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Everything posted by KingSizeKevin

  1. Hello, I am using the Harbor Event and Convoy Event plugins. They have their own settings for bradley when they spawn yet this plugin says it is spawning a tiered bradley. Is there any way to prevent Bradley Tiers from announcing one spawned when they are actually not bradley tiers and have their own HP and settings in their respective configs? I would think that as long as I dont set zero HP and zero crates it would not trigger bradley tiers. As a side note, even when I put zero for HP & crates it still doesn't work with Bradley Tiers. Hopefully there is an easy solution to not get these messages on non-bradley tier tanks?
  2. Players are upset cause using a melee knife, etc on a bear carcass actually yields less resources when you have the skill cause the animal carcass dies faster. Any way to exclude dead animals or block melee... it would be idea as it negatively affects gameplay even though its supposed to be a perk.
  3. Nevermind, looks like the tanks wandered off the road.
  4. Disregard, looks like I had older version of npcspawn from HarborEvent and I updated it and everything is fine now. But lmk if you can integrate bradley tiers and custom heli tiers
  5. KingSizeKevin

    Convoy spawned broken

    Whenever I spawn the convoy these naked npcs with guns are stuck in the second vehicle and the convoy doesnt move. THe first tank keeps moving Also another side note, could we make this compatible with Bradley Tiers and possibly Custom Helicopter tiers to spawn specific tiers from those plugins? Excellent concept, hope we can get it moving!
  6. Ok cool, I was going to come back to say that I still cant raid an abandoned base that popped up. Looking forward to the fix!
  7. Need a page number tab or back/forward arrows or something to handle having more than 52 spawnpoints. I can't see #53-60 that I have set.
  8. Would it be possible to make a plugin that adds more NPCs to oil rig or cargo?
  9. KingSizeKevin

    GUI overlapping

    When the vending machine has 7 items in it then the GUI overlaps. When it has 6 items or less it does not overlap. Maybe a new location on the interface or resize the scrap exchange box?
  10. Havent had any abandoned bases pop up yet but if there is a problem when they do I'll mention it! TY
  11. Could someone make a weapon durability plugin where the config has a simple config 0.0 to 1.0 and if it is set to 1.0 it is normal durability. 0 would be off, 0.1 would be the lowest setting which is 1/10th of normal durability. As an added bonus, if 3 permission tiers could be created with configurable config attached it that would be great. durability.preset.1 etc would give permission to preset 1, and so on. Please!
  12. KingSizeKevin


    Any chance for a Weapon Durability skill?
  13. New update is amazing! Thank you. Really happy with all the new changes! Was augmenting cargo ship something that would still be possible ?
  14. If i was close enough yes I was taking splash damage like normal
  15. Unable to do damage to this base and get this message
  16. Could we expand on the permission system? I would like to create tiers for the Skills plugin. So it would have like permissions: itemslostdurabilityonnpchit.protectplayer.1 itemslostdurabilityonnpchit.protectplayer.2 itemslostdurabilityonnpchit.protectplayer.3 And then the config file could have further expansion something like this. Default would be applied globally and the permission tiers would overwrite the default settings once the permission is applied. "Default": { "CloseDurabilityPercent": 0.75, "ExplosionDurabilityPercent": 0.0, "LongDurabilityPercent": 1.0, "MeleeDurabilityPercent": 0.75 }, "Permission Tiers": { "1": { "CloseDurabilityPercent": 0.50, "ExplosionDurabilityPercent": 0.0, "LongDurabilityPercent": 0.75, "MeleeDurabilityPercent": 0.5 }, "2": { "CloseDurabilityPercent": 0.25, "ExplosionDurabilityPercent": 0.0, "LongDurabilityPercent": 0.5, "MeleeDurabilityPercent": 0.25 }, "3": { "CloseDurabilityPercent": 0.10, "ExplosionDurabilityPercent": 0.0, "LongDurabilityPercent": 0.25, "MeleeDurabilityPercent": 0.10 } } Just an idea and of course implement the way you think is best! This would be huge for PvE servers so we can pair it with the firearm modifier plugin. Thank you for the consideration!
  17. KingSizeKevin


    Hello, I am about to buy this plugin, but a quick question. Do custom commands end up in a commands category? Or can I make my own categories up? I don't see any command section on the screenshots so Im curious where they end up on the menu. Thank you!
  18. Any news on an update on this plugin plus your other ones? Would really like to give them melee weapon instead. I had to disable all of your plugins until they are updated sadly.
  19. What I meant was just that if I disable truePvE and abandoned bases works properly, shouldnt that point you towards truepve problems? Of course, so far the next few abandoned bases that spawned were raidable. I can't find any consistency yet. I'll remember to run /ab.debug the next time it happens. Thanks for your help and support!
  20. So when I disabled TruePVE the base started taking damage. Do you know what is wrong where it has intermittent problems of allowing or not allowing damage to bases?
  21. Suggestion: Support for timed profiles. For example at start of wipe I want it to be easier. After 7 days since wipe, it will load a 2nd profile that is more difficult. After another 7 days it gets harder. The last week of the month is insanity mode. End user could configure X amount of profiles and then set the time into the wipe each one should initiate. Would be a great addition for people who want to add progressive difficulty over time.
  22. KingSizeKevin

    bases not taking damage

    very inconsistent reports of some bases not taking damage still. Can't seem to find any consistency but sometimes this plugin works and other times it does not.
  23. Suggestion: first custom spawn point is spawn 1. Remove 0 as the first spawn point. Also, If possible, do the same for monuments. I'd rather have Habor 1 and 2 rather than harbor 0 and 1.
    Solid plugin. Everything works as expected. Plugin developer added a new feature upon request. Support for external plugins via commands is huge and I was able to add 3-4 custom skills on top of the preconfigured ones. A simple yet extremely effective economic based skills plugin!
  24. Could you make it so 1.5 reads as $1.50 instead of $1.5 cause its just normal to include the extra zero when dealing with monetary values


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