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Everything posted by KingSizeKevin

  1. I think anyone still wanting to edit the text file vs the UI could be won over with something to address this problem. I want to set settings on Substation 0 or Ice Lake 0 and apply them to all the other similar profiles. These locations commonly have the same exact settings and having to do it manually over and over is very tedious with the UI. If there was some way to "apply to all" when setting one of the repetitive profiles it would save a ton of time.
    I actually made this plugin request on another website a month ago because I was looking for exactly this!! Not sure if you answered my prayers but this plugin is perfect! Considering how extensive economy plugins are I was surprised to find this did not exist already. Happy to see it be developed and well worth the few bucks as it totally opened up the economy in a much better way. Thank you for the plugin!
  2. One more bug: If you have kits and click Edit kits on a monument then click Reload profile, it resets the kits back and you have to do it a 2nd time in order for the setting to stick.
  3. We discussed it before but I thought of a much simpler solution. When you type /botrespawn while editing a current monument it will have a button on the main screen "edit last profile" which just takes you straight to the monument edit screen of the current one being worked on.
  4. typing harborstart in console
  5. When I click overrides for a bot spawnpoint to try to make it stationary the buttons do not react to clicking them and I can't change the settings.
  6. Using version B, players get a weird lag behavior for 10 seconds when doing /suspect. Not ideal under situations when trying to view a players recoil pattern in-game.
  7. KingSizeKevin

    No UI pops up

    Disregard, it had a delay, working fine. You can close/delete this.
  8. KingSizeKevin

    No UI pops up

    Using version B For admin purposes. Tried to run it on a few players and it says you are now checking the player but nothing pops up on the screen.
  9. Sweet! Appreciate all your work. The plugin is working great and I'm getting more used to the UI and starting to like it. Last question: Would it be possible to modify the cargo ship event and add some more npc?
  10. Any ETA when we can at least get the PVP greeting message when entering the zone? This is stressing my players out everytime it pops up and they aren't aware about it being PVP until they exit. Thank you!
  11. Would it be possible to add oil rigs as parent monuments so we can attach recurring custom spawn points to them?
  12. Interested to try revamp of this plugin but I saw the config is in Russian only? Will there be english added?
  13. Suggestion: Add support for commands to go to different tabs. So if people type /rules it goes to the rules tab. If people type /wipe it goes to the wipe tab. This would be very nice.
  14. Update from my players is that it is still happening even with no custom spawn locations.
  15. As soon I turned off custom spawnpoints for all monuments it stopped happening so far. I set about 200 custom spawn points on 5 monuments when it started happening. It wasn't all bots. Only 1 out of like 30 bots in the area having insane line of sight on a player. If they go around a mountain or hill then it stops tracking
  16. Not sure its rare its happening quite frequently ever since I set a bunch of custom spawn points and updated to 1.0.4. It didnt happen at all before today. Ive had about 5 players say they are being tracked super far away just in the last half hour after I set custom spawn points and updated. I'll revert back to non custom spawn points and see if it stops.
  17. I also just updated to 1.0.4. same time so idk if coincidence. I cant seem to replicate it. It just seems to be a random one here or there is shooting a player who is 200-350 meters away and running straight towards them. Deaggro range should be like 50m in config
  18. Have bots shooting players who are 300 meters away. It seems to have happened once I enabled custom spawn points. When I switch back to non-custom spawn points those npcs stop having that behavior.
  19. One more suggestion, can we change BotHealth from increments of 20 to 10? I like to set them at 150 and it would make it easier so I dont have to edit config file.
  20. Thank you I think that would be swell. Everything would feel at ease of use again at that point. I do like the config options in the GUI which makes that angle much easier. I know I have voiced frustration, but I appreciate your work greatly. It has been a rough week for all pve admins and you have done the best you can under the circumstances. Look forward to the future of the plugin.
  21. fyi the DB shotgun is not a good solution. I had to disable it. Looking forward to update where its back to melee
  22. Maybe there could be a way to resume at the last GUI interface that we were last on if we closed it instead of having to start from the beginning of the UI again? Idk if that would be better or worse but I'm usually working on 1 monument at a time so if the GUI opened back up to where it last was I feel like I wouldn't have to do all these unnecessary extra clicks for something that took 1 command before, like showing all the spawnpoints with /botspawn show <duration>. Speaking of duration can we add that back also? I like to analyze the spots for more than the 30 seconds it shows and I have to go back in the GUI multiple times. Before I could set it to 120 seconds and analyze it better.
  23. Can we please just have the old command system back? The extra keybind is better and a step closer but still a downgrade. /botspawn edit "monumentname" should do the same exact thing as going to the monument, typing /botrespawn, and clicking thru a bunch of UI interfaces to finally come to a button that says "add by command". Like I get it that it makes it easier for novice users but what is the harm of a simple command to come to the same result like the old botspawn? Certainly a botspawn edit command can replicate the GUI and let advanced users get this shit done faster and easier with commands. The show command also as going to GUI again is so many extra steps compared to typing a command. Please give us command/gui options and not force only gui.
  24. 3.0 then lol. Point is the extra lengthy command is just to make it seem like its "new" for no reason at all. We know its botspawn with a little extra rework. I suppose I can just edit the cs file myself for a quick fix


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