or better yet the instructions:
Inside the InPVPZone method, add a condition to check if the player has the PvpGod flag:
csharpCopy code
bool InPVPZone(BasePlayer player) { if (player.InSafeZone() || player.HasPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.SafeZone)) return false; if (ZoneManager?.Call<bool>("PlayerHasFlag", new object[] { player, "PvpGod" }) == true) return false; return GetPlayerZoneIDs(player).Length > 0; }
In the UpdateStatus method, add a condition to skip updating the status if the player has the PvpGod flag:
csharpCopy code
void UpdateStatus(BasePlayer player, ForceMode mode = ForceMode.None) { NextTick(() => { if (player.HasPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.PvpGod)) return; // Rest of the code to update status... }); }
With these modifications, when a player has the PvpGod flag set to true, their status will not be updated or displayed.
Note: It's important to ensure that the PvpGod flag is correctly implemented and set by the zone manager plugin you are using.