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Casinos 1.0.5

   (1 review)
Message added by imthenewguy,

This plugin no longer ships with the CopyPaste files included. The files are automatically downloaded from my DropBox when the plugin is loaded, and stored in the relevant data folder.

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About Casinos



Casinos is a plugin that allows players to host or join a casino. Hosts have a large amount of control over the amount of players that can join, the visibility of their lobby, and players that it contains.

Casinos are spawned under the map and are read from a CopyPaste file (see CopyPaste below for more information).

There are 3 casinos available by default, but you can design and add your own (see below).

Casinos are removed when the host terminates the casino, there are no more players left in the lobby, or an admin terminates all casinos.


This plugin is ideal for PVE, RP and PVP servers, as it handles the players transportation to and from the casino, as well as damage and building restrictions while there.



Type: Chat command
Command: ic
Parameters: NA
Use: General command used for all interaction with the plugin for hosts and patrons.

Type: Console command
Command: ClosingAllLobbies
Parameters: <Optional: time>
Use: Forces all active casinos to close after 30 seconds, or the time specified in the parameter.



casinos.join - required to join a lobby.
casinos.host - required to host a lobby.
casinos.admin - required to use the ClosingAllLobbies command.



Since Casinos uses the CopyPaste plugin to create the casino buildings, you can add your own casinos to the list.

There are a few things that you need to take note of when you build your casinos though:

  • Deployed Pookie bears represent the spawn point of your casino. Any pookie that is pasted will be automatically deleted, and the spawn point will be registered at it's old position.
  • Spinning wheels will be converted to the Big Wheel (from bandit camp) when pasted. Any terminal in a 10f radius of the Big Wheel will be assigned to it.

All other CopyPaste restrictions apply. You can read more about CopyPaste here: https://umod.org/plugins/copy-paste


Config example: https://pastebin.com/AtNbU0Dp

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