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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64
I've been using this plugin about as long as I've been buying plugins from Mercury. This is the best update so far. Simple to set up. Lots of options. And when you're done, you'll have lots of new, interesting and powerful tools for your players to use and find on the server. You'll need another plugin to add them to the loot table, but there are plenty of those around.
I can't post a review on this since I haven't purchased it from here, but I will say that the players love it. I have them set to spawn in high tier crates at low rates through another plugin. Or as a playtime gift through another. They've become goal items for the veteran players on the server. They basically hit the ground running at wipe looking for the "Hot Knife" or whatever other tool I've set up. Well worth the purchase. I'll probably be picking this up tomorrow to save myself from needing to do translations for future updates
I have the permission setting as default in the config and it's not working through console or listing in a permission manager. I even tried changing vip to instancedcontainers.vip just to see and that didn't work either. I am on the current version Loaded plugin InstancedContainers v1.0.2 by imthenewguy Wiped and started fresh just to make sure nothing was wonky with the config/lang.
- #storage
- #containers
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I found a conflict of sorts with your instanced containers. This plugin will allow you to create containers within it, but they are unusable. When you back out of the container and go back in they have vanished. And the process can be repeated. Granted most players would get the hint after the first attempt and not repeat it. But not all. May I suggest adding a skin blocker to the instanced container plugin?
One more suggestion. Would you be willing to add a lang file for the info button. Basically saying what this does. There are always some some players that need a little more clarity on things. Even when you have a plugin like ServerInfo or UniversalUI running that explain every single plugin you have running on the server.
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- #storage
- #containers
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- #storage
- #containers
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Example: /addglobalstorage (while looking at a large wooden box). Permission: globalstorage.chat It actually requires globalstorage.admin Took me a couple minutes before I figured out I needed to turn that on. Also you can run /gstorage and it will open up "the box" even if it's empty. So it kinda voids the purpose of even having boxes at any of the locations. It just becomes a secondary backpack.
Compared to most /craft plugins I have to say this is my favorite so far. It supports all formats of items, so you can craft whatever you need including items from other plugins. It even has the option to create "your own" deployable vehicles and recycler built into it which gives you the option to remove several other plugins if you wish. I haven't yet used the UI to set up any items for the plugin. But if it's anything like the shop UI it's going to be brilliant. Depending on how deep you want to get into custom crafting you may want to set up an imgur.com account to host your own images as well as picking up to create your own icons/skins. Granted you can do this through steam command. But honestly, this is cheap and so much easier.
Okay. It just finally got through my thick head. I need to add permissions through the plugin as well. That's why the admin and default permissions were all missing. They weren't in the config to begin with. So reloading the server lead to a "wipe" of all permissions. So now using a permission manager and command line is null and void if running this plugin since I have to add the permission into the configuration anyway. I mean I can run the permission through a mobile RCON app if needed. I just need to remember to add it to the config when I get home.
Understood. I just over extended the information about how I can and should use oxide to assign users to group creation as well. I had a feeling. That's why I asked at the end. So just replicate all existing groups to the config, and then do the same for any future new groups. Could you possibly make it so the plugin will import new groups when created? There's a number of plugins out there that create their own groups. And if the admin/owner doesn't catch that before restart they'll wind up in the same boat.
So I'm not 100% on this, but I think the plugin is clearing and preventing the oxide data from saving. Or I'm doing something wrong. After installing this, all groups and permissions were removed from the server after restart. I tried adding them again, and same result. Importing backups of the servers old data files while shut down and starting back up had the same also had the same result. After removing the plugin was I able to use the backup method to restore my groups and permissions. Do I need to manually enter all groups into the config to prevent deletion as well as all permissions to each group?
- #rust
- #rust plugin
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- #rust
- #rust plugin
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Got it. Thank you.
Would it be possible to add a requirement of ownership option so players can't run around changing other players horses? Maybe add this (https://umod.org/plugins/claim-vehicle-ownership) as an optional dependency. I'd like to use this as a supporter perk. But I can see this getting a little tempting to annoy others once they figure it out.
That would be appreciated
{ "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/xj0N3lI.png", "Title": "Snowmobile", "Description": "Conquers snow biomes", "Command (to give an item)": "givesnowmobile", "Permission (ex: crafts.vip)": "crafts.all", "Display Name": "Snowmobile", "Shortname": "electric.flasherlight", "Amount": 1, "Skin": 2747934628, "Type (Item/Command/Vehicle/Recycler)": "Vehicle", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab", "Command on give": "", "Workbench Level": 2, "Distance Check": true, "Distance": 1.5, "Place the ground": true, "Place the structure": false, "Items For Craft": [ { "Image": "", "Shortname": "gears", "Amount": 5, "Skin": 0, "Title (empty - default)": null }, { "Image": "", "Shortname": "roadsigns", "Amount": 5, "Skin": 0, "Title (empty - default)": null }, { "Image": "", "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Title (empty - default)": null } ], "For Modular Car": null } If you read the response I posted, you do not have to redo anything. You literally just need to back up your current config. Generate a new one. Cut and paste the snowmobile entries from the new config into the one you've been using, save it and then upload it to your server. The whole process with take you maybe 2 minutes. You can just copy this info and put it into your config. If the plugin just inserted new items into my config. Honestly I would be pissed. And I think many other users would be too. This update info was just poorly worded. It should have included that it's added to the default configuration. If it were added to everyone's personal config, they would have to edit the resources or remove it if they didn't want it. And that's just annoying.