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Everything posted by Stampy

  1. Stampy

    Support for the following.

    Hi can we get support for the following please: Blackjack. Card Game Table. Custom Skinned Item Names (Upon receiving a custom skinned item it just gives default names.)
  2. Stampy

    Balance the Betting

    Can we use this now for the Gamble Tables and Blackjack?
  3. Stampy

    Error on load

    I have Image Library and when i load the plugin i get this: rror while compiling QuickLoot: Property or indexer 'LootContainer.FirstLooted' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only | Line: 1945, Pos: 21
  4. Stampy

    Money Printer

    4 Months Later still nothing RIP Refund everyone
  5. Stampy

    Map Issue

    Missing Monument.
  6. Stampy

    Money Printer

    his file is marked as not available to purchase. i have not herd from the dev since so i think this is just gonna be another dead plugin. probs best to go through codefling its self.
  7. Stampy

    Would it be possible?

    Thank you very much
  8. Same when i do the direct one i get this: ailed to call hook 'MeteorEventUserConsoleCommand' on plugin 'MeteorEvent v2.0.0' (IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.) at Oxide.Plugins.MeteorEvent.MeteorEventUserConsoleCommand (ConsoleSystem+Arg arg) [0x00097] in <6c81cfa99f0348ada7a9c94f70fe43b6>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MeteorEvent.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00851] in <6c81cfa99f0348ada7a9c94f70fe43b6>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 <color=#e3e3e3>Playing the file with the name of <color=#66B2FF>NuclearMissile</color></color>
  9. Stampy

    Would it be possible?

    Hi this is not a bug more of a personal thing. would it be possible to add two things the player list? .Players Perm Group. So things like Default, Admin, Staff, Citizen etc... (but hide Default) .Players Reputation. This is a Plugin im using and i would like it to display on the menu what rank they are like Bandit, good etc... I'd be happy to pay for this feature thanks. )
  10. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    dam would it be better to have a UI Menu thing like /repmenu and then it shows all players rep & perm group?
  11. Stampy

    please update

  12. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    Ill give it a try but is there away to have it displayed when your near them?
  13. Stampy

    A way?

  14. Stampy

    Recycler breaks

  15. Stampy

    please update

  16. just to ask when do you reckon this will be fixed?
  17. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    also the rep does not show above players heads ive tried all settings
  18. Stampy

    Error lag and crash

    when moving an item in inventory: Failed to call hook 'OnInventoryItemsTake' on plugin 'AdvancedStatus v0.1.4' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key '76561199238549594' was not present in the dictionary.) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <2161c9885dd04ff291b79db9349c4b9b>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.OnInventoryItemsTake (PlayerInventory inventory, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] collect, System.Int32 itemid, System.Int32 amount) [0x00017] in <64a6c3318da14181bd9ba811b84bff39>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.AdvancedStatus.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00f52] in <64a6c3318da14181bd9ba811b84bff39>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0
  19. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    yep seems to be all good thank you very much But may i ask totally different but how much would it cost for you to make an addon for this so when players see the rep above them is displays what Perm Group there in (not including Default) like ive made perm groups like citizen, cop, thief etc.... i just want it to display the job above them lol
  20. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    Yep that fixed that error but upon reloading it it lagged me out and crashed me: Failed to call hook 'OnPlayerDisconnected' on plugin 'ReputationMaster v0.1.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.ReputationMaster.OnPlayerDisconnected (BasePlayer player, System.String reason) [0x00012] in <5ea6b38d65224595a1b37bd41b7318d7>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.ReputationMaster.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0015e] in <5ea6b38d65224595a1b37bd41b7318d7>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0
  21. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    Yes that worked and now i have error Failed to call hook 'OnSendModelState' on plugin 'ReputationMaster v0.1.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.ReputationMaster.OnSendModelState (BasePlayer player) [0x00000] in <79d903e32579487992bbac21179edd55>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.ReputationMaster.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0041b] in <79d903e32579487992bbac21179edd55>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 o.unload ReputationMaster
  22. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    { "ImageLibrary Counter Check": 5, "Reputation Master command": "rep", "Use GameTip for messages?": true, "Use ddraw command, for displaying the rank? NOTE! To use, an administrator flag is required, which is granted before rendering and revoked immediately after issuing the command": true, "Is it worth displaying reputation when aiming at a player with a scope (ddraw should be enabled)? NOTE! The player's reputation may be displayed in certain bushes": false, "The time of self-defense for a lawman against an attack by another lawman(in minutes).": 15, "Forbid bandits from visiting the SafeZone(except for Banditcamp)?": false, "The time(in seconds) a bandit can stay in the SafeZone before being killed, and anyone can loot their loot": 10.0, "The prefab name of the effect upon killing a bandit in the SafeZone": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/advent_calendar/effects/open_advent.prefab", "Banditcamp custom position(xyz, example: '91.96 36.47 558.32'). Leave it blank to use default.": "-35.76 44.14 -74.76" "The minimum value for fake reputation": -10000, "The maximum value for fake reputation": 10000, "UI. Display rank in the status bar(the AdvancedStatus plugin is required)": false, "UI. Status - Height": 30, "UI. Position - Left to Right": true, "UI. Position - AnchorMin": "1 0.9", "UI. Position - AnchorMax": "1 0.9", "UI. Position - OffsetMin": "-100 -15", "UI. Position - OffsetMax": "-16 15", "UI. Text - Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "UI. Text - Font Color(empty to use by rank)": "", "UI. Text Value - Font Color(empty to use by rank)": "", "UI. Text - Font Size": 14, "UI. Background - Transparency": 0.6, "UI. Reputation Positive Value Image - URL": "https://i.imgur.com/HKqyHO8.png", "UI. Reputation Negative Value Image - URL": "https://i.imgur.com/mMdm55h.png", "UI. Added Value Sound - Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/item.select.fx.prefab", "List of available reputations": [ { "MinRange": -3.40282347E+38, "MaxRange": -1000.0, "Name": "Pure Evil", "Reward": 20.0, "Penalty": 0.0, "IsLawman": false, "AllowSafeZone": false, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/CdDKpwv.png", "Color": "#FF341E" }, { "MinRange": -999.99, "MaxRange": -600.0, "Name": "Evil", "Reward": 15.0, "Penalty": 0.0, "IsLawman": false, "AllowSafeZone": false, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/XBXToOD.png", "Color": "#FF7466" }, { "MinRange": -599.99, "MaxRange": -300.0, "Name": "Hitman", "Reward": 10.0, "Penalty": 0.0, "IsLawman": false, "AllowSafeZone": false, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/9ZzkdWA.png", "Color": "#FF9489" }, { "MinRange": -299.99, "MaxRange": -100.0, "Name": "Bandit", "Reward": 4.0, "Penalty": 0.0, "IsLawman": false, "AllowSafeZone": false, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/uF1M1DC.png", "Color": "#FF9D1E" }, { "MinRange": -99.99, "MaxRange": -25.0, "Name": "Outlaw", "Reward": 3.0, "Penalty": 0.0, "IsLawman": false, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/e6Th4li.png", "Color": "#FFC442" }, { "MinRange": -24.99, "MaxRange": -5.0, "Name": "Thug", "Reward": 2.0, "Penalty": 0.0, "IsLawman": false, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/SvFePzj.png", "Color": "#FFDA89" }, { "MinRange": -4.99, "MaxRange": 9.99, "Name": "Neutral", "Reward": 1.0, "Penalty": -1.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": true, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/cgi9T1D.png", "Color": "#5EC0CA" }, { "MinRange": 10.0, "MaxRange": 19.99, "Name": "Good", "Reward": 2.0, "Penalty": -1.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/6M1TaL1.png", "Color": "#72DCDB" }, { "MinRange": 20.0, "MaxRange": 79.99, "Name": "Trusted", "Reward": 3.0, "Penalty": -2.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/sDxPbEK.png", "Color": "#99FFFF" }, { "MinRange": 80.0, "MaxRange": 249.99, "Name": "Nice", "Reward": 4.0, "Penalty": -15.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/MZCEjDD.png", "Color": "#66FEFF" }, { "MinRange": 250.0, "MaxRange": 499.99, "Name": "Awesome", "Reward": 10.0, "Penalty": -40.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/RrzkQls.png", "Color": "#1EFEFF" }, { "MinRange": 500.0, "MaxRange": 999.99, "Name": "Guardian", "Reward": 15.0, "Penalty": -60.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/OE9Qsti.png", "Color": "#00D6D6" }, { "MinRange": 1000.0, "MaxRange": 3.40282347E+38, "Name": "Epiclly Good", "Reward": 20.0, "Penalty": -125.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "IsDefault": false, "ImgURL": "https://i.imgur.com/6yzrXE0.png", "Color": "#0AFBFB" } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } }
  23. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    also it didnt work [Reputation Master] Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values. [Reputation Master] An error occurred while attempting to get the BanditCamp position for unknown reasons. It is recommended to specify the position manually (either in the configuration or using a command). Loaded plugin Reputation Master v0.1.1 by IIIaKa
  24. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    is there an easy way to position this without having to trail and error: "UI. Position - AnchorMin": "1 0.9", "UI. Position - AnchorMax": "1 0.9", "UI. Position - OffsetMin": "-208 -15", "UI. Position - OffsetMax": "-16 15",
  25. Stampy

    When loading the plugin

    awesome that seems to have done it. but just to ask how could i make it so it doesn't interfere with simple status?


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