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Everything posted by KingSizeKevin

  1. Yes, it used to do that, but it seems like it is not working like that anymore. It worked as you described for a long time but suddenly not anymore.
  2. KingSizeKevin

    Heli Signals

    came to say the same thing, plugin didnt load today after updating to the latest version
  3. I noticed that I am having to /remove large battery, solar panel & wind mill and place it back down to kick on an upgraded tier. How do I get this to apply automatically to pre-existing electronics?
  4. KingSizeKevin


    Suggestion: For the servers that never use the Transfer Wipe skill, there is no point in keeping player data files from wipe to wipe to wipe. My players skills data folder is at 7000 files and we do a full wipe of everything 100% every month. Can you add a config option: Full Auto Wipe: True/False? A full auto wipe means all the data files are removed too, keeping the skills folder tidy for servers that have no plans of using the transfer skill.
  5. Im hearing by self carnage with f1 nades.. I will have to test against but I believe it was Mil Tunnels and 1 or 2 other monuments. Is there a way to prevent damage from f1 nades if they originate from the drone?
  6. drones are destroying themselves, how can I stop that?
  7. KingSizeKevin


    If I am mistaken and missing something I can do to accomplish this please let me know.
  8. KingSizeKevin


    This biggest problem with this plugin breaking is that we can't wipe the server until it works, otherwise all the previous skills and permissions don't get wiped. I don't even use the transfer skill and liked the plugin much better before that when it was more simple. We should be able to wipe our servers with this plugin missing but then upload it later and it still resets to the current wipe.
  9. Can we get option for which NPC is used as the base npc? Maybe it would be a config option in every plugin, but the npcspawn is the dependency. For example, our economy pays out the highest $3 per npc kill for killing Heavy Scientists, but that means every NPC from every plugin you guys make pays out the highest amount. This doesnt make sense for Caravan farmer npcs that are easy. It would be much more ideal to set a lower $1 payout on RustRewards for this easier NPC. If possible, we should be able to choose between a few NPC profiles as the base unit for each plugin.
  10. KingSizeKevin

    Hidden Category

    I tried to set a category as hidden in the config and it said this: (21:16:12) | [Shop] Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values. (21:16:12) | ArgumentException: Requested value 'Hidden' was not found.
  11. This plugin has a memory leak and causes entire server to crash. Proceed with caution.
  12. KingSizeKevin

    cant damage heli

    Could this be the same issue I have where the Heli resets to zero HP and never dies??
  13. Can you fix the heightmap so it fills in the monument so the splat shows on the map? Right now only a tiny part of the monument shows
  14. Great plugin! Would it be possible to set up the same thing for Airfield with an npc vendor and a bradley path?
  15. Just to add, it isn't consistently happening. Can't seem to accurately reproduce the issue every time.
  16. I like the idea of this plugin, and bought it, only to realize how many animals are involved, and we use the Rust Rewards plugin from this website. Is there a way this plugin could ignore paying out a RustReward with an API call? Cause right now I have to choose between this plugin and our entire economy system...
  17. Players took our hardest heli that has 20K HP. When it went to zero HP, it reset back full again.
  18. KingSizeKevin


    Can you add support for starting below 1x on wood/stone/metal/sulfur? I want to start out players lower. Like 0.5x starting skill, then 1.0x, then 1.5x, then 2.0x
  19. KingSizeKevin

    Heli Signals

    I know you added the ability to block the heli signal from being thrown in monuments, but could the same be done for the ocean? Players like the throw it in the ocean so no fire and no NPCs spawn and I want to eliminate that.
  20. From my memory, even the Vanilla Launch Site Bradley will only have 1000 HP when using the most recent version of this plugin no matter what Hp you set, and that one isnt even handled by Bradley Monuments plugin. I will boot up my test server and re-test everything again to confirm
  21. I put 0 in the HP for that plugin for each bradley This was what I was told to do before so BradleyOptions detected it should override the health. It works just fine on the old verison, just not the new one.
  22. I'm aware of that. I tested this extensively by isolating it to just this plugin. The only other bradey plugin I have is the Bradley Monuments. Ive used that with this plugin in combination for years. I set 0 (zero) HP on the bradleys on that plugin, and then BradleyOptions works as expected. As soon as I update this plugin, it will no longer set the HP.
  23. I set all my bradleys to 2000 HP but they all say 1000 HP when using the latest version. I had to roll back to version 2.2.3 to make all my bradleys have 2000 HP again, as I set in the config.


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