(kvp.Key.ToString(), "personalrecycler.admin"))
if (kvp.Value.available_recyclers < 0) kvp.Value.available_recyclers = 0;
if (config.recycler_credits_persist) kvp.Value.available_recyclers = kvp.Value.available_recyclers + config.start_recyclers;
else kvp.Value.available_recyclers = config.start_recyclers;
else if (kvp.Value.available_recyclers == 0) delete_users.Add(kvp.Key);
if (delete_users.Count > 0) foreach (var id in delete_users) pcdData.pentity.Remove(id);