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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64
Would it be possible to add a line in the config to have it disabled by default? I know most of players will enjoy this. But others aren't going to want anything to do with it. I like to give my players a choice on how to play. Having the plugin info available so they can choose to use it vs having to look into how to turn it off would be a bonus.
I'm just now setting this up. Is there a way to have default and own loot? Similar to KpucTaJl's plugins. Or does own stack on default already.
If you're using google chrome, just click on the download (that says it's unverified under the downloads button) and then click download unverified file and it should go through. This is just the default security settings of the browser now. A dll is generally going to be blocked, but sometimes it will block zip files, exe, msi, or anything else randomly. Even if you shut off all security it will continue to block some downloads.
- 1
- #tech tree
- #disable
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I'm guessing since it's not actually for sale and they forgot to pull the bundle. So yay for loophole. But boo for paying more. To be fair though. Hotbars is a pretty decent plugin last I used it. I personally moved to a different plugin that works better for my server style. But the players loved it while it was live.
- #rust plugin
- #custom rust plugin
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Question on gather sources (BerryBush)
Fusion 3.64 replied to Fusion 3.64's Support Request in Support
Understood. I figured as much. But figured I should ask just in case. Thank you. -
Is there a way to set specific bushes? I'm dropping ExtraGatherBonuses (used for CustomMixingTable) to move everything to the Cooking config. In the ExtraGatherBonuses plugin, you set them directly to the item to convert. Using BerryBush is simple enough. But I would like it so people would have to search/farm for specific resources.
Failed to call hook 'GiveWaterbikeCCmd' on plugin 'WaterBikes v1.4.1' (OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.) at System.Number.ParseInt32 (System.String s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info) [0x00057] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x00008] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at System.Convert.ToInt32 (System.String value) [0x0000b] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.WaterBikes.GiveWaterbikeCCmd (ConsoleSystem+Arg arg) [0x0006f] in <8435fd31fe5c4ad69de4c2b8463886a0>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.WaterBikes.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00390] in <8435fd31fe5c4ad69de4c2b8463886a0>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <d4a0be71194349e98f7b43231b9cea3b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <b974d7a025404888bcdd55b51f29c440>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <b974d7a025404888bcdd55b51f29c440>:0 Not sure if this is a plugin issue or I have something else screwing it up. Edit: I'm also drowning while riding or just sitting on it in the water.
Ah. Yeah makes sense. Didn't think of that. The lag between the income and display would be horrifying. Thank you for the response.
Would you be able to add support for This way the points will be set to one location that won't interfere with other UI. No need for the player or admin to reposition it if they decide to add or remove a plugin.
It depends on your source for getting them. I use https://umod.org/plugins/portable-vehicles You can either set them as a command to give, set the title and price, or use the base item, apply the skin and set the title and display name and price So for example: { "Type": "Command", "ID": 1122, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/YcRbyFg.png", "Title": "Small Car (Place outside)", "Description": null, "Command (%steamid%)": "portablevehicles.give %steamid% car2", "Kit": null, "Plugin": { "Hook": "Withdraw", "Plugin Name": "Economics", "Amount": 0 }, "DisplayName (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "", "Skin": 0, "Is Blueprint": false, "Amount": 1, "Enable item buying?": true, "Price": 2000.0, "Enable item selling?": false, "Sell Price": 0.0, "Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 900.0, "Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 900.0, "shop.vip": 900.0 }, "Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0, "Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0.0, "shop.vip": 0.0 }, "Discount (%)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 0 }, "Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 0 }, "Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 0 Here's an example of a custom item set as "Item" vs "Command": { "Type": "Item", "ID": -1629492040, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/cHdvqa6.png", "Title": "Vip Zipline", "Description": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "", "Kit": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": "", "Plugin Name": "", "Amount": 1 }, "DisplayName (empty - default)": "Vip Zipline", "ShortName": "electric.teslacoil", "Skin": 2792362292, "Is Blueprint": false, "Amount": 2, "Enable item buying?": true, "Price": 500.0, "Enable item selling?": false, "Sell Price": 0.0, "Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0, "Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0.0, "shop.vip": 0.0 }, "Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0, "Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0.0, "shop.vip": 0.0 }, "Discount (%)": {}, "Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {}, "Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {}, "Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": {}, "Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": {}, "Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0, "Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0, "Force Buy": false, "Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false, "Localization": { "Enabled": false, "Text (language - text)": { "en": "Vip Zipline" } }, "Content": { "Enabled": false, "Contents": [ { "ShortName": "", "Condition": 100.0, "Amount": 1, "Position": -1 } ] }, "Weapon": { "Enabled": false, "Ammo Type": "", "Ammo Amount": 1 } }, If you set the item through the GUI using the base item, I think you need to set the display name, otherwise it won't apply it to the given item. Using the command option just gives the item "normally" as the plugin intends. You will aso have to use different hooks/plugin name if you are using another plugin than economics. If you choose to edit manually, you'll need to set an unused number in the "ID": section. I may be missing something, but pretty sure I covered it all.
- #shop
- #shop ui
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- #shop
- #shop ui
- #store
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- #server rewards
- #gui shop
- #custom items
- #rust shop
- #mevent
- #market system
- #marketplace
- #buy
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- #in game
- #economics
- #humannpc
- #market and magazine
- #gui
- #money exchange
- #rust shop plugin
- #shop system
- #best shop
- #best rust shop
- #shop items
- #shop mevent
- #shop in menu
- #shop gui
As many have mentioned, I'm having issues with things not smelting. Also when recycling, if I have more than one item to give, I only get one.
Okay. I thought I had the latest version. I'll download it again. Thank you.
Sorry. Over explaining and complicating the question as usual. Also you can close this. I saw that you included images and none of them have the NPC turrets (Like the ones at outpost). So there's some other base/issue causing this. Just happened to be at the same time I started using your bases. Sorry about the accusation.
So I just started running these on my server and ran into a small problem. Players have been reporting NPC turrets being left behind. I'm assuming these are in some of your expert/nightmare bases? I guess they aren't despawning with the base for some reason. I was wondering if you could give me the list of bases that contain these so I can pull them from the rotation for now? It would be quicker than spawning each of the bases one at a time to check.
Understood. No rush. Just figured I'd give you a heads up on the opportunity to corner the market. But it looks like they finally patched it. Either way whenever you get the chance I think it would still make a great addition.
I was wondering if the enhanced hammer aspect was still a possibility. Since that plugin is broken, and doesn't seem like it's going to be fixed any time soon, if you were able to add this aspect to your plugin, it would most likely bring in more customers.
I've been looking it over and I'm not sure there's a way to do this. But is there a way to have default recipes? I'd like to give players the ability to craft the ingredient bag without having to learn it first.
Nice. I'll give it a go tomorrow. Thank you.
I'm not sure if you can do anything on your end or if it's the other plugins not using the right hook (or whatever it is). But I've run into the issue when crafting vanilla items like gunpowder, LGF, or ammo, not stacking with vanilla crafting or world drops. It's not just your plugin but other stack managers as well. If I pull the stack plugins there's no issue.
I understood the whole process with that. Just "say x is leaving in x with whatever witty comment after" repeat x times until "KillBoss <name>". It's more a matter of the current system, The way I have TimedExecute running with server messages is I'm running BetterSay to alter the prefix, and color to bring attention to it. Which is perfect. Only thing is I only run it prior to server restart or if I am chatting through console. Adding in additional alerts with this set formatting isn't what I would call ideal. Players see that come up in chat and it's just the admin talking or the server is restarting. Blind eye. If it could be a possibility, I can wait. I'm not looking for anything to happen a.s.a.p. Devs have lives and multiple projects going on at the same time. And if there's no chance of any changes to help with this. I get it. You can just say it. I can do my best to figure something else out. Possibly find another plugin to handle things better or commission someone to make a new version of BetterSay or something similar with multiple formatting options.
deleted for edit.
Fair enough. But I'm still seeing complications in this. Mostly with players having to walk away from a fight. Or players not noticing the despawn alert. There comes a point where players get comfortable with the server and stop paying attention to the notifications. Or some just don't read them because it's "too much of a hassle". It sounds dumb. But this is Rust after all. I've been running servers coming up on 7 years, and the patterns are pretty solid. Best case scenario with this setup would be having an option for a boss lifetime with a timer on the map marker similar to the raidable bases. Timer gets reset for X time when hit by a player. And setting "Minimum/Maximin time of appearance after death [sec.]": 0.0,
Gotcha. So I could use TimedExecute to spawn them X at a time at x location etc. Easy enough to do. This is how I handle running all the monument event plugins to prevent them from overlapping. Problem with the kill timer is if a player is in the middle or end of a fight. That will lead to some really pissed off players.
I'm sorry. I didn't get see any notification on this until just now. I tend to over explain things. What happens is, if the jetpack is "active" and you swap items in the locker (that has a jetpack), All items in your attire will vanish except for the jetpack. I also have my jetpack set as gloweyes so they can be worn with anything. Not sure if that matters.