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Everything posted by abcderanzi

  1. Hi, this plugin looks really nice! I'm thinking of buying it but I have few concern I wanted to clarify first: 1. Does this plugin override the vaniila's Cargo event? Or can both spawn at the same time? 2. Does this compatible with other plugins such as Harbor event and Water event? By compatible, I mean will this plugin crashes the other plugins?
  2. As the title says, is it possible to do so? Or we already have this option? By AFK player, I mean player AFK-ing inside the raidbase, not outside(a.k.a abandon the raidbase)
  3. Replace "PhoneController.PositionToGridCoord" with "MapHelper.PositionToString" in the code
  4. abcderanzi


    Hi @KpucTaJl, Question about this plugin and Convoy plugin. If convoy spawned and Player A attacked it, he will become owner. But if Player A gave up and didn't finish the Convoy, and Convoy started moving again. What will happen if Player B attack the moving Convoy? Does Convoy count Player B as the new owner or will Convoy throw warning that the event already has an owner? PS: Player A and Player B are not in the same team/clan.
  5. Hi @nivex, Some of the players were reporting that raid base spawned inside (or too close) to the new rock generation (anvil rock etc from world update 2.0). Unfortunately I don't have screenshot of it. But thought of letting you know, maybe you can add a check for rock when generating spawn location for raid base. Thank you!
  6. Hi, I'm thinking to buy your plugin but noticed it doesn't support PveMode plugin yet. Do you have any plan to implement PveMode into your event plugin?
  7. thank you brother! that should fix my issue
  8. abcderanzi

    Loot not spawning properly

    Hi @nivex, I have configured max 7.5k stones under "Base_loot" for Easy base, and I enabled "Do not duplicate base loot" but somehow when the base spawn, it spawn with 70k stones in a single stack. I couldn't figure out what I configured wrongly, I don't have stone configured under "Difficulty_loot". And this happen to HQM metal too (cooked HQM, not ore), somehow it still spawn 7k of HQM metals in the TC even though I have tried configuring HQM in loot table with max amount of 0.
  9. Ever since I installed this plugin, I noticed recycler kept spawning under Bandit Camp. Not sure if its bug from this plugin or not, but it would be great if you can see if there's any issue generated by the plugin. Just FYI, I'm also using Monument Addons plugin from Umod, though I don't have any modification for Bandit Camp. There's no issue with recycler spawning under the map since user can't reach it anyway. But since I'm also using NTeleportation plugin, I have teleport to Bandit Camp enabled and it generated a teleport location next to recycler under the map and causes UnderTerrain exception and kept kicking player who teleport to Bandit. I've talked to Nivex about this and he's trying to patch it by not generating teleport location if recycler is under the map.
  10. abcderanzi

    Convoy Reforged

    Hi, Is it possible to have `isConvoyBradley` API? I'm thinking of calling it from Loot Defender plugin.
  11. Hi, this bug happens sometimes where item was fully repaired but once its used, the durability reset. Not sure if its caused by this plugin or just the game acting weird. You can refer to this GIF I attached. So far, I've seen it happened to M249, rocket launcher & jackhammer.
  12. Thanks for the response @nivex. I will look into your suggestion. I guess no need to implement my idea since I can still do it manually. Thank you brother!
  13. Hi @nivex, great plugin! Is it possible to have option in config to set the multiple set of count set of maintained base after X days? For example, the first day of wipe, I want set raid base to spawn 4 Easy, 3 Medium, 2 Hard and no expert & nightmare. Then on second day after wipe, I want to set base to spawn 3 Easy, 2 Medium, 2 Hard, 2 Expert & 2 Nightmare. Then on third day(until end of wipe) after wipe, I want to have 1 Easy, 2 Medium, 2 Hard, 3 Expert & 3 Nightmare. Currently I'm doing this manually by going into config and edit and run rb.reloadconfig command, but I'm hoping we can have this option so it can be automated.
  14. Sometimes I'm getting this error, not sure if its causing anything in-game or not. Failed to call internal hook 'OnPlayerDeath' on plugin 'MonumentLock v1.8.6' [3560982762] (Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.) at bool System.Collections.Generic.List+Enumerator.MoveNextRare() at bool System.Collections.Generic.List+Enumerator.MoveNext() at object Oxide.Plugins.MonumentLock.OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) in D:/TCAFiles/Users/xxxxx/3xxxxx4/carbon/plugins/MonumentLock.cs:line 118 at object Oxide.Plugins.MonumentLock.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in MonumentLock.cs/Internal:line 470
  15. Hi KpucTaJl, is it possible to make NPC shoot rocket launcher as a combat and not a raid? I'm trying to make NPC behave like this for Heli guards but they only shoot rocket if player is hiding inside building they own. NPC will not shoot if player is hiding in monument like supermarket or gas station. If we can have this option, it would be great! I tried modifying the code but it didn't work for me. Also, what does "RaidStateMelee" means?
  16. abcderanzi

    Raidable Bases

    Or it might be due to item inside locker are not counted as loot. I will go ahead and try disable loot spawning inside locker and let you know. Update: I tested and looks like the locker having issue counting loot. I disabled loot from spawning in locker and base spawn with the correct loot count now.
  17. abcderanzi

    Raidable Bases

    The timer UI is fixed in the v2.7.8! Though I noticed another issue from the new version. I have expert base profile loot amount set to 195, but some expert base spawned with only 40~50 loots, each large box only contain with 3~4 items inside. I know I can enable allow duplicate but I prefer not to have duplicated loot.
  18. I'm getting same error "Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? cratemarker[0]" after 7th Dec update, but it was from different plugin(Guarded Crate) So It might not exactly from this plugin but might be related to plugins that provides API, or possibly just FP changed something in their code.
  19. abcderanzi

    Raidable Bases

    Carbon just released an update just now (v1.2023.4342.4217). Seems like they reverted the timer library to the old one. I will test and see if issue with timer UI still persist.
  20. abcderanzi

    Raidable Bases

    Hi @nivex, I'm using Carbon, and not sure if the issue caused by raid base plugin or Carbon itself. But the issue is, timer UI is not updated real time. I can move it around now but the timer(and loot count) stays. It only gets updated if I move the UI. ps: I've reported same issue to Carbon discord.
  21. Hi, I'm having issue installing this plugin on Carbon. It was working fine on Oxide, but not on Carbon. I have MonumentFinder on latest version. This is the error its throwing me: Failed compiling '\carbon\plugins\MonumentLock.cs': 1. 'MonumentFinder' is inaccessible due to its protection level [CS0122] (MonumentLock 9 line 22) If you can help on this, it would be great.
  22. abcderanzi

    Loot Audit

    Nevermind, just found out it only log if container is not owned by the player.
  23. abcderanzi

    Loot Audit

    Can we also add logging for hackable locked crate please?
  24. Thank you so much for this tool. My suggestion is to have shortcut or option under right click to quickly disable item instead of having to edit and set max amount to 0(I don't want to remove, just disable it)
  25. I might have found another issue. My map has 3 oxums, 1 of them have no door, the other 2 had doors but the codelock was still there(no event was held on these 2 oxums). 1 oxum had 1 codelock on the door, the other had 2 codelocks(shows as 1 but when I interact with it, it shows 2 "Enter Code" option. I tried with few codes but its not unlocking). I cannot remove the codelock from the door. I tried removing with admin hammer and remover tool(with admin permission), but none are working. I cannot even detect the codelock's entity with Garry's Tool, it just shows the door's entity name. and I can only remove the whole door. I attached few screenshots of the door from the oxum with 2 codelocks (The codelock shows a red dot as in door was being locked but it is not locked). Hope it might help with your fix.. Also might be unrelated but, does your plugin spawns an XOR Switch under the oxum? I was noclip around and saw there was a switch under the oxum, and it was on all 3 oxums, I cannot interact with it too.


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